Sunday, July 6, 2008


I have finally finished scheduling all my saturdays are full (assuming people show up although they sounded hopeful so I shouldn't worry) and my weekday clients are more familiar to me. This job seems so complicated, and it is due to the millions of details. I guess it grows more comfortable. Of course I'm not there yet but I'm at least used to the fact that it is going to take a long time and that I work with people and no two situations or people are the same. Each individual will react to me and affect me differently. Not every situation can be solved the same way even if the problem is the same. I guess I'll never grow bored though!

So Barry and I joined a Sunday dart league. We are slowly starting to regret it since it is our only day together all day. We thought it might be a good thing to have something together but now that we do we can think of a million other things that we want to do this summer also. Barry wants to drop out. I like going but.....other things are good too. I think the timing is not good for me. I thought it was at 11am when I first heard about it but it is at 3:30p and ugh...leaves barely enough time to do anything beforehand and afterwards Barry can't go far b/c he has work the next day.

Anyways...Happy Belated 4th of July!!!

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