Saturday, June 23, 2012

Kaili 9 Months Old June 23 2012

My nine month old weird since I still feel like he's so little. He is 17 lbs 1.5 oz. He is 28 inches long and that puts him in the 10th %ile for weight and 39th for height.  He can sit up in his crib now but is still working on sitting up from lying down on the floor. He can do it on a mattress usually or by pulling himself up using rails, bedding, etc. He still sleeps with his momma and if momma is around then he won't fall asleep on his own lately. I have created a little monster...a cute little cuddly monster.
He can wave his arms...'all done,' 'up,' when he dances, and we're working on hello/goodbye waves but he will wave when he gets excited and sees you so that counts as hello! He army crawls/scoots all over the place which he started in May, and can get on his hands and knees but doesn't crawl on them. He loves to play with balls, drums, and....his thing is strings, rope, cords, hair. He puts everything in his mouth, including the cat. Water: Favorite thing ever!! Loves bath time, splashes and wiggles all about the bath, enjoys splashing his brother, his mama and the entire bathroom really. He also sometimes gets baths in the kitchen sink which is fun! He doesn't mind playing inthe shower when mom needs a shower and he's awake.
He loves to eat!!! He feeds himself and eats chunks of fruit, bread, his sippy cup, and lots of fruit and vegetables. I haven't started meats, or beans, egg yolks or much cheese yet. He loves yogurt-plain old whole fat yogurt. YUM! I made homemade foods but I am also buying baby food this time around, as well as just feeding him what we eat as he likes to eat and will eat more than Adrian did! Favorites are mango, strawberries, and toast! Next I will start making him beans and feeding him cheese...he's tried goat cheese and far he likes cheese! He likes to drink water out of a big cup too! I had to start supplamenting with formula because we ran out of frozen breastmilk. I have just been too busy to keep up a good supply...but I don't feel too bad since he's healthy and eats well!
He loves his brother and gets a big old smile on his face when he sees him. He loves to give him kisses...which looks a lot like they are eating each other's faces. Adrian loves to stick his fingers in Kaili's mouth...yay for germs...and sometimes gets bit. Kaili now has 2 bottom and 2 top teeth. He grinds them together which is a disturbing sound...but I think Adrian went through that phase too.
Grandpa Tim still watches them Tue, Thur, Fri. Liza watches them on Mon and Wed with her boys. Sometimes Patti is there and they will watch other kids too. Lots of boys.
Kaili loves his dad! He isn't as much of a mama's boy as Adrian was but still needs his mama in the evenings or he's just plain cranky and nothing makes him happy.
Kaili is a crier...Adrian never cried so that's what I compare him to. A content baby overall and when he has what he needs. He is more serious and even tempered like his dad. He looks like his mama did when she was a baby. He has his dad's hair, lighter and thinner, and his mama's ears. Adrian has his mom's hair, dark and thick, and emotional temperment, and dad's ears and looks. Such opposites. They will be good buds and already enjoy playing together. Adrian is still showing lots of jealousy and always wants the baby's toys, attention, and reverts to baby talk and nonsensical jabber. He disrupts the baby by talking and laughing when he nurses, and of course big brother is so much more fun so I have to send him out of the room to feed the baby or put him to sleep.
Kaili loves tv. He, his brother and his dad  are mesmirized by that thing. Can't focus on anything else when it's on. Of course he doesnt' get tv time but sometimes he is downstairs when it's on.


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

Lemon Tree for dad ready to bloom, Human Bean coffee and a vegetarian breggo for breakfast! Homemade footprint cards and big hugs! Library re-opening festivities trip. Awfully smoky so we had to retreat inside. Visited Grandma and Grandpa and Bobby at the pool but couldn't stay long becuase of the fire/smoke. And since he's such a good dad, he made a dad's day grilled pizza! What a dad!!! We think we'll keep him around!