So the doctor's appointment went well, except that I was late and we had to wait another hour and by the end we were there 2 hours and missed our Bright Beginnings appt. Rescheduled that for Aug 6th. Adrian measures in at 14 lbs and 7 oz which puts him in the 97th percentile (50th is average!)!!! He measures in at 24 inches which puts him in the 90th percentile. And his head circumference is average at the 50th percentile. Fun Facts! Doctor says we're doing everything right and he's very healthy! (Which we already knew). He spit up some of the oral vaccine (rotavirus) but they said he had enough. He cried his 'pain cry' when he got the shots and it took a while to settle down. He took a short nap in the car and then when we got home he ate and was smiley! He's playing in his crib right now...talking to his mobile. I have tylenol just in case he gets a fever but so far so good.
I finally got his room set up! It's pretty cute! He doesn't mind sleeping in his crib and he'll even fall asleep there if he's tired. What a good baby! He's talking tons these days. He's rolled over twice so far from tummy to back. We practice tummy-time every day and he doesn't mind it. I've gotten toys and books out and he likes to look at the pictures as I read. He can grasp his rattle and shake. I want to get a bigger playmat with a mirror and more dangly toys since he loved the one at Jessi's house. We go to mom's group every thursday and this week it will be at my house. We just get together, feed our babies and talk. Sometimes we share recipes or fun music, etc.
My back is killing me these days and therefore I"m pushing for him to sleep in his crib or bassinet during the night...of course it's easier for him to be in the bed with me so he usually ends up there but he's such an easy going baby that I don't think we'll have problems with it. As I always say, it's harder to train the parents than the baby. So once I"m ready, he'll be ok with whatever, especially with his personality.
G'ma Biss has been a lifesaver!!! She loves to babysit Adrian and he loves her...always cooing and smiling when they play together! She is doing well out here in CO! She just started her new job today at King Soopers! With all her experience, they said she should be interviewing them! is busy! I'm working 5 days this week. I don't have my kid's group for 3 weeks so I have to fill in about 4 extra hours. No problem actually since I"ve gone over a couple this week! I can't wait till winter when we move into our own building with nicer visitation rooms. We have a retreat coming up also which should be fun! I think we're going to Estes after we do a cool training at a park! Our training is either going to be on Disabilities or on Secondary Trauma and Stress Relief! I love trainings. We just had training on Parent Child Interaction Therapy, which I've used before in my own dealing with children. It's wonderful to see these services out there and to always be learning more about them.
Oh Yeah! Last Friday Adrian and I went to the Denver Zoo! We met Audra and Fabien there and had lots of fun despite the almost 100* heat! Then we went to eat at a yummy authentic mexican restaurant.


Adrian the Zebra and Fabien the Lion

Fabien is a good friend! What a big boy! Going down a hill he let go and said "WEEEE!" Very funny!

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