Thursday, March 6, 2008

31 Weeks...63 Days Left

I don't think I've gotten anything done on my to do list...I've been working 9-11 hours every day this week! It's craziness so when I get home I just crash (sorry I haven't called or emailed anyone lately...such a slacker). This morning I'm trying to catch up on housework b/c it looks like a hurricane hit the office...there is no more floor space. Yes it is embarrassing but it happens to everyone sometimes. At least my clean clothes are still seperated from the dirty ones.

To add to the to do list:
clean house
go to Siobhan and Ryan's baby shower for Connor at end of month!!!!
write out birth plan
go to childbirth classes on Mondays for next 6 weeks!!
go to Gavin's 1 year b-day party
keep working like a mad woman

Anyway...this morning I'm eating some lovely oatmeal with bananas, walnuts, and brown is quite banana-y...I should have used less.

Adrian has been moving for the last week straight....He's so active...I never expected this. It's pretty fun to watch and feel the show though. His kicks are no longer kicks or as jabby (maybe no more room to pull back and put the force into it) but leg/knee/elbow/hand rolls across my belly. He sticks his head and butt out and practices walking against my hips. He still seems to have enough room to manuever into all sorts of positions. Sometimes I worry that he's going to knot his umbilical cord. I guess that's very rare though. I've been getting more growing/stretching pains...feels like a pulled muscle in the bottom of my stomach and I can't move until it goes away...usually a minute or three. Also I can feel mild cramping in my stomach, assuming those are Braxton Hick's contractions when I rest in the evening. I've been feeling them since week 20, sporadically, and I guess they start happening at around week 6. Supposed to be getting stronger as the third trimester moves along. Usually people don't feel them until last trimester anyway.

I signed Barry and I up for childbirth classes through Foothills Childbirth Education Association!!! We'll go on mondays from 7-9p and they last 7 weeks. We missed the 1st class of this series but the instructor will bring us up-to-date. Then after all the babies from the class are born....we'll meet for 4 weeks post-partum and get to bring the babies!

My cousins and friend are throwing me a baby shower in April! I'm so excited! I'll big and rolly-polly by then. Yay!

Doggy Update: Sasha hasn't had an accident or an on-purpose in the house in two straight days, and never in her kennel. Hurray! We've been putting her to bed in the kennel and at 2-ish she wakes up and we let her out and then let her come sleep with us. Then at 5-ish she wakes or when B gets up at 6:30. He lets them out while he showers and then back in. I wake at 8-9ish to let them out. When we're gone all day...Harley is inside and Sasha in the kennel. If it's nice enough out...they stay outside and play. When we're home...they wrestle and play inside. They are getting along well. I worry when Harley gets jealous and won't let Sasha eat, he growls and eats all the food....just have to watch them and give him extra attention and keep him away from her when she eats. That's been working. They are such strange breeds...they take a bite of food and bring it to the living room to eat it. I've see other cattle dogs do that also.

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