Wednesday, August 17, 2011

32 Weeks

So I called the Midwives today and told them that I think I am supposed to come in since I'm 32 weeks. They told me that I was supposed to come in 2 weeks ago. Sorry I was busy vacationing in Maui then!!! Teehee. I did go in a week early though so they counted that as acceptable. Adrian doesn't understand who's sick when we go for check ups...I have tried explaining our society to him but it's still confusing. One of these day's he'll be brainwashed...hopefully not enough to not question every choice he makes though.

We are measuring exactly 32 weeks aka 32cm. 150 lbs so I guess gained total of 14 lbs so far from 136lb. Supposed to gain about a lb a week from here on out. All looks good. Hyper baby with fast heart beat! Adrian helps with the tape measure and with the dopler! He wants to name his baby 'Brother Brother'! He talks about when the baby is coming out and what he will share with the baby. After asking him if he would share his stroller...he said "i still fit in it". I guess not then.

We had Childbirth class tonight! I remember everything as we go through the class but I think it's good to get back in the mode of thinking about it all. It makes it more real and it's a good reminder for Barry since he's the one that will be there supporting me and needing to remember all the good tricks to help me. I try not to impose any thoughts about how I think this time will go because it could be similar or it could be totally different. I'll just take it as it comes. I have been wondering though in  hindsight whether Adrian was posterior or if it was my sciatica that caused such painful back labor last time. I'll have to check back in with my physical therapist again as the time is closing in.

Still wanting to do before baby gets here:

Figure out time off of work!
Set up baby room! Or why not wait a couple years since we know how soon they sleep in their own beds in this house!
Get Adrian a twin bed and frame!
Get an Ergo Baby carrier!
Pack bags for hospital! Write birth plan! Figure out birth plan first!
Finish Childbirth classes!
Wash newborn and 0-3 month clothes!
Figure out the plan for Adrian while we are at the hospital! Figure out how we want to introduce him to baby brother!
Pick a name or a few to choose from once we meet the baby~!

Adrian is doing so well with his letters and with counting. We are working on fine motor skills and doing practice preschool worksheets...he can make T's and L's and t's and l's. He was making letter shapes using his cars today as a game and talks to us about what our letters are and what our numbers (ages or weight etc) are. He can tell you the first letter of words as well by the sound, and can tell you what letter makes a sound. He pretends, has conversations I can understand on the phone, and jokes around more.

The other day he explained that he did not want to go to the bathroom alone at Great Gma and Gpa's house because "I'm chicken mom". Hilarious!

I'm taking it easy at work this week! Getting off on time, only working 8 hours a day, feeling good about what I get done and doing the rest tomorrow! Last week was a little ridiculous with just getting back from vacation and with the full moon~always throws everyone into a whirlwind.

Life is good! Lawn is dead but slowly trying to revive it. Didn't get to plant a garden this year...maybe next. Getting to do fun things like Vacation in Maui! Patti and Andy's Wedding! Appreciating my job for the insurance! Enjoying that insurance pays for massages and physical therapy! Going paddle boating-even though our boat leaked! Playing at the park! Introducing Adrian to fun movies like 'Finding Nemo' even though it scared him :) Raising an innocent empathetic child that fears 'Finding Nemo'. Eating good home cooked meals. Being pregnant again! Watching baby doing gymnastics! Listening to Adrian talk about being a big brother!

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