Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Kaili is 6 months old

Kaili is six months old. He's a funny baby. He loves to put everything in his mouth and chews on everything as though a tooth is going to pop through any day. He's a drooler also. He eats really well: Loves to chew on watermelon and cucumber and grapes in the mesh feeder. Started squash this past week. Has his six month well check with Dr. Capes on 4/6...a little late but nevertheless. Some questions we have for the doc are 1. excema patches on his legs and arms-what to do about it 2. well that's it really-we think he's perfect
Adrian and Kaili love each other so much. They are always hugging and kissing, reaching for each other and laughing together, Kaili gets a big open mouth grin whenever he sees Adrian, or his dad or his Gpa Tim!!
He says 'mmm' and squeals and skreetches! He loves to play with toys, he can still only roll to his tummy from his back but cannow roll left or right. He loves being held and is perfectly content sitting with mom all the time. He likes the baby in the mirror and listening to music. He starts kicking his legs vigorously whenever he's excited or hears musicS. He loves his exersaucer and I think would love a johnny jump up or jumparoo! He's not as fond of his swing
and climbs/wiggles and rolls out of his bouncy seat. I really do need to find the straps to his contraptions. He's a second child for sure...chasing his big brother and not even able to crawl.

Adrian is almost four. You cannot excuse his behavior to 'he doesn't know yet' because we're now at 'he's learning and testing'. He realizes that he has a big affect on the world and can elicit responses in such a variety of ways especially noisy annoying ways. It's a good thing it's getting nice outside. He's a sweet and loving child. He gives kisses unasked, and expresses his love in so many ways. He sends his stuffed animals to work with me, and picks out his own choice of movies at the library that he thinks his dad will like without being asked. He says ' I missed you' when you return from work or with friends. When one of us is gone, he asks after us. He loves his friends and can be gentle and kind. He is loving and aware of his brother and role as a big brother to be kind and caring and the teacher/role model for Kaili. But he can also be so unaware and noisy, needy and wanting of things he does not need. Society is getting to him despite not letting him have much exposure to tv or commercials. He is so easily lead, part of his age, part of his personality. He swore off dinosaurs the other day when two girls from preschool expressed their opinions of dinosaurs. He was told that he did not like pink, that instead he liked red, by another 3 year old. He was questioned when he reported that he also has 'dollies.' Why do I have to normalize something so rational as the caring of a pretend baby by a boy who will one day potentially be a father, or the liking of a color, are they not of equal value? Parenting is hard. Society has been misled and impedes upon my parenting.

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