Saturday, August 30, 2008

About Barry....

Julie tagged me, so I guess I better....

1. What is his name? Barry Robert Biss
2. Who eats more? I think we're about even right now. We both love to eat too!
3. Who said "I love you" first? Barry, it was Valentine's and we were walking into a restaurant he was taking me for a date in NJ.
4 Who is taller? Barry is.
5. Who is smarter? I am book smart and he is street smart as well as hands-on figure-it-out smart.
6. Who is more sensitive? I am. But he's very sweet just not in tune to emotions.
8. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Barry
9. Who pays the bills? I take care of that business.
10. Who cooks more? I do but he loves to cook and create.
11. What meals do you cook together? I think we made dinner together once this year so far...or he'll be in charge of the grill (or take it over when I'm perfectly capable) and I"ll get everything else ready.
12. Who is more stubborn? He is...that's what I get marrying a Taurus. But I'm pretty stubborn also.
13. Who is the first to admit they were wrong? I am, hence the less stubborn one.
14. Who has more siblings? I had 2, now 1. Barry has 4.
15. Who wears the pants in the relationship? Everyone thinks I do.
16. What do you like to do together? Camping, watching shows like CSI or Dexter, outdoors stuff, bike riding(although he usually goes without me I still enjoy it), watching people, playing with our baby, going to the river, hanging out with our families/friends, dancing high school style since I can't dance any other way, lots of stuff really....
17. Who eats more sweets? I have the sweet tooth.
19. How did you meet? 1st time was through ex-bf's best friend's brother's best friend, 2nd time at a party.
20. Who asked who out first? I think we just met at a party and then he walked me downstairs and kissed me goodnight when I had to leave. Just knocked me off my feet from day 1.
21. Who kissed who first? He did, but I let him. I never just let anyone kiss me.
22. Who proposed? Barry on Valentine's Day at the Butterfly Pavilion on his knee!!!
23. His best features? Everything. I really love his neck and back. I like his forearms and wrists too for some reason. His hair is getting long again too and that's awesome!
24. What is his greatest quality? He's smart and goofy. He can beat me at anything. I love his laugh. I love that he's so interested and involved with his baby son. I love that he's so romantic and I'm not. He remembers all our special days and events. He's very musically inclined also.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


My baby is almost 4 months old. He knows how to yell and arch his back when he doesn't want something or when he's very tired. He's still great at putting himself to sleep and can still sleep anywhere, including his crib. He grabs at everything and of course it goes straight into his mouth. He knows how to keep his binky in his mouth now and it soothes him. He has found his feet, smiles at himself in the mirror, pulls mommy and daddy's hair, laughs when he's tickled or at funny faces and sounds, and talks to himself. We practice tummy time still but still not rolling over. He takes a bottle when he has to but he'd rather not. I swear his eyes turned all the way brown today. They had a little green in them but I guess he just won't look anything like me at all :( He's a mini Barry all the way. His hair is about 3 inches long on top and we think he's around 15 or 16 lbs. (Normal 1 year olds are about 20 lbs+/-). He loves to stand when being held on your lap and he's totally mastered neck control. His nicknames include 'Little B,' 'Mini Barry', and 'Punky'. He loves to play peekaboo, hang out with his grandma on tuesdays, take walks and look at the trees, kick in his musical bouncy chair. He doesn't mind his carseat, and plays in his exersaucer and johnny-jump-up. He's starting to drool and blows bubbles saying brbrbrbrbrbrbr....especially to get your attention!! We think he's the best baby in the whole wide world....right now he's helping me type by sitting on my lap and chewing on my hands.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My baby laughs!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

3 months 1 week 5 days

Napping in the new stroller at Cousin Julie's Baby shower. Thank you Aunt Ann and Cousin Lauren!!!!

More little Cuteness!

Ear Dimple-only on the right ear

3 months 1 week 5 days

I can lift my head so high!
Airplane me Daddy!!!!!

Hey! What are you lookin at??


Who's this guy again??? Oh yeah, Uncle Bobby!
Uncle Bobby moved back to NJ yesterday.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Laugh We've Been Waiting For...

So I had a dream the other night that when I tickled Adrian on his chest right under his chin, he laughed. Tonight at my friend, Molly's, house I did just that and he giggled way bigger than his usual hehe's. He went hehehehe and very cute like. He did it three times in a row! I'm so excited...I had to call his Daddy right away and tell him. Barry is hanging out with his brother who is moving back to NJ on Tuesday. We're sad to see him go but maybe he'll get everything together with his life once he's back on home soil. We hope he comes back to visit at least!

Thank You Lisa for my cool new outfit! A is for Alligator and A is for Adrian!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Splish Splash I Was Takin' A Bath...

We Love Bathtime!!!! Daddy gave me a bath tonight and I sure splashed him. Last night I slept from 9pm-4:30am!!! Mommy was worried and woke up at 3:30 and 4:20 to check on me. Daddy was surprised too! Hurray!

Yesterday at mom's group we met at Jennifer's house and she had a Bumbo chair. Adrian had fun sitting in it. He's doing so well holding his head up and steady. He prefers to look left, and we are working with him to look right more often since this could be a sign of tortocollis. We work everyday with him to look right so that it doesn't get worse and need physical therapy. He willingly looks right so we really don't have a big reason to worry.

Last night Barry's mom took us out to dinner for our anniversary! She's so awesome! Adrian was so sleepy he couldn't wait till we got home. Check out that yawn!

This weekend is Julie's baby shower. I'm so happy she hasn't gone into labor yet despite her previous contractions!! I can't wait to see my family again. We've all been so busy this summer.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Baby's Galore!!!

My cousin's baby shower is this sunday! I'm so excited. I have a fun game to play and I'm going to meet my other cousin up in Estes early on and help set up!!! Both of my cousins are pregnant! Hurray for babies!

Today I didn't have to go to work b/c my client canceled. No worries. I have enough hours I may even go over my 20.

There was the biggest thunder/rain storm this afternoon. Just as I finished washing the floors, the enire south side of my house got flooded, including the garage. The rain flew in sideways and I had a sopping wet towel by the time I was done with that fiasco. Sure cooled down the house, which was nice!!

I had a Bright Beginnings Appt. this morning. Brought the baby and of course he was the least he was the oldest so that's ok. I think I'll go to the a couple of the mom's groups they have ...a couple seem on feeding solids and another on recognizing illnesses. A good reason to break out of my normal routine and meet other people. They gave us a new board book!
Yay...I can finally post video. Check out Adrian playing on the floor with his jelly cat from Aunt Ronnie :)

Monday, August 4, 2008

1 Year Anniversary

Today is Barry and my 1 year wedding anniversary. This month we have been together a total of 8 years! We went to the Poudre River (where we were married on Friday). Barry took the day off since its so slow at work these days. We visited our wedding site at Stove Prairie campground.

HUH-You're not throwing me in that cold river are you?

Hi Mommy! Don't drop me.

Dad will keep me out of the sun.

Such good neck control at 3 months that I can play in my exersaucer now! Look at me standing so tall!

Hello!!! :)