Sunday, May 31, 2009


Took Adrian on his first camping trip on Friday! He ate a lot of dirt, sticks and rocks...but what's new. We went to Pinegree Park and set up a nice site. Barry slept in his hammock outside and and Adrian and I shared the tent...tried sharing a sleeping bag but that didn't work out as well. I did not get much sleep. Adrian was definitely more aware of his surroundings once it got dark and at one point looked out into the dark and started crying. He's a scaredy cat like his mom...hahaha...

Yesterday was a birthday bbq bash for the babies in my first mom's group. They all turned one around April/May and all the families had a fun time celebrating together and catching back up. I've only attended once or twice since I had to start working full time in Oct and most of the guys haven't seen each other much since it's a "mom's group". It was great!
Right now Adrian's sitting in a box in the office craft closet pulling all the paintbrushes out.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Here Comes Trouble...

"Helping" mommy clean.
Green tastes better than blue!

Climbing, Climbing, oops Falling!

I like to play ON my toy table!
My mommy used to watch Madi when she was a baby and now Madi comes to play with me!

Jeff Bergman drives me around in my car...beep beep!

Swimming in my new pool with Lexi...

Pretend I'm a tiger...

Perfect size playhouse...

I sit forwards in the car now. Had to have Curious George today.

Just reading a story...I can climb onto the chair all by myself! I don't even rip pages!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

More Teeth Maybe...

Poor baby...I think he's teething but he's been running a fever all day and cranky. Then this evening he started throwing up so it might not just be teething. Or his fever could have caused it. I don't know...I've taken off work tomorrow since I don't want to get Amber's kids sick..although he was there today...hopefully it's just teething. We want to go camping this weekend but we'll see...

Our one year old is so big now. He's smart and starting to test his boundaries. He especially likes to throw his spoon on the floor but he won't eat unless he has his own spoon. He likes to get a reaction from hitting...we're working on being 'gentle' as well as encouraging people not to laugh when he does something we do not want to encourage.

Adrian took his first steps with a walker all by himself the other day. He likes to put lids off and on jars thanks to his g'pa teaching him how. H'es a climber and gets upset now when he can't get up on something. Another first...he's taking bottles for Amber!

Cousin Cavyn loves Adrian! We spent time last Saturday at cousin's house. Then mommy got to go out with her friend. Daddy spent the night in Red Feather but missed mommy and especially baby, for his first night away.

What else?...My brain is melting so that's all I have right now.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Saturday Excursions

Adrian is so big. He's been practicing making new noises and sounds....specifically inhaling air with a high pitch or saying 'mmmmmmmmmm' like humming. I am trying to teach him to blow kisses. He now claps. Don't know why it took so long or why he only does it in the car but at least he knows he can. He is quite whiney these days...could be the new bottom teeth looking like coming in sideways. Better start saving for braces now. Also his sleep is messed up...which means my sleep is messed up. We've been trying to practice walking but if you hold him up he just wants to sit. I've discovered that if if I hold under his arms and walk fast while saying 'run run run run', he pumps his legs and runs around...slowly he's getting used to just walking when we do this. He's so steady with balance and everything that when he does decide to walk he'll just take off! I think he takes after Barry athletically...Barry's pretty good at everything he tries! Still saying 'gog' gat' 'dada' 'mama' but also 'ga' means gpa and he babbles incessantly about all sorts of things like 'lala' 'baba' 'nana' and such. He loves our pets and gets so excited to see them in the morning or when they are outside. Another thing is that he LOVES the outdoors; if a door is open he's outside in a split second.

Had a good weekend! Went to the park on Saturday and Target with Cousin Cavyn who is such a big boy these days. Adrian still is learning the concept of 'gentle' and may laugh as he smacks others in the face or gets a reaction from 'ow'! I try to ignore, move him or myself, and/or say 'be gentle' and show him how, in order to not give him lots of attention for negative behaviors but also to let him know that he won't get my attention for being rough. I think he gets attention for it once in awhile and so he continues to try to 'attack' for the surprised 'ow!' he sometimes gets.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mommies! We didn't do much, hung out and got some pizza from Pulcinella's. I bought Adrian a book for Mother's Day called "I Love You Forever' and then I read it to him today. It made me cry. Barry called me a dork and so did Julie but you try reading it to your baby and tell me it isn't emotional.

Perfect Fit for a little boy...we'll call it his new playroom! P.S. He must not have any toys if this is what he has to resort to(HA)

City Park with Cousin Cavyn: A Saturday Tradition

Little Cavemen Riding the Brontosaurus

Loves To Swing!

Talking boy talk

Exploring the great outdoors

That's My Mommy

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Birthday Pictures for all you patient people...

Oohh what's this?
No he does not know how to drink soda! I don't care what that looks like.


Birthday Flan for dad and babe at Rodizio's!

Ga'ma and Ga'pa

New Water Table with a Water Wheel


Mommy and Daddy

Aunt Ronnie and Romi

Eating Out With Dad


Snuggles with Aunt V

New Walker from Pop-Pop, Mima, G'ma Phyllis, Aunt Lealea and Uncle Shane

Notice the cake on the fingers...

1st that I tried to eat

YAY for presents!

I am one, hear me roar!!