Saturday, October 1, 2011

Baby Comes Home Early

On Wed Sept 21, I went to my 37 week appt at Women's Clinic. I was still measuring 33 weeks. We decided to do an ultrasound to rule out restricted growth, low amniotic fluid, etc. after measuring 32 at 33 weeks, 33 at 34 weeks, 33 at 36 weeks, and still 33 at 37 weeks, we neeeded more information to make a decision. Barry had to leave the appt and take Adrian to preschool. It was also his first day as a parent teacher. I went to the ultrasound at 1130am and we found less than 3 cm of fluid, normal range is 10-25 but they don't worry until it's below 5cm. It was below and he was measuring at 34 weeks size. His vitals all looked good, and the blood flow through the ubilical cord looked good. We decided not to induce that day because he seemed ok but we decided that he should be induced Wed or Thursday since he was still doing well and could tolerate labor probably. THe worry with waiting was that he wouldrun out of reserves and not go through labor well if we waited which could end in a c-section. They ran a non-stress test where the moitor the heart beat and contractions for 20 minutes to make sure that the baby is acting normally. He was so they let me leave with the plan to go to PVH at 730am 9/22 Thursday. I still had to wrap up 3 weeks worth of work in (really no time since I was given a note to be done wiht work immedietely) 2 hours. I went to work, handed out my files to everyone who was appointed to cover my cases, said goodbye and left work at 430pm, earliest ever. I still have to modify my timesheets and figure out when I"m supposed to go back to work. It was going to be Jan 10 if i went on my due date but probably will be before Christmas now. After getting home and grieving a little overthis being the last night with my boy boy Adrian. We celebrated/mourned by getting a video from the video store adn watching it together: Heffalump Halloween-Winnie the Pooh, which he LOVES!

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