Sunday, November 27, 2011

How Many Days Till Christmas?

That is the new question!
We pulled out our decorations on Friday and Adrian since then has been asking all sorts of questions about Christmas and Santa. Why does he come down the chimney? We have hung our stockings and also Ogo and Oscar the Fox's next to Adrian's!

On Saturday we went Ornament shopping. The baby had to have a first year ornament with his picture like Adrian. And we also added some more to our collection with Hobby Lobby's half off sale. Adrian's favorite color is green and so he got two green ornaments and a red strand of lights for the mini tree in his room. You should have seen the expression of surprise and joy on his face when I plugged in the lights!

We bought a "Charlie Brown" Christmas Tree from McCoy's Tree Lot today! We set it up on the train table and we set up his Santa Express train underneath. We were so excited that we baked some sugar cookies too.

Friday, November 25, 2011

November is almost over....but we have food until the end of the month.

The van is much room, a 6 cd player, automatic doors, a cool blue color :)
I have noticed that there is a slight scraping after it is turned on and after shifting into second. I'll have to ask them to check it out when I go to the dealership to get it detailed.

Kaili is now 2 months old as of 11/23/11 on Wednesday! He talks a lot...coos...he smiles more and especially in the morning time when he wakes up. He is getting stronger and holding his head up for longer periods. He is super fussy lately with tummy gas aches :( We're using gripe water and simethicone drops. He had his first shots...the first shots since we start them when they're born or at the two week appt at his 2 month well check. He was 9lbs 10oz (4th percentile) on 11/18/11. He was 22 1/4 (24th percentile) inches long. Head circumference is small at 14.25 in (1st percentile) but Adrian's was always small too when he was an infant. We got the Dtap, Polio, Hib, rotavirus and pneumoncoccal conjugate vaccines. I've been keeping up on the baby's memory calender and might start his photo book soon...instead of doing a scrapbook.

Adrian getting his name down!! He can write it and say the letters...although he sometimes trades his I for a T. He continues to get smarter and therefore more manipulative...he snuck chocolate the other day when told only one, ran away and snuck it then (here was his mistake) proclaimed "haha momma...I ate it." I made him spit it and then he got in trouble. We're learning one step at a time.
He loves playdates with his friend William and seeing his cousins at family dinner!

It's winter and so as soon as everyone is feeling better someone else catches and spreads something else. So far we have not landed in the ER and only had to use our inhaler as preventative last time he was ill. Barry and I will still get our flu shots since it helped last year and neither of us got sick from the flu. Sure don't want the baby to get it.

Thanksgiving was fun....we had dinner in Longmont on Wednesday and dinner at home on Thursday...about 15 people at each shindig. Loved Chris' mom's cranberry sauce and the spedinis!!!!
:) On Thursday, we had two turkeys-fried (sooo juicy) and baked, two stuffings family-recipe and seafood, salad with homemade dressings, sweet potatoes, baked ziti, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, rolls, bread, kahlua pork sandwiches with homemade bbq sauce, turkey soup with dumplings, and perogis. Then for dessert we had pbj tirimisu, pumpkin cheesecake, caramel pumpkin pie, walnut pumkin pie, regular pumpkin pie, venitians, cranberry chocolate torte with coffee! We all have leftovers to eat at least until the end of the month.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Wanna see my (potential) new mom car?

We are test driving it for the weekend! We ran a carfax on it and it all looks good. Their reports look good too that they showed us. It drives smoothly, no transmission jumps when shifting, takes grade 5 hills just fine, and has so much room.

Adrian fell asleep both rides and Kaili slept too, but he always does when the car is moving.

Dellenbach is where my last subaru came from, and Barry's work does a lot of business with them, and so we started there....hopefully we won't have to keep looking. Barry's having his mechanic guys look at it on Monday and the dealership is looking into getting a better rate than 3.74% that my credit union got me, then we'll go from there. There was another odyssey: an 04 in boulder with fewer miles, a dvd player and leather seats but 06's have better safety ratings.

So why a mini-van? I can easily transport all the people that I ever want. It fits 8 p eople!!! Automatic doors....great storage...drives like a car :)  I like it...and what a great color! Easy to use dials and other doodads! And Barry talked them down to 13, 288.....from 14000 online listing price :) 15000 is the sticker price...

Friday, November 11, 2011

November Photos

 Play time


A good read

Thanks Grandma for the crabby outfit

In this contraption again?

Some favorite photos of August 2011

7 weeks...and so it begins

How do I protect little sibling from big sibling? Intentional or not? In retaliation or not?
How do I teach them to be safe with one another? And that there job as brother's is to keep each other safe?

Adrian accidentally dropped a toy that swiped Kaili's face, causing him to cry hysterically, despite a lack of any mark. He must have been frightened and surprised by it. Adrian kissed him after prompting some empathy and remorse from him. He gets really quiet/non responsive when he feels bad about something, which he did.

I guess I just keep reminding him of his job as a big brother to keep his little brother safe. And to evoke empathy...humans who are such social creatures may not be so empathetic without learning from mistakes and pressure to conform. I wonder if children would be empathetic without learning but I fear not as humans are cruel creatures that put themselves first, starting at a young age. Perhaps that is what is wrong with the world...there is a fear of parents to make their children empathetic that it may crush their independence or spirit. I hope I'm mostly wrong. The root of the problems in this world is the seperation of families, clans, small societies and tight knit cultural groups that ensured that each of their members was cared for and raised to the same standard. That is 'no child left behind', and near impossible in today's society for most. How then in this disassembled society do I raise a good, empathetic, caring child? Even my own support group that helps me raise my chilodren has collected from each a different generational group of support and therefore are without a unity of ideals and practices.

7 weeks old
Kaili weighs over 8 lbs now. I no longer go to weekly weight checks as he is consistently gaining weight, and is growing rolls!! Kaili smiled at me last  Monday over and over and has done it about once a day so far. Yay!!! He's  also been a little more vocal...fussy with gas, cooing when content or when talking with him, he squealed today while sitting in his vibrating bouncy seat, and I can tell the difference between his angry/hurt/scared cry and his fussy/I'm all alone/I'm gassy cry.
Overall a good baby. Loves to be held and near his mommy and daddy. Sleeps well when close to a body. Sleeps better though on his own in his little bassinet. Slept once in his crib for over 10 minutes, over an hour actually. I should probably start conditioning him to sleeping in his crib but tend to place him in his swing to sleep during the day instead, and in bed at night with us.

Adrian has been getting better at numbers and counting. He knows about 'zero' now.
He has been getting better about spelling hiis name and recognizing lower case letters of his name. He is great at his ABC's except for I gets confused with T, and he sometimes forgets occasional letters.
We have a new math book for pre-k. He works hard at his preschool workbook. Our sticker chart has 'got dressed by myself' 'practiced preschool skills' 'wrote name' listened to mommy/daddy' and 'picked up my toys'.
So far so good!
Jealousy issues continue. Of course. Cannot leave him alone in the room with the baby as he tends to get close and poke at his face, put things in his face, ad being 3 not be fully ware of his personal space and boundaries.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Holidays and gifts...FYI

Not that the kids need anything, but....

I have updated the baby registry and will be updating the other wish lists. Adrian does not get any new toys since he already has one of everything. Kaili will get hand me downs. And what they both really need are education funds. Preschool costs $810 per year for the two days a week. Adrian will be in pre-K next year. This is a 3 or 4 days a week class and will cost either $1143 ot $1512 depending on how many days he goes. This is what I am passing on to people when they ask what he wants/needs: an education fund.

He is outgrowing his clothing tremendously quickly as well. He currently wears size 4T and 5T in some items such as shirts and PJ's. He is wearing size 3T and 4T pants. Size 10 shoes (still fits in 9's barely).

If you asked Adrian what he wants, he'd say marbles and a Leap Frog Leapster 2 Games for his Game System that he got last year. He is happy with a bandaid instead of a sticker, a rock, and a bouncy ball and will carry them around in a basket or bucket truck for days on end as his special things.

Another FYI: I do not dress them in promotional/cartoon/clothing with writing or characters on it unless they are pajamas. He will be getting a pair of Diego PJ's from me since that is his favorite right now. He's outgrown Caillou, but still likes his jammies with Thomas on them.

Kaili has everything he needs since we saved everything from Adrian. He enjoys sleeping, bathing, staring at things, being cuddled. He will eventually need a big boy carseat :) I will add that to the registry.

Friday, November 4, 2011

six week update

Adrian is demonstrating more jealousy lately. This is hard for him even though he has said nothing bad about the baby, he has blamed coloring on the floor on Kaili, has said that he should go to jail, and that he is dead because he beat him up then explained that he was just playing around together. Sounds frightening but he acts lovingly all the time, sometimes too lovingly where he crowds his face, licks him, over stimulates Kaili. Only once did he possibly bite him but he said he used his lips so he may not have.,.but the baby did start crying :( He helps by getting diapers, wipes, holds him, and sings to him whenever he cries. He discovered that the baby likes to suck on his fingers so I've been encouraging him to wash his hands and not to touch the babies face or mouth.

Ogo and Kermit, Adrian's imaginary friends, have been participating in our daily routine lately...their moms' are sick b/c of a spider bite, which is why they are having sleepovers at our house. They attend preschool, go on errands, and to grandma's house with him. We usually have to save them a seat and they usually want their own plate of food.

ON 11/1/11 KAILI ROLLED FROM TUMMY TO BACK. TODAY HE WEIGHED 8 LBS 4.3 OZ AT OUR WT CHECK. SLEEPING FOR LONGER PERIODS AND STILL EATING A LOT. HE'S COOING MORE TOO. I LOVE IT ALL! I have the roll on videotape but it's a super long video so I need to figure out how to edit it shorter either on my camera or computer so I just get that clip.

Sending out announcements today...finally! 11/4 Kaili is 6 weeks old. Had 6 week appt yesterday for me and all is well.

Now that my time off is half way over, I'm starting to stress about childcare, buying a new car, going back to a stressful job and still doing everything I do now (and the house isn't even clean daily), buying this house sometime in the near future hopefully, and also getting transportation for adrian to and from preschool twice a week. Also I'll need to be pumping at work, and its such a hectic schedule that I don't know how I will build that into my day.

Adrian is getting sick again-he has a cough. Any exposure to third hand smoke-hair/skin/clothing/furniture/walls/carpet or second hand-in the air, seems to exhacerbate him into a cold. I'm happy he's been well during the time I've been off so far but I don't know what I'll do when I go back to work since I have no time off saved up if the kids do get sick. I know Barry will take off if he needs too but it's his busy season too. It doesn't help that my coping mechanism for stress is to freeze. So basically nothing is getting solved. I'm sure I'll figure it all out by the time I go back to work but so not looking forward to having to do that.

Anyways...hopefully this weekend goes well and we find a car for me so that we can alleviate one stressor.

Going to family dinner is good...every Thursday. It's important to me and I need to figure out how to do it even when I'm back at work.

October events are all over, all too soon. We had lots of fun though at the Fritzler's Corn maze, Tiny Tots Trick or Treating, the Zombie Fest and Barry took him trick or treating in the evening of Halloween. He was a "dinosaur dragon".