Saturday, January 30, 2010

"No" would be the answer...

Yes, it's happened. The answer to all questions is "no." That's ok though b/c if he burps he covers his mouth and says 'cuse me' as well as uses 'peas' and 'tank you' (even when it's your turn to use 'thank you' he'll remind you just in case you forget.)
I've decided, I just won't ask any questions unless I want a 'no' answer. "do I look aweful in this outfit?" "should we leave the house a mess?" "should we only eat icecream and cake all day?" Why haven't parents figured that one out yet I wonder.

I think that his fever off and on all week is due to 2 year molars coming in. I got bit 4 times but I think I can feel some molars trying to break through. Adrian always gets fevers with teething, every tooth so far, although there is debate now about whether or not children actually have fevers, diarrhea, etc related to actual teething. Our bodies sure know more than any doctor and I don't need professional opinion in such trite matters. It's normal: the body grows and changes therefore the body reacts.

We're very excited for our new cousin in the oven!! Another September baby for Julie and Chris!

Interview went well on Tuesday. Still waiting to hear back. I took some sick time this week because I was feeling aweful with a head cold and sore throat and body aches. I drank theraflu, took a nap, made myself some chicken soup, and went to bed early. Felt much better the next afternoon. I feel so spoiled actually getting sick time. I wish Barry had the same perks at work. People knock working for the government but it's the first real job I've had and I sure enjoy the holidays off, the vacation time, and the sick time...not too mention that I work with the population that has always interested me: children and families.

We're headed to gymnastics at 10am! Barry's on his way to Denver with Aunt Laurie to go to a bike swap (motorcycle=bike). He's spending the night and will be back tomorrow. He hopes to find some pieces to make his bike work...some ignition thingy. My car on the other hand refuses to start, randomly, when I'm at the store or trying to go to work. It won't even engage. I'm wondering if something is wrong with the starter column. It feels like the key just doesn't engage. I desperately need a new axle as well as every slight movement sends creaking shudders through the entire car. Don't even want to know how much it will cost but Barry has a friend who does my big car repairs.

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