Saturday, April 26, 2008

38 Weeks and 2 Days

Holy Cow...I'm such a HEFALUMP! I can't bend over anymore. I can't sleep anymore. It hurts to move, turn, roll, anything....I've been discussing with Adrian the possibility of him coming early...actually encouraging it. I seriously have to pee twice an hour, which is hard when I'm working...I just ask to use clients homes...I don't mind though some caseworkers do...I think it's a good chance to see the rest of the home and I think I have a good enough excuse! So walking is more comfortable than sitting BUT I sit all day at my job...either in the car (drove over a 100 miles yesterday for visits) or at my desk or in trainings. Walking too much hurts my back it's a lose-lose situation at this point. I used to say, "he'll come when he's ready" but now I say "no time like right now!"

Must keep my mind and self occupied till he decides to show up though:
Barry's Birthday (#30) is on Monday!!! I think I'll take him out to get his gift this weekend! It's a GPS!! He has no idea. I kind of need his assistance in picking out the right one that he'll want...and if we do it this weekend then he can use it!!! (
Our friends are coming to Ft. Collins and we'll go out to dinner next week sometime!!!
My parents are coming on Wednesday!!!
I have an doc appointment on Wednesday!!!
I have a cool DV (domestic violence) training on Thursday all day!!!
Of course work on Mon, Tue, Wed, Thur, AND Fri is scheduled should nothing interfere!

Last Wednesday, I was totally effaced and he was 'engaged'! That means I can start dilating at any time and he's in the right position and stuck there!!! hahahaha!

I've got everything else ready to go...almost...still working on packing that bag although there is a pile of stuff in the livingroom and the baby's bag is packed and the carseat is set up in the car. The house is an endless whorlwind of clean clothes and dog fluff! (Yay for shedding season!)

Good news: we've managed to pay of some of our stupid credit card bills!!!! HURRAY!!! Don't use credit cards! Also, we're going to sign our new lease this weekend!!!

Well...Have a good weekend!! Wish happy thoughts for Adrian to come soon!

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