Friday, October 14, 2011

3 Weeks Old

Kaili is 3 Weeks old Today! He feels a little chunkier too! He's sleeping 3-3.5 hours at a time once in awhile. He's eating between 1-3 oz at a time in a bottle. He nurses every 1 to 2 hours usually. His due date was 2 days ago on Wednesday the 12th. I will probably take him to another weight check on Monday after Mom's group at the church that Adrian attends preschool at. Some of the mom's get together for an hour or so on Monday mornings to chat and share ideas about parenting, life, etc. It's some nice adult time. Adrian is still doing great with him. He talks about all the things his little brother will do when he gets bigger. We've kept busy with playdates, friends over, preschool, library and park trips, and visits to daddy's work! We've made special outings to see construction sites also! Occasionally Adrian will be naughty and lick the baby, put his feet near the baby, try to take his blanket, but really just trying to get my attention. Considering the amount of time that I hold Kaili and feed him I'm surprised that he's not more jealous. I do spend one on one time with Adrian and include him in big boy activities, etc as usual. Not much is different for him. We are working on writing our name, getting dressed on our own, picking out clothes that match on days we don't have preschool, listening to mom on the first try, not interrupting, and continuing work on manners, letters, being kind to the animals, social skills with friends, not whining, accepting that no means no and mom always means what she says, and cleaning up our toys, home and self on an ongoing basis. All is going well. It is harder with 2 because it's busier. I can't imagine going back to work and it streses me to think about it. I have until December 20th. I love being off and being able to keep the house neat and clean, and being around to hear Adrian playing and learning and being able to take him to things that I otherwise would not be able to except on the weekends. I also like knowing what he eats, when he sleeps, what he does every minute of the day!
Oh and working on not drawing on our face...only happened once...but he also drew on his cousin Maddox's face...

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