On Sunday, I set up a baby area in the bedroom. One bookshelf with diaper/bath stuff and books. Another with all the clean clothes: one box of 0-3 month and another with mostly 3 month, a box of socks, and a box of hats! This kid has more hats than Barry and he wears them daily. I washed all the blankets and cloth diapers and swing/chair covers! The swing is set up in the livingroom, which I also rearranged and reboxed all the stuff we won't need till after we move. The car seat is in the car. And I'm ready to go!!! (except for that hospital bag) Can we say 'nesting?'
So the hospital bag deal: If I pack it, I'll need it right? So why not wait till everything at work is settled and then I'll feel better about being ready. Physically I feel ready but there's so much still to do like a phone tree, finding someone to care for the dogs, waiting till my parents get into town (next wednesday), and finishing at least one more week of work.
Doctor visit tomorrow! Hopefully I've progressed a little more. Adrian is still head down as far as I can tell and not able to move as much any more...running out of space. He still kicks and I felt his foot for sure the other day. I was so amazed because it was a perfect outline and so tiny! It was cool! He's been using the space under my ribs to stretch into...which is awefully uncomfortable and just a little painful. Poor guy has no more room.
Work is going well! Still training, lots of observation. I think I'll learn a lot more as I get cases and clients to work with. Still figuring out how the system runs with so many aspects to keep track of. I saw a little baby at work today, a caseworker just had him last week. SOOO tiny! I can't wait!!!!
Our friend is about 3 weeks behind us and they just had a baby shower for little Miles this past Saturday! They had a BBQ at their new house! It was 70+ degrees out and I got a sunburn. I'm so excited we'll have playdates with kids all around the same age! I look so huge compared to her. However, I'm not wearing maternity clothes.

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