Saturday, January 5, 2013

Adrian Update: Four and A Half Years Old

Adrian is a normal 4 and a half year old. The good and the teachable moments all come as with any kid. He still waits to do things until he is sure he is good at it. He whines. He lies. He has stolen *m&m's at old navy, which remind me to take him back to pay for them*. He teases his brother and tests his mother and father. He sits longer, colors in the lines. He can count one to ten and knows the one-to-one correspondence for those numbers as well as what they look like. He can recognize all his letters, knows their sounds, and can sound out words with help. He reconizes some sight words. He can make predicitons in stories. He can memorize stories that he likes. He can spell and write his name. He is talking with longer sentences and using mannerisms unexpectedly, yet delightfully.
He knows what he likes and won't let me dress him anymore *although I am the one that buys his clothes technically...* He has been more daring, because he is more coordinated. he can balance better. He learned how to ride his two wheel bicycle on his own around October. He loves his new Razor 2 wheel scooter from Christmas. He dreams now and remembers it, however doesn't usually know the difference between real life and dreams and can't understand why I don't know what is going on, what happened, or what I did in his dreams. He is a wonderful big brother and also needs to be watched often. He can get rough or experimental with his little brother. He is so sweet with him too. I love watching them together. They are especially sweet sleeping together in my bed, as I cannot sleep and instead watch them sleeping peacefully holding each others hand or laying on each other. If Kai is in trouble or getting into trouble, Adrian will always report "Kaili's in trouble."
His Grandpa Tim watches him when he's not at preschool. Preschool is 3 times a week Mon/Wed/Fri this year. We are debating whether or not to get him into Kindergarten this year or next. We are also debating on where because there are so many options.

His favorite color: Gren usually but changes often and usually multiple colors at once.
His best friend in school: Bradley
His friends that he plays with outside of school: Julian, Lexi, Cavyn, Maddox, Nyco, Logan, Caleb, Fabien, Jack, William, Andrew
His favorite food: quesadillas and grilled cheese, pizza
Favorite Vegie: broccoli or spinach
Favorite Fruit: Rasberries
Dislikes: onions
Will eat everything and anything: spicy food, sushi, wasabi, thai food, ...
Favorite TV shows: Go, Diego, Go!, Chuggington, Dinosaur Train, and Wipe Out
Favorite Books: Skippyjohn Jones books, Wild About Books
Favorites Studies: Dinosaurs, Animals, Maps, Pirates
Favorite video game: Wipe Out and others on Wii, Leapster 2
Regular Outings: Museum of Discovery, Weekly trips to the library, Grandma and Grandpa's house
Grocery store or other shopping, Family Dinner at Grandma D's, Visits mom's and dad's work once in awhile, Parks/Playgrounds
Wishes for Next Year: To go camping, to get a snowboard, At one point he did want a baby sister but not sure where he stands on that now that his little brother gets jealous if he even sits with mom, swimming lessons, a new bigger bike *borrowing a friends 2 wheel bike right now since he unexpectedly graduated from his pedal-less bike

Ps. Can no longer post photos on this site. Space is all used up. Might start a new blog.