Friday, November 25, 2011

November is almost over....but we have food until the end of the month.

The van is much room, a 6 cd player, automatic doors, a cool blue color :)
I have noticed that there is a slight scraping after it is turned on and after shifting into second. I'll have to ask them to check it out when I go to the dealership to get it detailed.

Kaili is now 2 months old as of 11/23/11 on Wednesday! He talks a lot...coos...he smiles more and especially in the morning time when he wakes up. He is getting stronger and holding his head up for longer periods. He is super fussy lately with tummy gas aches :( We're using gripe water and simethicone drops. He had his first shots...the first shots since we start them when they're born or at the two week appt at his 2 month well check. He was 9lbs 10oz (4th percentile) on 11/18/11. He was 22 1/4 (24th percentile) inches long. Head circumference is small at 14.25 in (1st percentile) but Adrian's was always small too when he was an infant. We got the Dtap, Polio, Hib, rotavirus and pneumoncoccal conjugate vaccines. I've been keeping up on the baby's memory calender and might start his photo book soon...instead of doing a scrapbook.

Adrian getting his name down!! He can write it and say the letters...although he sometimes trades his I for a T. He continues to get smarter and therefore more manipulative...he snuck chocolate the other day when told only one, ran away and snuck it then (here was his mistake) proclaimed "haha momma...I ate it." I made him spit it and then he got in trouble. We're learning one step at a time.
He loves playdates with his friend William and seeing his cousins at family dinner!

It's winter and so as soon as everyone is feeling better someone else catches and spreads something else. So far we have not landed in the ER and only had to use our inhaler as preventative last time he was ill. Barry and I will still get our flu shots since it helped last year and neither of us got sick from the flu. Sure don't want the baby to get it.

Thanksgiving was fun....we had dinner in Longmont on Wednesday and dinner at home on Thursday...about 15 people at each shindig. Loved Chris' mom's cranberry sauce and the spedinis!!!!
:) On Thursday, we had two turkeys-fried (sooo juicy) and baked, two stuffings family-recipe and seafood, salad with homemade dressings, sweet potatoes, baked ziti, mashed potatoes, gravy, green bean casserole, rolls, bread, kahlua pork sandwiches with homemade bbq sauce, turkey soup with dumplings, and perogis. Then for dessert we had pbj tirimisu, pumpkin cheesecake, caramel pumpkin pie, walnut pumkin pie, regular pumpkin pie, venitians, cranberry chocolate torte with coffee! We all have leftovers to eat at least until the end of the month.

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