Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Week 37

So tomorrow marks 'Full Term' even though we have three more weeks of cooking! Hopefuly he's measuring 37 weeks because I don't want to have to argue with the midwives about my rights, about my intentions, and about what is good for my baby. That just adds stress to my already stressful nature/life. Work is such a neverending race. I have a goal of 'catching up' but the nature of this work is such that that will never happen. I have been doing really well about not bringing work home, ha...maybe not having enough motivation to work at home. I have saved every moment of my weekends for Adrian, the baby and Barry and myself. Barry on the other hand has worked the last two weekends. That is nice since we are hoping to have 3 months of rent saved for while I'm on leave. I'll only gt 48 hr paychecks instead of 80 hrs due to the time I have saved up of sick, vacation, and holiday time. I will get approimately half of my paycheck since I will still have to cover insurance. I'm gtting more and more excited about our baby coming home! Adrian and I were disussing the job of brothers: to take care of each other, be kind to one another, teach and love each other...and he says very seriousy after quietly thinking for a little while "That's a big job." The other day we were discussing the baby and my taking off work for some time and being able to stay home but then having to go back to work after that. He says 'mommy and daddy go to work and Adrian stays home with the baby' and I asked him who would take care of him and the baby at home, he replied 'no, mommy and daddy go to work and adrian takes care of the baby'.I think he's ready for a brother!

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