<---Cavyn and Julie

He just slept all day I guess and woke twice for a bottle. He did great the first time but the second time he had to be convinced that the bottle was his only option. Poor baby. I held him for 2 hours...I actually just put him in his daddy's arms since I got home. Barry got home at 5ish and hung out with Mr. Adrian till I got home at 8:30. I guess he woke at 7:30 and was able to wait to eat until I got home.
What a drag it is to pump at work! First of all, I had to find a private place to pump and secondly I had to find times to pump. I was able to pump 3 times but considering that I am quickly filling my schedule with my caseload, it may become harder to find time. Adrian is still so young that he still eats every 2 to 4 hours and hence I assume I should be pumping as much. My boss is out of town and let me use her office today. I found out that there are two bathrooms available with chairs and outlets that other girls use...but seriously...with all the benefits the county has and all the young mothers that work for the county, there should be a special room available. I know PVH has an awesome one. Maybe I should take my breaks and use theirs...hahaha.
Long day from 11-8. My boss called and woke me up this morning at 8:30am. I was so groggy and now I'm so tired. I really should put myself on a schedule to wake up earlier and go to bed earlier. I got quite a bit accomplished at least.
My job title is Life Skills Case Aide. I assist families and children already involved in the dept of human services via child protective services. I work with families who are voluntarily and court ordered to services. I assist with visitations between parents who are hoping to retain custody of their children or life skills meetings with parents hoping to keep their children in their custody. I am also the soon to be coordinator for the children's group that meets while their parents are in parenting class. That is my job and since I am only part time, most of my work will be done at the department...but generally a lot of travel and transportation tends to be part of the job. Larimer county is huge and we cover the entire county out of Fort Collins.
Sounds cool!