Saturday, January 16, 2010

January Weekend

Long busy week is now over and I'm once again up too late catching up on things I enjoy to do, like watching tv, writing on my blog; simple things really that take time in my life and come after all the necessary to do's.
Updates on the Boy:
Pees in the potty standing up! Says anything you say. Some examples include 'window,' 'squeeze,' more 2 word phrases, 'stairs,' 'dance' 'rock' as in rock me in the rocking chair, 'babies'. He whines incessantly-drives me batty. He's a momma's boy especially when he's tired and I'm around. Barry feels left behind but I keep telling him his time will come. Timeouts are great-if not for redirection. I tell him to go or walk him to the bottom step where he sits. I tell him 'when you're all done ____________, you can get up.' He prefers to crawl out of timeout when he's done. Then he gets to 'be nice' or 'pick up' or 'use his inside voice.' Occasionally he tests and gets to revisit timeout. I use timeout as a behavior modifying tool that teaches him to be in charge of his actions and not as punishment. He's learning and it's my job to teach him and give consequences. I enjoy every moment of parenting and really try to focus more attention on him when he's behaving which I have to say is most of the time. When he's awake I make a point to attend to him and not my to do list, although if he helps me with chores, that's also a lesson so that's a 2 for 1!!!
Gymnastics bright and early-Aunt Laurie might come watch!

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