Today is the day! Barry is going to put the baby furniture together!! I'm so excited. I can finally set up the nursery. Feel free to call him and harrass him for taking so long to do it (970-690-2880).
We are having friends over on Monday...which means that I have to start cleaning now. HAHA. It seems I have no time to get anything done and I'm running in circles these days. At least I make time for myself: 1. I shower, get dressed, do my hair and make-up on a daily basis. 2. I try to eat when I'm hungry (which is usually when Adrian is hungry). 3. I go to my mom's group on thursdays. 5. I try to keep up on blogging and my online photo albums. I even went to the library and borrowed some books in hope that I will find time to read: my favorite hobby.
My best friend has moved to the state and we still haven't seen each other. Maybe one of these days we will.
I also have a long to do list that I'd like to get to including keeping up on the baby book and keeping in touch with my family, exercising daily, and not to mention day to day household stuff. We're all busy right now with both of my cousins pregnant and my aunt and cousin's restaurant just opened up in Estes in May and the rest of my family so far away and also busy with their own lives.
Do I sound overwhelmed? That's how I feel right now! Despite all of this I don't have any problem putting it out of my mind when I stare into my beautiful baby's face and he smiles back at me as if to say that none of it matters so much as long as he's loved and taken care of. And he is.
My little boy is growing out of his 0-3 month clothes and he's only 9 weeks old :( He's growing so fast. He is taking a pacifier now!!! Hurray! I want him to so when he needs to he'll be able to. Also it will keep lots of other things out of his mouth if he uses it. Looks like he'll be a baby that sticks everything in his mouth since he's always sucking on his hands.

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