Now he stays awake and eats all day every other day...on the off day, he sleeps all day. He does well during the nights and usually only gets up to eat once or twice. Last night I went to bed at 11:30 and he woke up at 4:30. Then again, he may have gotten up at 2:30ish but I don't remember if he did or not. The night runs together...but I know he always gets up at 4:30 and again when Barry gets up at 6:30 and then usually around 9:30. I have no idea what his daytime routine is since I just feed him when he's hungry.
This morning he was smiling at me; it looks like he's laughing sometimes but no sound comes out.
He was cooing in his bouncy chair while I took a shower. I just fed him and laid him down to take a nap since he's crabby...on the days he stays awake all day he does better to fall asleep on his own since any disturbance will wake him. On the days he sleeps all day, anywhere and anyhow he just sleeps.

Bathtime...his hair is so curly when he gets out of the bath. He took a shower with his dad yesterday and just licked at the water when his dad put his whole body and face under the shower! He loves the water!
For Father's day, we made dad a card! We're going to eat our father's day dinner tonight since dad went to a CCR concert last night.
When Dad holds Adrian or is anywhere nearby, Adrian just stares at him. Barry gets his attention every time.
Yesterday I started weeding my's a process...I probably got only 1/8 of it done. By the time I finish I'll have to start over. Fine with me.
I have to go back to work tomorrow. I'm still stressing about it. Probably will until I get used to it. I have to manage pumping too which is also stressful. I want to take my lunch time to feed him but I live so far from work.
Anyways, better get work done while baby is sleeping!
Hi Neshamah, I don't beleive in coincidence and thus - I was brought to your blogspot for a reason.....I'd mistyped something - but obviously meant to see you.. congrats on a beautiful baby... my husbands name is Adrian ... humm.
ReplyDeleteI have nealry finished an ebook I am co-writing with another mum - on reclaiming your space and sexuality back after birthing... come and check us out - or me at m y blog spot! big hugs