Saturday, February 20, 2010

February Updates

Weekend of Valentine's Day

Fabien's 7th Bakugan Birthday party was fun fun fun! Lots of kiddos for Adrian to follow around! I learned how to play RockBand too so that was pretty fun, not that I'm any good but at least I learned how :) Also nice to see my friend again :) I miss living next door to her.

Valentine's was fun! We hung out at home and made pink pancakes for breakfast! It was Barry's and my engagement anniversary-probably 5th...I'm so bad at remembering those things. The important thing is that it happened, right? Anyways it was our 9.5 year anniversary together.


I was hired as ongoing caseworker for the county :) I'm really excited but also nervous the change in work, responsibility and a new team. Training will consist of 7 weeks with 3 days each in Parker and the other 2 here. I'm excited to be getting all the training up front, however, I'm having a little anxiety about being away from Adrian for 3 days in a row (2 nights) :( We'll survive.


Adrian has a new caregiver routine since our Amber moved away. He goes to Grandma D's house on Mondays with Cousin Cavyn. He goes to G'ma and G'pa Tim on Tue and Wed, and to G'pa Tim on Thurs and Frid. Adrian seems taller but still weighs 25lbs...skinny boy. We practiced naked time, sitting on the potty and even wearing underwear today (that was the time he decided to go potty. Our timing is off still.) Some day I won't have to buy diapers...not that he uses that many a day, maybe 3 or 4 on average.

Adrian is such a talker! I love his voice, I love his little commands to 'sit' or 'push' (which means 'get up' as he pushes you up), 'dance'! He loves to show off, he loves to include you in his games or dancing. He enjoys playing 'ars' (cars), with the 'doggies' of course and reading 'book' after 'book' after 'book'! Snow is 'ice' and so is icecream and of course ice. We sure have a lot of that this weekend! I hope it stops and spring comes to town. Adrian is learning his colors! He likes 'red' 'boo' 'lellow' 'pupl' 'geen'! He loves anything 'fish'! I have considered getting a little goldfish but don't know if I can handle anymore responsiblity at this point in my life (unless of course it's a sibling for Adrian-then I could).

Adrian is learning to count. 'one' 'one' 'one' hmmmm. He knows about the number 1! We counted to 10 the other day together but one is still his fave. Adrian is obsessed with my belly-he hugs and kisses it and blows rasberries and tickles and likes to lay with his belly on mine. What a silly boy! He loves to get tickled and to play hide and seek, even though he sometimes hides in closets without telling us he's playing. Running around the house chasing the animals with a water spraybottle is loads of laughable fun.

Running around the store while mommy chases Adrian is also pretty funny, and turns so disappointing when he finds out that pulling all the shoes off the shelves is not ok. Also upsetting is that not everything that lands in the shopping cart can come home with us, including the fun umbrella and purple sun hat he carried/wore around Target...(what can I say, the purple hat matched his left purple toe nail).

Adrian got a ribbon for finishing his gymnastics series. We can do it again and probably will again soon! He loved making up his last session with cousin Cavyn on Friday morning since we went to Denver instead of our last Saturday session.

Whining, pretending to get owies for attention, screaming, running or walking into the street, hitting when mad, screaming when mad, and biting for fun are all toddler-isms that we're working on. Mostly though he's a good good boy! And a great helper. Still using timeout effectively.


Grandpa Amato's brother, Great Uncle Andrew passed away this month. Makes me wish our family that doesn't live nearby.

We're hoping to get tickets to NJ this summer for a long weekend. PopPop will be 50!!! Aunt Ronnie is getting married to Uncle Romi! Family misses us and we miss them.

Uncle Judah came over tonight to say hi! Saved dinner by stopping to get some limes for my coconut lime rice! Made cookies and hung with Adrian who call him 'duda' and tries to get him to play our games. Uncle Duda needs 'Adrian game training' as well as 'kissing practice'. Adrian pretends to get hurt and wants kisses. Judah doesn't 'do' kisses. Aunt Sharon is getting her doctorate!!! Very exciting.

Aunt Christie is going to cut Adrian and my hair soon...we're in need. I had to actually trim Adrian's bangs today b/c they were in his eyes. His hair is growing down his neck and past his ears, which actually looks cute but needs some straightening out since I was the l ast to unprofessionally cut it. My hair hasn't even been trimmed since last summer time.

Aunt Melissa's bday is here :)

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