Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April 2nd

Happy Birthday to Judah!

Last night I went to my friend Molly's and we ordered Chinese food! I'm eating leftovers now :)

Went to the doctor this morning but had the rest of the day off. All is well! Adrian is head down now (although this morning he wasn't until we got to the docs). What a show-off! He sure is wiggly still though. And I can totally feel the extra pressure on my bladder...maybe I should invest in those adult diapers...eeewwww...I don't want to. I got my finger pricked to do the hemoglobin test-I'm not anemic!! She wanted to see me in a week and every week hereafter but she is out of the office Mon thru Wed, and I've got my new job on Th/ it won't be until week 37 that I see her again.

After the doctor I went to get a new copy of my birth certificate, but I didn't have a check or cash with me so I'll do that tomorrow since I'll be in the area anyway for work. Then when I went to check my car for a checkbook, I locked myself out....thankfully they had a hanger and my window was open half an inch.

Went to the library, shopping, to visit my coworkers and children at the daycare because I miss them, and to get gas-I was below E. Then I came home and made a pan of lasagna for our neighbors who just had a little baby girl!!! I got to hold all 9lbs of her-9 lbs is tiny considering....Then I made a pan of lasagna (gr. beef, spinach, roasted red peppers) for B and I.

OMG-Ronnie sent out my belly! It's here safe and sound. She couldn't resist throwing in a Beattle's guitar rendition of songs that came with a puppet and rattle, some musical instrument bath squirters, 3 new Horton Hears A Who Onesies, and 2 maternity T's for me!!!! Thanks for spoiling us Ronnie! Barry says: "how does she know I love the Beattle's so much?"

So last night I woke up at midnight and it took me 3 hours to fall back to sleep...and all I was doing was worrying about 'what if I go into labor now?' I tried to relax but then I got hungry and had to get up to eat a snack. Then the dogs woke up and wanted out. I also peed about 5 times. Hopefully I"ll get some sleep tonight since I have a full day tomorrow 9-5. So yes...I start my new job tomorrow! I'm nervous but excited!

I've been having crazy dreams lately. I actually saw the baby's face the other night...he had big ears that stuck out, big round brown eyes, cute little mouth and lips and a very distinguished nose. He was cute though. I didn't know he was being born until I felt a tickle on my hip and it was his hand. That was weird. The night before I had a dream that he was under my shirt but he wasn't in my belly anymore...tada...I wish it were that easy!

So since yesterday was April Fool's Day I had to call Barry while he was at the bar watching the Yankees game with a guy he met in our childbirth class. I told him he better come back home now. I was really calm but he freaked out anyway...hahahaha. I didn't lead him on too long, that would be mean. I could have had him come all the way home...ahahahaha..

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