Friday, December 2, 2011

Did Santa come yet?

"Oh my darling" and "oh my goodness" and "you don't want to miss this" are some new sayings from my 3 year old who never stops talking. He's talking to himself, his imaginary friends or his parents but always talking. "You hurt my feelings" is another one that he has started using, sometimes valid and sometimes to try to get out of timeout.
He's as clumsy as me...always biting his tongue and stubbing his toes. Poor thing. Hopefully he's just growing and getting used to his body.
Imaginary friends have stockings by the fireplace. He received a letter from santa and also wrote a wish list to santa. He wrote "Dear Santa, I want a sled please. Dear Santa, I want a kite. Dear Santa, I want a beautiful batteries and games" (for his Leapster 2). THen he added also a paddle ball toy.

This morning he was making a sled from string. He has been cutting up egg cartons and making 'buckets' "for all my friends." He wants to send Christmas cards to all his friends now that we've started receiving some. He's so excited...he's memorized what everyone's stocking looks like and quizzes me about it.

We have been sick since last weekend. It's a nasty cough, runny nose, and congestion. I also had body aches, headaches, and Barry had nausea also. BBlehh. Glad I'm off to take care of the babies when they're sick and also to get better myself. Adrian had his flu shot this year but we still haven't and the baby's too young. We did go to the doctor for Adrian since he was starting to show some asthma symptoms or reactive airway disorder? signs as he's not diagnosed asthmatic technically, just treated as such. He was fine though and they said that benadryl would dry up the postnasal drainage so that he wouldn't cough as much. It worked and he's been feeling much better for the last couple days except is still coughing off and on. The baby can't take any medicine and so I've been doing saline rinses and using his booger sucker often, as well as the humidifiers and holding him lots....aka all night long so that he sleeps in more of a sit up position. He's eating less often so hopefully he's eating more at these feedings and staying full longer. He's happy otherwise. I weighed him by holding him on the scale and subtracting that from what I weigh and it said 11 if that's accurate then he's definitely still gaining weight :)

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