Went to the doctor:
I'm 1 cm! 80% effaced! The baby is REALLY low! AND last but not least...I'm having contractions every 2 minutes! They're not really intense and I've been having them since last night! Went to work today, then cleaned my house like crazy b/c my parents are here from Maui! They just got in today!
Wait to here more! Hopefully sooner than later!!!
Click this link:
PVHS Babies
Then Click on Poudre Valley Hospital
Then you can search by 'Family Name' Mother's Last Name: Leili-Biss
Or you can search by Hospital: Fort Collins, CO
Then Poudre Valley Hospital
Then the date
A picture should be posted of the baby!!! I don't know how long it takes to post though.
I'm starting this blog as a record about my new family, pregnancy, and baby....for my family and friends!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Today Cont...
So today, Barry and I went on a scavenger hunt for his birthday present! He picked out the GPS he wanted: a Garmin Vista HCX!!! Hurray!!! We're waiting till next friday at REI since they're having a really good package deal sale on it including the case, a topographical U.S. software CD, but not an SD card...still about a $100 cheaper altogether!!! (He was however looking at Walmart and found it even cheaper but REI has a lifetime guarantee on everything so we'll have to weight that out.)

<---37 Weeks

<---38 Weeks
Could this child possibly grow anymore?

I think he did get bigger actually! I can't even finish a whole meal...there's nowhere for it to go.

<---37 Weeks
Aaawww!!! How Cute!!!!

<---38 Weeks
Could this child possibly grow anymore?

I think he did get bigger actually! I can't even finish a whole meal...there's nowhere for it to go.
38 Weeks and 2 Days
Holy Cow...I'm such a HEFALUMP! I can't bend over anymore. I can't sleep anymore. It hurts to move, turn, roll, anything....I've been discussing with Adrian the possibility of him coming early...actually encouraging it. I seriously have to pee twice an hour, which is hard when I'm working...I just ask to use clients homes...I don't mind though some caseworkers do...I think it's a good chance to see the rest of the home and I think I have a good enough excuse! So walking is more comfortable than sitting BUT I sit all day at my job...either in the car (drove over a 100 miles yesterday for visits) or at my desk or in trainings. Walking too much hurts my back though...so it's a lose-lose situation at this point. I used to say, "he'll come when he's ready" but now I say "no time like right now!"
Must keep my mind and self occupied till he decides to show up though:
Barry's Birthday (#30) is on Monday!!! I think I'll take him out to get his gift this weekend! It's a GPS!! He has no idea. I kind of need his assistance in picking out the right one that he'll want...and if we do it this weekend then he can use it!!! (http://www.geocaching.com/)
Our friends are coming to Ft. Collins and we'll go out to dinner next week sometime!!!
My parents are coming on Wednesday!!!
I have an doc appointment on Wednesday!!!
I have a cool DV (domestic violence) training on Thursday all day!!!
Of course work on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, AND Fri is scheduled should nothing interfere!
Last Wednesday, I was totally effaced and he was 'engaged'! That means I can start dilating at any time and he's in the right position and stuck there!!! hahahaha!
I've got everything else ready to go...almost...still working on packing that bag although there is a pile of stuff in the livingroom and the baby's bag is packed and the carseat is set up in the car. The house is an endless whorlwind of clean clothes and dog fluff! (Yay for shedding season!)
Good news: we've managed to pay of some of our stupid credit card bills!!!! HURRAY!!! Don't use credit cards! Also, we're going to sign our new lease this weekend!!!
Well...Have a good weekend!! Wish happy thoughts for Adrian to come soon!
Must keep my mind and self occupied till he decides to show up though:
Barry's Birthday (#30) is on Monday!!! I think I'll take him out to get his gift this weekend! It's a GPS!! He has no idea. I kind of need his assistance in picking out the right one that he'll want...and if we do it this weekend then he can use it!!! (http://www.geocaching.com/)
Our friends are coming to Ft. Collins and we'll go out to dinner next week sometime!!!
My parents are coming on Wednesday!!!
I have an doc appointment on Wednesday!!!
I have a cool DV (domestic violence) training on Thursday all day!!!
Of course work on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, AND Fri is scheduled should nothing interfere!
Last Wednesday, I was totally effaced and he was 'engaged'! That means I can start dilating at any time and he's in the right position and stuck there!!! hahahaha!
I've got everything else ready to go...almost...still working on packing that bag although there is a pile of stuff in the livingroom and the baby's bag is packed and the carseat is set up in the car. The house is an endless whorlwind of clean clothes and dog fluff! (Yay for shedding season!)
Good news: we've managed to pay of some of our stupid credit card bills!!!! HURRAY!!! Don't use credit cards! Also, we're going to sign our new lease this weekend!!!
Well...Have a good weekend!! Wish happy thoughts for Adrian to come soon!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Baby Shower Picture Catch-Up Blog
So I guess I should post those baby shower pics! I had so much fun and everything was soooo cute! I love my turtle theme! Of course after Barry saw the cake, he hacked off the head and ate it. :( It was so cute, I couldn't watch.
16 Days and Counting...
So I thought I was tired last week...but really I'm tired this week...it's harder to fall asleep now and to stay asleep once I've fallen asleep. Any aches and pains I complained about before weren't as strong as now. The other night was half asleep from 3-5:30 with cramps!!! But I haven't felt any (besides Braxton Hicks) since then.
On Sunday, I set up a baby area in the bedroom. One bookshelf with diaper/bath stuff and books. Another with all the clean clothes: one box of 0-3 month and another with mostly 3 month, a box of socks, and a box of hats! This kid has more hats than Barry and he wears them daily. I washed all the blankets and cloth diapers and swing/chair covers! The swing is set up in the livingroom, which I also rearranged and reboxed all the stuff we won't need till after we move. The car seat is in the car. And I'm ready to go!!! (except for that hospital bag) Can we say 'nesting?'
So the hospital bag deal: If I pack it, I'll need it right? So why not wait till everything at work is settled and then I'll feel better about being ready. Physically I feel ready but there's so much still to do like a phone tree, finding someone to care for the dogs, waiting till my parents get into town (next wednesday), and finishing at least one more week of work.
Doctor visit tomorrow! Hopefully I've progressed a little more. Adrian is still head down as far as I can tell and not able to move as much any more...running out of space. He still kicks and I felt his foot for sure the other day. I was so amazed because it was a perfect outline and so tiny! It was cool! He's been using the space under my ribs to stretch into...which is awefully uncomfortable and just a little painful. Poor guy has no more room.
Work is going well! Still training, lots of observation. I think I'll learn a lot more as I get cases and clients to work with. Still figuring out how the system runs with so many aspects to keep track of. I saw a little baby at work today, a caseworker just had him last week. SOOO tiny! I can't wait!!!!
Our friend is about 3 weeks behind us and they just had a baby shower for little Miles this past Saturday! They had a BBQ at their new house! It was 70+ degrees out and I got a sunburn. I'm so excited we'll have playdates with kids all around the same age! I look so huge compared to her. However, I'm not wearing maternity clothes.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008
37 Weeks and counting...
Doctor's appointment went well today. I am 50% effaced and the baby is head down! Next appointment is next Wednesday.
Otherwise all is going pretty well. New job and training is keeping me busy. Also still trying to catch up on my to-do-before-baby-comes list: ie. pack hospital bag. Feels like whenever I get one thing done, two more get added to the list. How does that work? Whatever...it'll get done eventually. I'm getting more tired during the days as we get closer to D-Day!
Baby shower was awesome this past sunday! I'll have to write and post pics later since I'm about to pass out from fatigue in two seconds.
Otherwise all is going pretty well. New job and training is keeping me busy. Also still trying to catch up on my to-do-before-baby-comes list: ie. pack hospital bag. Feels like whenever I get one thing done, two more get added to the list. How does that work? Whatever...it'll get done eventually. I'm getting more tired during the days as we get closer to D-Day!
Baby shower was awesome this past sunday! I'll have to write and post pics later since I'm about to pass out from fatigue in two seconds.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
36 Weeks and 2 Days...
36 weeks means that next thursday Adrian will be considered a full term baby and could come at any time! I'm freaking out now...nothing is ready...my bags aren't even packed for the hospital. I have no idea how to get ahold of my doctor if I go into labor at nighttime. My parents are coming and my house is a WRECK! We have to move and I have nowhere to put stuff if we start packing. I'm willing to get rid of stuff that Barry still wants and Barry's willing to get rid of stuff I still want...so we have are left with a ton of 'stuff'. I have to work until Adrian comes which leaves me no energy to clean my house when I get home. I'm running out of things that fit me comfortably but even then, everyone tells me I don't look as far along as I am. And ... I can't stand looking at these stupid pink walls anymore. Who coerced us into that idea anyway?? AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On the non-freaking out note:
I had fun at my training Thursday and Friday! I learned a lot about interacting and building relationships with families, as well as moderating feelings that might come up in working with tough clients. The hotel bed was rather comfortable...and even though I signed up for a double to share with someone they ran out and I wasn't charged to be put into a single!!! Yay for my own room. Ate lunch at Rocket Johnny's burger joint at the mall, then dinner at Piatti (awesome authentic italian place in Cherry Creek if you're ever there), and lunch on friday at Chez Jose (very good and cheap). Our trainers: Bunny and Cassie were absolutely fun and amazing! They kept us entertained with coloring while we listened, group activities, role playing, and food! They had a wealth of knowledge and experience to share and I look forward to the other two classes in this series.
Looking forward to tomorrow and the baby shower! I have to go clean my house and get ready to babysit tonight.
*** My parents are coming on the 30th not the 20th.
On the non-freaking out note:
I had fun at my training Thursday and Friday! I learned a lot about interacting and building relationships with families, as well as moderating feelings that might come up in working with tough clients. The hotel bed was rather comfortable...and even though I signed up for a double to share with someone they ran out and I wasn't charged to be put into a single!!! Yay for my own room. Ate lunch at Rocket Johnny's burger joint at the mall, then dinner at Piatti (awesome authentic italian place in Cherry Creek if you're ever there), and lunch on friday at Chez Jose (very good and cheap). Our trainers: Bunny and Cassie were absolutely fun and amazing! They kept us entertained with coloring while we listened, group activities, role playing, and food! They had a wealth of knowledge and experience to share and I look forward to the other two classes in this series.
Looking forward to tomorrow and the baby shower! I have to go clean my house and get ready to babysit tonight.
*** My parents are coming on the 30th not the 20th.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
35 Weeks and 6 Days
So I ended up not babysitting for anyone this past weekend....but we had a lovely dinner at my cousins and celebrated Barry, Bobby, and Judah's birthdays! Babysat monday and tuesday, went to a meeting at work yesterday and a benefits meeting today. Yay!! I get benefits!! Dental will only cost about $3/month if I get it. I think that's amazing!
Tomorrow I'm going to a training in Denver for two days (if the incoming storm doesn't close Denver public schools)...they pay for a hotel and food and we'll take a county car. Three of us are going to that and I hear that the trainings are pretty fun so I'm excited!
Except...last night I had some aweful shooting pain in my back and then my hip hurt all night. Today my whole pelvis hurts. Fun Stuff! I hope the beds are comfy at the hotel.
I'm looking forward to the baby shower this sunday also!!!
:) GOOD NEWS!!! I just got an email that my parents are coming out from April 20th to May 13th!!!!
Otherwise all is well and busy as usual. I really need to pack my bags for the hospital soon. Adrian has been moving a lot considering how cramped his space is growing! He was head down last time I was at the doctor and tends to hang out like that for longer periods during the day and night than he did before but he still moves around. Right now he is head down; I can tell because he's got hiccups right now! I can also tell when he's tickling me with his hands or kicking with his feet or knees. He's getting so big. I can't tell if I'm growing bigger but a good indication could be that my clothes are getting tighter and my shirts are getting shorter. Hhhmmmm.....I've gained a total of 28 lbs so far. Not too bad, hopefully I'll lose it just as easily. Childbirth classes last for one more week. Then we wait till after all the babies are born and we meet four more times. Barry and I have a Parent's Preview Tour of Poudre Valley Hospital on the 19th! Anyways...I need to go rest...I feel like I could pass out right here at the computer.
Tomorrow I'm going to a training in Denver for two days (if the incoming storm doesn't close Denver public schools)...they pay for a hotel and food and we'll take a county car. Three of us are going to that and I hear that the trainings are pretty fun so I'm excited!
Except...last night I had some aweful shooting pain in my back and then my hip hurt all night. Today my whole pelvis hurts. Fun Stuff! I hope the beds are comfy at the hotel.
I'm looking forward to the baby shower this sunday also!!!
:) GOOD NEWS!!! I just got an email that my parents are coming out from April 20th to May 13th!!!!
Otherwise all is well and busy as usual. I really need to pack my bags for the hospital soon. Adrian has been moving a lot considering how cramped his space is growing! He was head down last time I was at the doctor and tends to hang out like that for longer periods during the day and night than he did before but he still moves around. Right now he is head down; I can tell because he's got hiccups right now! I can also tell when he's tickling me with his hands or kicking with his feet or knees. He's getting so big. I can't tell if I'm growing bigger but a good indication could be that my clothes are getting tighter and my shirts are getting shorter. Hhhmmmm.....I've gained a total of 28 lbs so far. Not too bad, hopefully I'll lose it just as easily. Childbirth classes last for one more week. Then we wait till after all the babies are born and we meet four more times. Barry and I have a Parent's Preview Tour of Poudre Valley Hospital on the 19th! Anyways...I need to go rest...I feel like I could pass out right here at the computer.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Child Abuse Awareness Month
Adrian got to hear lots of new voices today.....because...
I started my new job today: Life Skills Case Aide. I got to shadow other case aides during visitation between parents and children, set up my computer, email, phone line, check out my desk, get fingerprinted and set up all my paperwork at HR, and meet the rest of my team. I feel like a grown-up with my own desk and phone line! Next week I have a training in Denver, for which I'll spend the night, all hotel and food expenses paid. I feel a little overwhelmed today with all the information but overall the job looks to be exciting and the people I work with are awesome! Lots of incentives for working with the county: paid gas milage, food at all the trainings, county vehicles to use instead of your own car, trainings of all sorts: I'm a dork: I love taking classes and going to trainings.
Anyways, long day...and another tomorrow...Then I babysit Maddie on Saturday and Monica and Daniel on Sunday! Sunday evening we are celebrating Judah's B-day and Christie, Ty, Melissa, and Tom's return from Italy in Longmont! I think I'll go celebrate my bed right now though.
I started my new job today: Life Skills Case Aide. I got to shadow other case aides during visitation between parents and children, set up my computer, email, phone line, check out my desk, get fingerprinted and set up all my paperwork at HR, and meet the rest of my team. I feel like a grown-up with my own desk and phone line! Next week I have a training in Denver, for which I'll spend the night, all hotel and food expenses paid. I feel a little overwhelmed today with all the information but overall the job looks to be exciting and the people I work with are awesome! Lots of incentives for working with the county: paid gas milage, food at all the trainings, county vehicles to use instead of your own car, trainings of all sorts: I'm a dork: I love taking classes and going to trainings.
Anyways, long day...and another tomorrow...Then I babysit Maddie on Saturday and Monica and Daniel on Sunday! Sunday evening we are celebrating Judah's B-day and Christie, Ty, Melissa, and Tom's return from Italy in Longmont! I think I'll go celebrate my bed right now though.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
April 2nd
Happy Birthday to Judah!
Last night I went to my friend Molly's and we ordered Chinese food! I'm eating leftovers now :)
Went to the doctor this morning but had the rest of the day off. All is well! Adrian is head down now (although this morning he wasn't until we got to the docs). What a show-off! He sure is wiggly still though. And I can totally feel the extra pressure on my bladder...maybe I should invest in those adult diapers...eeewwww...I don't want to. I got my finger pricked to do the hemoglobin test-I'm not anemic!! She wanted to see me in a week and every week hereafter but she is out of the office Mon thru Wed, and I've got my new job on Th/Fr....so it won't be until week 37 that I see her again.
After the doctor I went to get a new copy of my birth certificate, but I didn't have a check or cash with me so I'll do that tomorrow since I'll be in the area anyway for work. Then when I went to check my car for a checkbook, I locked myself out....thankfully they had a hanger and my window was open half an inch.
Went to the library, shopping, to visit my coworkers and children at the daycare because I miss them, and to get gas-I was below E. Then I came home and made a pan of lasagna for our neighbors who just had a little baby girl!!! I got to hold all 9lbs of her-9 lbs is tiny considering....Then I made a pan of lasagna (gr. beef, spinach, roasted red peppers) for B and I.
OMG-Ronnie sent out my belly! It's here safe and sound. She couldn't resist throwing in a Beattle's guitar rendition of songs that came with a puppet and rattle, some musical instrument bath squirters, 3 new Horton Hears A Who Onesies, and 2 maternity T's for me!!!! Thanks for spoiling us Ronnie! Barry says: "how does she know I love the Beattle's so much?"
So last night I woke up at midnight and it took me 3 hours to fall back to sleep...and all I was doing was worrying about 'what if I go into labor now?' I tried to relax but then I got hungry and had to get up to eat a snack. Then the dogs woke up and wanted out. I also peed about 5 times. Hopefully I"ll get some sleep tonight since I have a full day tomorrow 9-5. So yes...I start my new job tomorrow! I'm nervous but excited!
I've been having crazy dreams lately. I actually saw the baby's face the other night...he had big ears that stuck out, big round brown eyes, cute little mouth and lips and a very distinguished nose. He was cute though. I didn't know he was being born until I felt a tickle on my hip and it was his hand. That was weird. The night before I had a dream that he was under my shirt but he wasn't in my belly anymore...tada...I wish it were that easy!
So since yesterday was April Fool's Day I had to call Barry while he was at the bar watching the Yankees game with a guy he met in our childbirth class. I told him he better come back home now. I was really calm but he freaked out anyway...hahahaha. I didn't lead him on too long, that would be mean. I could have had him come all the way home...ahahahaha..
Last night I went to my friend Molly's and we ordered Chinese food! I'm eating leftovers now :)
Went to the doctor this morning but had the rest of the day off. All is well! Adrian is head down now (although this morning he wasn't until we got to the docs). What a show-off! He sure is wiggly still though. And I can totally feel the extra pressure on my bladder...maybe I should invest in those adult diapers...eeewwww...I don't want to. I got my finger pricked to do the hemoglobin test-I'm not anemic!! She wanted to see me in a week and every week hereafter but she is out of the office Mon thru Wed, and I've got my new job on Th/Fr....so it won't be until week 37 that I see her again.
After the doctor I went to get a new copy of my birth certificate, but I didn't have a check or cash with me so I'll do that tomorrow since I'll be in the area anyway for work. Then when I went to check my car for a checkbook, I locked myself out....thankfully they had a hanger and my window was open half an inch.
Went to the library, shopping, to visit my coworkers and children at the daycare because I miss them, and to get gas-I was below E. Then I came home and made a pan of lasagna for our neighbors who just had a little baby girl!!! I got to hold all 9lbs of her-9 lbs is tiny considering....Then I made a pan of lasagna (gr. beef, spinach, roasted red peppers) for B and I.
OMG-Ronnie sent out my belly! It's here safe and sound. She couldn't resist throwing in a Beattle's guitar rendition of songs that came with a puppet and rattle, some musical instrument bath squirters, 3 new Horton Hears A Who Onesies, and 2 maternity T's for me!!!! Thanks for spoiling us Ronnie! Barry says: "how does she know I love the Beattle's so much?"
So last night I woke up at midnight and it took me 3 hours to fall back to sleep...and all I was doing was worrying about 'what if I go into labor now?' I tried to relax but then I got hungry and had to get up to eat a snack. Then the dogs woke up and wanted out. I also peed about 5 times. Hopefully I"ll get some sleep tonight since I have a full day tomorrow 9-5. So yes...I start my new job tomorrow! I'm nervous but excited!
I've been having crazy dreams lately. I actually saw the baby's face the other night...he had big ears that stuck out, big round brown eyes, cute little mouth and lips and a very distinguished nose. He was cute though. I didn't know he was being born until I felt a tickle on my hip and it was his hand. That was weird. The night before I had a dream that he was under my shirt but he wasn't in my belly anymore...tada...I wish it were that easy!
So since yesterday was April Fool's Day I had to call Barry while he was at the bar watching the Yankees game with a guy he met in our childbirth class. I told him he better come back home now. I was really calm but he freaked out anyway...hahahaha. I didn't lead him on too long, that would be mean. I could have had him come all the way home...ahahahaha..
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