Wednesday, June 25, 2008

To A Movie With A Baby

My birthday was on Sunday! I had a wonderful day! Adrian must have known because ALL day every time I looked at him, he smiled big happy smiles to me!!! That alone made my day BUT then I also got to go to the pool with my friends Molly and Laurie and their kiddos. Then I went to play on my dart league with Barry and he SUrpRiSed me with a cAkE and everyone sang to me!!!! YUUMMYY! Then I went to see 'Sex and the City' with Barry and the baby. He slept right through it after a tiny fuss at the beginning and a little one in the middle. He also woke up to eat once. Barry calmed him down and held him most of the time. I really enjoyed the movie. I can't believe how sad it was but it was also funny. The only other things I want are a wallet (which I can get with money from my aunt!!!, a pedicure(which Julie is actually getting for me :)) and for Barry to set up the baby furniture and finish my nursing foot stool he's making for me.

So my job is going well. I'm getting cases set up nicely and I actually did my first transport and visit yesterday. I have two cases set up and a third in the process. Two others are not needing me so I am waiting to get more for my Saturdays. Until then I am making up hours during the week. I so appreciate everyone who is helping me out by watching Adrian while Barry and I work!!! (Julie and Molly)

Adrian is amazing!! He's getting so big and he smiles at me and his dad everyday and sometimes just when he's talking to himself and looking out the windows. He's starting to suck on his hand which is great for him in terms of recognizing his hands are in his control but also that he can self soothe when upset....not that that happens too often for our mellow mannered fellow. He's also doing great holding his head up especially considering he's got his dad's big old head, must be a big old brain in there I tell him. He doesn't mind 'tummy time' either and tries really hard to keep his head up and to move it from side to side. Barry has so much fun with him when I have to work and they stay home and play. He hasn't had a full Saturday since I'm not set up on my cases yet but soon enough they'll get a whole day to play.

Oh...funny story...I woke up a couple nights ago to Adrian squirming which means he's waking up to eat...I can feed him laying down sleeping so I just plop him next to me and he eats and falls asleep. I then woke up a little while later...or so I thought...It had been 2 HOURS! and he was eating again!!! He's a self sufficient little baby! No wonder he's growing so much!

And a picture: (last wed june 18)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

1st Day Back to Work

I had to go back to work today. I missed my baby all day...but he was in good hands. My cousin, Julie, watched him. She has lots of experience with babies and is actually going to have one of her own. They just moved to be closer to me...I was the only reason...just kidding...Chris, her b.friend, works here and they both go to school here also.

<---Cavyn and Julie

<----Chris, Cavyn and Julie

He just slept all day I guess and woke twice for a bottle. He did great the first time but the second time he had to be convinced that the bottle was his only option. Poor baby. I held him for 2 hours...I actually just put him in his daddy's arms since I got home. Barry got home at 5ish and hung out with Mr. Adrian till I got home at 8:30. I guess he woke at 7:30 and was able to wait to eat until I got home.

What a drag it is to pump at work! First of all, I had to find a private place to pump and secondly I had to find times to pump. I was able to pump 3 times but considering that I am quickly filling my schedule with my caseload, it may become harder to find time. Adrian is still so young that he still eats every 2 to 4 hours and hence I assume I should be pumping as much. My boss is out of town and let me use her office today. I found out that there are two bathrooms available with chairs and outlets that other girls use...but seriously...with all the benefits the county has and all the young mothers that work for the county, there should be a special room available. I know PVH has an awesome one. Maybe I should take my breaks and use theirs...hahaha.

Long day from 11-8. My boss called and woke me up this morning at 8:30am. I was so groggy and now I'm so tired. I really should put myself on a schedule to wake up earlier and go to bed earlier. I got quite a bit accomplished at least.

My job title is Life Skills Case Aide. I assist families and children already involved in the dept of human services via child protective services. I work with families who are voluntarily and court ordered to services. I assist with visitations between parents who are hoping to retain custody of their children or life skills meetings with parents hoping to keep their children in their custody. I am also the soon to be coordinator for the children's group that meets while their parents are in parenting class. That is my job and since I am only part time, most of my work will be done at the department...but generally a lot of travel and transportation tends to be part of the job. Larimer county is huge and we cover the entire county out of Fort Collins.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Adrian has a routine...actually he's always had one though it changes.

Now he stays awake and eats all day every other day...on the off day, he sleeps all day. He does well during the nights and usually only gets up to eat once or twice. Last night I went to bed at 11:30 and he woke up at 4:30. Then again, he may have gotten up at 2:30ish but I don't remember if he did or not. The night runs together...but I know he always gets up at 4:30 and again when Barry gets up at 6:30 and then usually around 9:30. I have no idea what his daytime routine is since I just feed him when he's hungry.

This morning he was smiling at me; it looks like he's laughing sometimes but no sound comes out.

He was cooing in his bouncy chair while I took a shower. I just fed him and laid him down to take a nap since he's crabby...on the days he stays awake all day he does better to fall asleep on his own since any disturbance will wake him. On the days he sleeps all day, anywhere and anyhow he just sleeps.

Bathtime...his hair is so curly when he gets out of the bath. He took a shower with his dad yesterday and just licked at the water when his dad put his whole body and face under the shower! He loves the water!

For Father's day, we made dad a card! We're going to eat our father's day dinner tonight since dad went to a CCR concert last night.
When Dad holds Adrian or is anywhere nearby, Adrian just stares at him. Barry gets his attention every time.

Yesterday I started weeding my's a process...I probably got only 1/8 of it done. By the time I finish I'll have to start over. Fine with me.

I have to go back to work tomorrow. I'm still stressing about it. Probably will until I get used to it. I have to manage pumping too which is also stressful. I want to take my lunch time to feed him but I live so far from work.

Anyways, better get work done while baby is sleeping!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

6 Weeks 2 Days Old

YAY! I have high speed internet! and we have Direct TV too! We're feeling spoiled over here in our big fancy house with all the amenities possible! A little hard to believe still but very enjoyable!

Barry's mom, Adrian's grandmother, is hoping to be out here by the end of the month! Planning is in action!

I have to go back to work on Tuesday and frankly, I'm freaking out about it. I'm planning on a panic attack, and at least crying as I drive to work...and it's a long drive so I've got lots of thinking time. :( It's not that I don't trust him with others, but what if he needs me? What if he doesn't want his bottle? What if we didn't practice the bottle enough? What if he misses me and just wants his mommy? What if I miss him? What if its hard to trust anyone with my angel baby? I hope this gets easier. I have no idea how mom's who have to work full time do it? Not the moms who get off at a good hour or have the dads that can stay home but the couples that both work from 8-5 and their kids are in childcare from 7:30-6p? How on earth do they justify spending so many lost hours away from their children especially at such young ages? As they get older they want to spend time with others but early on, all they want is their mommy and daddy. I don't think I could ever understand. I don't think they're bad parents or anything I just don't understand. I think I'd sacrifice a lot to spend more time with my baby. I'm glad I have such a great schedule since I have to work. I will be working Tuesdays from 11-8p, Wednesdays from 4-8p, and Saturdays from 8-5p. Julie will watch him Tue, Molly on Wed till B gets home, and he'll have Daddy alone time on Sat.

Barry and I joined a dart league. This is the first time we've been able to be on each other's team. He's so much better and we lost last time. He'll just have to get used to me not playing as well as he does since I've taken at least a couple years off and I'm so out of practice. We took Adrian with us last time. We'll probably just take him with us usually. It's only an hour-ish.

Tomorrow's Barry's 1st Father's Day!!! I bought some yummy steaks and lots of fixins for a delicious salad...probably make some rosemary potatoes and onions also. I ordered a collage mug for him with pics of him and his baby son but since I ordered it today it won't be here till mid-week.

I've used cloth diapers for today! So far they've held up okay. that I've got internet I should be keeping up with happenings and baby news more consistently.

Adrian is now 6 weeks old. I can hardly believe how big he's getting. He's starting to smile so much more these days...especially at 4:30am!! What a cutie though. He sleeps really well still but has been staying awake more during the day!

I LOVE this Picture!!

Today while hanging with Uncle Judah and Mom! Check out the wild just keeps getting longer. We might let it grow till he's one...we'll have to see how cute it stays.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Almost 6 Weeks....2 more days....

This morning I took my brother in law, Bobby, to Ramblewood Apts. to fill out an application for his mom, my mother in law, Adrian's Grandmother!!! so that she can move out here! She's hoping to be on her way on the 27th!
I went to Habitat for Humanity today to check out the furniture situation. I was specifically looking for a king sz bed frame, and maybe a dk wood end table for my living room. No luck on the bed frame BUT...I did get a great deal on a cool couch. I love may say that it belongs in your grandmother's living room but I absolutely love I bought it. It was originally $50 but I got it for $25....light to carry and in perfect shape except for one slit on the bottom of one seat cushion cover! I also got two end tables originally marked at $20 each for $25 total!!!! And best of all....our old neighbors/friends from across the street on Cragmore weren't working, have a truck, AND were willing to come help me move them in to my house!!! Thanks to Patrick and Robert!
Thankfully Adrian is back on his normal sleep schedule of sleeping almost all day! Yesterday he decided he was a big boy and didn't need to sleep anymore...omg...all at once too. I didn't really get anything done. However, staying up all day must have worn him out and he slept all night long. I think he woke twice to eat as usual but he didn't hang out and talk to himself like he sometimes does. And today he was up for a little while this morning hanging out with me but other than that he slept all day!
Yay! We have our DirectTV set up now! I guess that means I have internet at home too...I haven't investigated that yet though.
Very very soon I will post pictures...also if I haven't sent you the snapfish Adrian group room link or if you can't access it let me know.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

5 Weeks Old

We are slowly getting settled into our new home. We purchased a table for the kitchen! I will have to post pictures when we get internet set up at our house. We're finally getting high speed internet and dish tv. Barry's excited about the tv and I'm excited about the internet. YAY!

I will have to go back to work on the 17th. My cousin, Julie, will watch Adrian at our house for us(and I'll watch her Cavyn when he comes along) until Barry comes home. Then on Wednesdays, Molly will watch him until Barry gets off of work. On Saturdays, Barry and Adrian will hang out.

Adrian is doing great! He still has a dry nose and he screams when I use the booger snatcher. He tracks movement really well. He sleeps well through the night. I didn't wake up until 4:30 last night after going to bed at 11:30 (unless I got up without remembering of course...yes...I tend to not remember when or how many times I get up.) He is making cute noises these days and smiling more! He can lift his head really well, even from laying down on his tummy. He loves to look around. He's so mellow and still rarely cries! Hooray!

Monday, June 2, 2008

New Address

We have officially moved...our new address is 2112 Romney Avenue Fort Collins, CO 80526. We have turned off our home phone line (493-0317) so call our cell phones if you need to reach us.
All else is well. Will write more when we have a computer set up.