Thursday, September 8, 2011

Our Preschooler

"Big Boys Go to School"

Adrian is a preschooler at First United Methodist Co-Op! He started today with an orientation but is excited to be dropped off as he told me 'next time mommy you go to work". Dad and mom came today for orientation to do a scavenger hunt, meet his teacher and classmates and to see the school together. On Friday will be his first full 2.5 hour day. He will attend regularly on Mondays and Wednesdays following the Poudre School District school calender. We practiced all sorts of scenarios such as what to call our teacher "Mrs. Gessler", speaking up when needing something, only letting Mrs. Gessler help in the bathroom, staying in the classroom, meeting new friends, etc. Adrian is so ready. When we talk about school he sings his ABC song to me.

Since getting Adrian's big boy bed with his memory foam mattress, he's slept in his bed every night!!! He is so proud of his big boy bed and shows it to everyone who comes over. He talks about how he was a "little boy when I was two" and how "once I was a baby". We read books about babies and being a big brother, that a new baby is coming and he explained to me there has to be a hole for the baby to come out, so I showed him the non detailed pictures in 'what to expect when you're expecting' as well as the pictures of the mommy feeding the baby. He accepts this but wondered if the baby 'takes sips of milk' now in the belly.

Tonight we also had our last FCEA Childbirth class until all the babies are born. Then we'll all meet up again for our post partum groups :) It was a good reminder and I'm glad we took it again. I hope everything goes as well with this baby as it did with Adrian. I am nervous about doing it again, but I was definitely not as nervous about the pregnancy this time around. I am nervous about this baby coming early mostly due to stress at work, but also because two will be harder than one, and the room is not set up and a name is decided on, childcare situation is so undecided, etc. I guess everything will work itself out as it does usually.

Work is (other peoples') mess mess mess which is my stress stress stress...This week is better than last week which means I haven't cried at work...although I did cry sitting on the kitchen floor last night. Four day work week...only two more days left. Today was crying, getting out on time, feeling good about productivity, etc.

Baby boy is 35 weeks cooked! He has 5 more weeks left. He is at least 5 lbs and is getting long. Just getting fat is his job now. He still does lots of moving for running out of space but has noticebly slowed and may be resting up more now :) Last week at the appt I measured 2 cm less than 34 weeks but that is still within normal standard deviation. I asked the midwife to check his position and he was head down. Then she re-measured and I was only 1 cm off. In group tonight two women were also measuring off by 3 and 4 cm so they have ultrasounds scheduled to check growth. They are closer though to their due dates. I also feel like I'm gaining weight at a much faster pace. While I have only gained 21 lbs so far, at least 6 of those lbs were in the last couple weeks. I gained 35 with Adrian and 25-35 is healthy since my weight was healthy starting off. Less gained is less to lose though.

Sciatic nerve is bothering me quite a lot. Still going to physical therapy and doing exercises for it. My leg length was uneven by a lot a couple weeks ago, but  last week was even so I skipped this week and will go again next week. Heartburn has increased, so now I have a bottle of tums near my bed and have been raiding the first aid station at work as needed. Eating lots of bananas (do banana splits count?) and trying to stay hydrated to keep the leg cramps to a minimum. Not drinking enough water though because still getting some major contractions in the afternoon/evenings daily. Water and relaxing usually helps those dissipate. Much worse at remembering to take my vitamins this time around...probably every other night I do though.

We cleared out the office last weekend and moved in the baby furniture. Barry will steam clean the carpet, and I will start cleaning, folding and organizing baby clothes and supplies maybe this weekend. That will be fun!

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