Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Adrian Update:
Allergies have been bad. I should have pre-treated with OTC allergy meds when the sneezing fits started last week but I didn't think ahead. My first inclination is not to give drugs so I often miss my opportunity to ward off the oncoming illness. Adrian now has allergy induced asthma situation going on where he has been needing his albuteral daily for the last 3 days. He's feeling better today than yesterday, having had lots of sleep, naps, chicken soup, and extra loving! He says "my chest hurts" and that he still wants to go to preschool. He's on his daily allergy dose again as he was in the spring and hopefully will be back to breathing okay soon. My allergies have been pretty bad lately as well. Hopefully they pass soon as well.
Grandpa and grandma came over to the house so Adrian could stay home since he wasn't feeling good. He likes when they come over. His favorite part of today was "grandpa playing outside with me". He was also excited that grandma washed his blue blankie for him since only his green one was clean.
We missed our back to school picnic since Adrian hasn't felt well and tonight we didn't want to take him out to get worked up running around. Barry reported that he climbed up on his lap when he got home and laid on his shoulder, then got down, got his blankies and climbed back up. Barry had a migraine anyway today so they took a late afternoon nap instead of the picnic. Much better idea.
I am the classroom playdo maker and I forgot to make it last weekend. I will have to make it this weekend and try to remember my monthly job from now on. Hopefully they haven't missed it. Maybe I'll make scented or sparkly kind for the first batch :)
Adrian had snack day where he brought cheese sticks and pretzels for the entire class. The kids all take turns.
Adrian made first day of preschool handprints and filled out an about me card. I love these little mementos. He reports that he's "5" years old and has a "brother brother" and his favorite thing to do is "ride his bike really fast". He recognzies his name on his button that he wears, on his apple, and chooses his mood for each day when he gets to class. He has an apple coat hanger and a cubby with his name on it. It's so amazin to see him sitting in circle time, or doing things other 3 year olds have done when Iwas the teacher and not the parent. Adrian being in preschool also reminds me how much I would like to be teaching instead of what I'm doing.
One thing Adrian would really like to do is ride the bus to school. I have to keep explaining that the bus doesn't go to preschool, and that some kids go to schools that don't have buses. Sometimes parents take their kids to school all the time. Maybe we should ride the city bus or the downtown trolley for fun one of these days instead.
In Fort Collins, parents have to take their kids to school of choice schools and if we stay in this neighborhood or most in this town, I would take him to another school. I would like him to attend a highly academic, possibly Core Knowledge school so that school pushes him academically. I'm thinking of Liberty Charter school. In order to get into Kindergarten he takes an entrance exam to test his level of knowledge. The expectation is pretty high and i like that. Barry and I can expose him to art, music, creative thinking and other sports or activities on our own but if we are bothw orking then he needs the school to actually teach him academics. He already knows his ABC's, can name the letter sound of words, can recognize certain words like 'Daddy' and 'Adrian' and is getting better at counting, and knows his shapes and colors. His vocabulary continues to increase and he's been explaining and recalling events more lately.

Baby Update:
Moving way less this past week. Still has bouts of activiity but must be sleeping much more. Last check up I measured less by 2 cm and then by 1 cm when he was moved hopefully we're back on track for growth tomorrow's 36 week appointment because I'd rather not pay for another ultrasound. If he's more than 2cm under/over then they would want to do the ultrasound to rule out concerns. I feel smaller than with Adrian with only 4weeks left. I feel that I won't be able to wear some of the maternity clothes that I wore last time because I'll never fit into them this time. So weird.
I get the Group Beta Strep test tomorrow as well. I hope it's negative because I don't want to have to do anibiotics when I go into labor and their would be a big concern if I didn't want to do them because it's such a high risk to the baby's health, if the baby were to contract it in delivery which is a small chance. We discussed this being controversial since they test so early, it can go away before the baby is born, they won't retest, they'd want to give antibiotics even if it was gone after being retested. Basically they would call social services on me for neglect if I were to refuse the antibiotics is my imperssion. I hate medical professionals and having to go to the doctor. I ask a few questions and everyone gets worked up and defensive. I was treated more respectfully when I had questions at Salud which is usually the opposite of what I hear.

I'm looking for an Ergo baby carrier still. Found them online at for $75 from local sellers, which is better than over $100 for new. I hear they are durable and ok to buy used. We'll still need to get the infant insert though...cheaper on the Ergo website than at babysrus or other stores.
Right now I'm looking at a black one with tan inside. Barry didn't like the sienna with stripes so much.

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