Barry's mom, Adrian's grandmother, is hoping to be out here by the end of the month! Planning is in action!
I have to go back to work on Tuesday and frankly, I'm freaking out about it. I'm planning on a panic attack, and at least crying as I drive to work...and it's a long drive so I've got lots of thinking time. :( It's not that I don't trust him with others, but what if he needs me? What if he doesn't want his bottle? What if we didn't practice the bottle enough? What if he misses me and just wants his mommy? What if I miss him? What if its hard to trust anyone with my angel baby? I hope this gets easier. I have no idea how mom's who have to work full time do it? Not the moms who get off at a good hour or have the dads that can stay home but the couples that both work from 8-5 and their kids are in childcare from 7:30-6p? How on earth do they justify spending so many lost hours away from their children especially at such young ages? As they get older they want to spend time with others but early on, all they want is their mommy and daddy. I don't think I could ever understand. I don't think they're bad parents or anything I just don't understand. I think I'd sacrifice a lot to spend more time with my baby. I'm glad I have such a great schedule since I have to work. I will be working Tuesdays from 11-8p, Wednesdays from 4-8p, and Saturdays from 8-5p. Julie will watch him Tue, Molly on Wed till B gets home, and he'll have Daddy alone time on Sat.
Barry and I joined a dart league. This is the first time we've been able to be on each other's team. He's so much better and we lost last time. He'll just have to get used to me not playing as well as he does since I've taken at least a couple years off and I'm so out of practice. We took Adrian with us last time. We'll probably just take him with us usually. It's only an hour-ish.
Tomorrow's Barry's 1st Father's Day!!! I bought some yummy steaks and lots of fixins for a delicious salad...probably make some rosemary potatoes and onions also. I ordered a collage mug for him with pics of him and his baby son but since I ordered it today it won't be here till mid-week.
I've used cloth diapers for today! So far they've held up okay. that I've got internet I should be keeping up with happenings and baby news more consistently.
Adrian is now 6 weeks old. I can hardly believe how big he's getting. He's starting to smile so much more these days...especially at 4:30am!! What a cutie though. He sleeps really well still but has been staying awake more during the day!

I LOVE this Picture!!

Today while hanging with Uncle Judah and Mom! Check out the wild just keeps getting longer. We might let it grow till he's one...we'll have to see how cute it stays.
Happy fathers day! BTW I totally kicked Andy's butt in darts 3 times in a row a few weeks back.