Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sick Baby

My baby is sick. 1st time since his congested cold. He started with a low grade fever friday morning at 6am. I gave him some tylenol and he nursed then he slept till 9:30. He took a ride with me to pick up a kiddo, then dropped him off at Amber's. He was fussy off and on and got more tylenol at 11 and 3. I picked him up and nursed him, Barry took over while I went to work. He took cat naps on daddy. I came home and he got more tylenol at 8. He took at bath and finally fell asleep at 9:30-ish. He woke at 2 with a high fever of 103. I called the nurse line and she said we've done everything right, just make sure he's getting fluids, has wet diapers, take off his clothes and let him sleep in a diaper, only give tylenol once fever gets to 102, it's not necessary before that. He's not eating either, except for an occasional cheerio or puff. His body is fighting off a virus and doing what it's supposed to. He has a stuffy, runny nose, had a bit of a cough last few days, and some seriously poopy diapers. He had 8 on monday. Anyways, I'm taking a break to eat breakfast and drink some coffee while Barry snuggles with him. I hope this goes away soon. I should probably waited on the tylenol in the first place so that his body could have fought this off faster, but it was 6 in the morning and he was in pain. I don't know what else to do, he's so uncomfortable no matter what we do. It's so hard to see him in pain. Of course, Barry thinks he's getting sick also.

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