So my job is going well. I'm getting cases set up nicely and I actually did my first transport and visit yesterday. I have two cases set up and a third in the process. Two others are not needing me so I am waiting to get more for my Saturdays. Until then I am making up hours during the week. I so appreciate everyone who is helping me out by watching Adrian while Barry and I work!!! (Julie and Molly)
Adrian is amazing!! He's getting so big and he smiles at me and his dad everyday and sometimes just when he's talking to himself and looking out the windows. He's starting to suck on his hand which is great for him in terms of recognizing his hands are in his control but also that he can self soothe when upset....not that that happens too often for our mellow mannered fellow. He's also doing great holding his head up especially considering he's got his dad's big old head, must be a big old brain in there I tell him. He doesn't mind 'tummy time' either and tries really hard to keep his head up and to move it from side to side. Barry has so much fun with him when I have to work and they stay home and play. He hasn't had a full Saturday since I'm not set up on my cases yet but soon enough they'll get a whole day to play.
Oh...funny story...I woke up a couple nights ago to Adrian squirming which means he's waking up to eat...I can feed him laying down sleeping so I just plop him next to me and he eats and falls asleep. I then woke up a little while later...or so I thought...It had been 2 HOURS! and he was eating again!!! He's a self sufficient little baby! No wonder he's growing so much!
And a picture: (last wed june 18)
Happy Birthday!!! Sounds like it was fun.