Friday, November 4, 2011

six week update

Adrian is demonstrating more jealousy lately. This is hard for him even though he has said nothing bad about the baby, he has blamed coloring on the floor on Kaili, has said that he should go to jail, and that he is dead because he beat him up then explained that he was just playing around together. Sounds frightening but he acts lovingly all the time, sometimes too lovingly where he crowds his face, licks him, over stimulates Kaili. Only once did he possibly bite him but he said he used his lips so he may not have.,.but the baby did start crying :( He helps by getting diapers, wipes, holds him, and sings to him whenever he cries. He discovered that the baby likes to suck on his fingers so I've been encouraging him to wash his hands and not to touch the babies face or mouth.

Ogo and Kermit, Adrian's imaginary friends, have been participating in our daily routine lately...their moms' are sick b/c of a spider bite, which is why they are having sleepovers at our house. They attend preschool, go on errands, and to grandma's house with him. We usually have to save them a seat and they usually want their own plate of food.

ON 11/1/11 KAILI ROLLED FROM TUMMY TO BACK. TODAY HE WEIGHED 8 LBS 4.3 OZ AT OUR WT CHECK. SLEEPING FOR LONGER PERIODS AND STILL EATING A LOT. HE'S COOING MORE TOO. I LOVE IT ALL! I have the roll on videotape but it's a super long video so I need to figure out how to edit it shorter either on my camera or computer so I just get that clip.

Sending out announcements today...finally! 11/4 Kaili is 6 weeks old. Had 6 week appt yesterday for me and all is well.

Now that my time off is half way over, I'm starting to stress about childcare, buying a new car, going back to a stressful job and still doing everything I do now (and the house isn't even clean daily), buying this house sometime in the near future hopefully, and also getting transportation for adrian to and from preschool twice a week. Also I'll need to be pumping at work, and its such a hectic schedule that I don't know how I will build that into my day.

Adrian is getting sick again-he has a cough. Any exposure to third hand smoke-hair/skin/clothing/furniture/walls/carpet or second hand-in the air, seems to exhacerbate him into a cold. I'm happy he's been well during the time I've been off so far but I don't know what I'll do when I go back to work since I have no time off saved up if the kids do get sick. I know Barry will take off if he needs too but it's his busy season too. It doesn't help that my coping mechanism for stress is to freeze. So basically nothing is getting solved. I'm sure I'll figure it all out by the time I go back to work but so not looking forward to having to do that.

Anyways...hopefully this weekend goes well and we find a car for me so that we can alleviate one stressor.

Going to family dinner is good...every Thursday. It's important to me and I need to figure out how to do it even when I'm back at work.

October events are all over, all too soon. We had lots of fun though at the Fritzler's Corn maze, Tiny Tots Trick or Treating, the Zombie Fest and Barry took him trick or treating in the evening of Halloween. He was a "dinosaur dragon".

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