My little baby is getting so big. He can hold his head up and spin (slowly) himself around in his exersaucer! I'm sad he's growing so fast but it's awesome to see the next big thing he can do. I got him a new play mat with more toys and mirrors and I put a picture of daddy, mommy and baby in the picture holder. It's cute and has a star that lights up with music....motion sensor nonetheless. Still doing great with tummy time and also with sleeping in his crib. He stares at me when I eat and chomps on his tongue....he may end up starting solids before 6 months at this rate. He was a little fussy the last three days and yesterday Julie saw something white on his gums. It might be a tooth. I don't want to believe that yet!
I've got errands to run. I actually have to go buy diapers. This is the first time I'll be buying diapers since I've run out (of the ones that fit-I still have a pack of 2-3 pampers but they're too big) from my baby shower!!! A diaper shower is the best idea ever!
I'm starting this blog as a record about my new family, pregnancy, and baby....for my family and friends!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
New Email
HELLO ALL! I hope you're enjoying the pics and blog! I have a new email address I want to give out. NDLB622 at I will no longer use ndl622 at AOL OR sugarhigh622 at yahoo. Thanks!
Who's Who?
11 Weeks
Today was our 2 month (oops a little late as usual) appointment. After long and hard discussion and research, we decided we'd give our little one all of the vaccines. We discussed different options such as not getting him vaccinated, but then we'd be relying on others to vaccinate their own children. Waiting till he was older was another option, however he does interact with other children and such vaccines as rotavirus and Hib protect from common childhood contractible illnesses. Then we thought about splitting them up and spreading them out on an extended schedule. We decided that if we were going to give them we might as well get it over with. And in the end, millions of people are safely vaccinated's just the horror stories of 1 in billions that we actually hear about that gets us worried about autism, etc...not to say it couldn't happen, I'm scared..but the likelihood is way higher that he'd contract polio or hep B or whatever.
So the doctor's appointment went well, except that I was late and we had to wait another hour and by the end we were there 2 hours and missed our Bright Beginnings appt. Rescheduled that for Aug 6th. Adrian measures in at 14 lbs and 7 oz which puts him in the 97th percentile (50th is average!)!!! He measures in at 24 inches which puts him in the 90th percentile. And his head circumference is average at the 50th percentile. Fun Facts! Doctor says we're doing everything right and he's very healthy! (Which we already knew). He spit up some of the oral vaccine (rotavirus) but they said he had enough. He cried his 'pain cry' when he got the shots and it took a while to settle down. He took a short nap in the car and then when we got home he ate and was smiley! He's playing in his crib right now...talking to his mobile. I have tylenol just in case he gets a fever but so far so good.
I finally got his room set up! It's pretty cute! He doesn't mind sleeping in his crib and he'll even fall asleep there if he's tired. What a good baby! He's talking tons these days. He's rolled over twice so far from tummy to back. We practice tummy-time every day and he doesn't mind it. I've gotten toys and books out and he likes to look at the pictures as I read. He can grasp his rattle and shake. I want to get a bigger playmat with a mirror and more dangly toys since he loved the one at Jessi's house. We go to mom's group every thursday and this week it will be at my house. We just get together, feed our babies and talk. Sometimes we share recipes or fun music, etc.
My back is killing me these days and therefore I"m pushing for him to sleep in his crib or bassinet during the night...of course it's easier for him to be in the bed with me so he usually ends up there but he's such an easy going baby that I don't think we'll have problems with it. As I always say, it's harder to train the parents than the baby. So once I"m ready, he'll be ok with whatever, especially with his personality.
G'ma Biss has been a lifesaver!!! She loves to babysit Adrian and he loves her...always cooing and smiling when they play together! She is doing well out here in CO! She just started her new job today at King Soopers! With all her experience, they said she should be interviewing them! is busy! I'm working 5 days this week. I don't have my kid's group for 3 weeks so I have to fill in about 4 extra hours. No problem actually since I"ve gone over a couple this week! I can't wait till winter when we move into our own building with nicer visitation rooms. We have a retreat coming up also which should be fun! I think we're going to Estes after we do a cool training at a park! Our training is either going to be on Disabilities or on Secondary Trauma and Stress Relief! I love trainings. We just had training on Parent Child Interaction Therapy, which I've used before in my own dealing with children. It's wonderful to see these services out there and to always be learning more about them.
Oh Yeah! Last Friday Adrian and I went to the Denver Zoo! We met Audra and Fabien there and had lots of fun despite the almost 100* heat! Then we went to eat at a yummy authentic mexican restaurant.


Adrian the Zebra and Fabien the Lion

Fabien is a good friend! What a big boy! Going down a hill he let go and said "WEEEE!" Very funny!

So the doctor's appointment went well, except that I was late and we had to wait another hour and by the end we were there 2 hours and missed our Bright Beginnings appt. Rescheduled that for Aug 6th. Adrian measures in at 14 lbs and 7 oz which puts him in the 97th percentile (50th is average!)!!! He measures in at 24 inches which puts him in the 90th percentile. And his head circumference is average at the 50th percentile. Fun Facts! Doctor says we're doing everything right and he's very healthy! (Which we already knew). He spit up some of the oral vaccine (rotavirus) but they said he had enough. He cried his 'pain cry' when he got the shots and it took a while to settle down. He took a short nap in the car and then when we got home he ate and was smiley! He's playing in his crib right now...talking to his mobile. I have tylenol just in case he gets a fever but so far so good.
I finally got his room set up! It's pretty cute! He doesn't mind sleeping in his crib and he'll even fall asleep there if he's tired. What a good baby! He's talking tons these days. He's rolled over twice so far from tummy to back. We practice tummy-time every day and he doesn't mind it. I've gotten toys and books out and he likes to look at the pictures as I read. He can grasp his rattle and shake. I want to get a bigger playmat with a mirror and more dangly toys since he loved the one at Jessi's house. We go to mom's group every thursday and this week it will be at my house. We just get together, feed our babies and talk. Sometimes we share recipes or fun music, etc.
My back is killing me these days and therefore I"m pushing for him to sleep in his crib or bassinet during the night...of course it's easier for him to be in the bed with me so he usually ends up there but he's such an easy going baby that I don't think we'll have problems with it. As I always say, it's harder to train the parents than the baby. So once I"m ready, he'll be ok with whatever, especially with his personality.
G'ma Biss has been a lifesaver!!! She loves to babysit Adrian and he loves her...always cooing and smiling when they play together! She is doing well out here in CO! She just started her new job today at King Soopers! With all her experience, they said she should be interviewing them! is busy! I'm working 5 days this week. I don't have my kid's group for 3 weeks so I have to fill in about 4 extra hours. No problem actually since I"ve gone over a couple this week! I can't wait till winter when we move into our own building with nicer visitation rooms. We have a retreat coming up also which should be fun! I think we're going to Estes after we do a cool training at a park! Our training is either going to be on Disabilities or on Secondary Trauma and Stress Relief! I love trainings. We just had training on Parent Child Interaction Therapy, which I've used before in my own dealing with children. It's wonderful to see these services out there and to always be learning more about them.
Oh Yeah! Last Friday Adrian and I went to the Denver Zoo! We met Audra and Fabien there and had lots of fun despite the almost 100* heat! Then we went to eat at a yummy authentic mexican restaurant.


Adrian the Zebra and Fabien the Lion

Fabien is a good friend! What a big boy! Going down a hill he let go and said "WEEEE!" Very funny!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008
I woke up from a bad dream that Barry was cheating on me. He said I have nothing to worry about and I know I don't but it was very upsetting. The other night I had a dream that I was pregnant again. I feel like I'm not sleeping well these days because I'm having such bizarre dreams and it seems like they go all night and I can't get a good rest in. I don't know if this is normal but it sure is annoying.

Today is the day! Barry is going to put the baby furniture together!! I'm so excited. I can finally set up the nursery. Feel free to call him and harrass him for taking so long to do it (970-690-2880).
We are having friends over on Monday...which means that I have to start cleaning now. HAHA. It seems I have no time to get anything done and I'm running in circles these days. At least I make time for myself: 1. I shower, get dressed, do my hair and make-up on a daily basis. 2. I try to eat when I'm hungry (which is usually when Adrian is hungry). 3. I go to my mom's group on thursdays. 5. I try to keep up on blogging and my online photo albums. I even went to the library and borrowed some books in hope that I will find time to read: my favorite hobby.
My best friend has moved to the state and we still haven't seen each other. Maybe one of these days we will.
I also have a long to do list that I'd like to get to including keeping up on the baby book and keeping in touch with my family, exercising daily, and not to mention day to day household stuff. We're all busy right now with both of my cousins pregnant and my aunt and cousin's restaurant just opened up in Estes in May and the rest of my family so far away and also busy with their own lives.
Do I sound overwhelmed? That's how I feel right now! Despite all of this I don't have any problem putting it out of my mind when I stare into my beautiful baby's face and he smiles back at me as if to say that none of it matters so much as long as he's loved and taken care of. And he is.
My little boy is growing out of his 0-3 month clothes and he's only 9 weeks old :( He's growing so fast. He is taking a pacifier now!!! Hurray! I want him to so when he needs to he'll be able to. Also it will keep lots of other things out of his mouth if he uses it. Looks like he'll be a baby that sticks everything in his mouth since he's always sucking on his hands.

Sunday, July 6, 2008
I have finally finished scheduling all my saturdays are full (assuming people show up although they sounded hopeful so I shouldn't worry) and my weekday clients are more familiar to me. This job seems so complicated, and it is due to the millions of details. I guess it grows more comfortable. Of course I'm not there yet but I'm at least used to the fact that it is going to take a long time and that I work with people and no two situations or people are the same. Each individual will react to me and affect me differently. Not every situation can be solved the same way even if the problem is the same. I guess I'll never grow bored though!
So Barry and I joined a Sunday dart league. We are slowly starting to regret it since it is our only day together all day. We thought it might be a good thing to have something together but now that we do we can think of a million other things that we want to do this summer also. Barry wants to drop out. I like going but.....other things are good too. I think the timing is not good for me. I thought it was at 11am when I first heard about it but it is at 3:30p and ugh...leaves barely enough time to do anything beforehand and afterwards Barry can't go far b/c he has work the next day.
Anyways...Happy Belated 4th of July!!!
So Barry and I joined a Sunday dart league. We are slowly starting to regret it since it is our only day together all day. We thought it might be a good thing to have something together but now that we do we can think of a million other things that we want to do this summer also. Barry wants to drop out. I like going but.....other things are good too. I think the timing is not good for me. I thought it was at 11am when I first heard about it but it is at 3:30p and ugh...leaves barely enough time to do anything beforehand and afterwards Barry can't go far b/c he has work the next day.
Anyways...Happy Belated 4th of July!!!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Long Time...

So wow! I haven't written in awhile. Sorry peoples!
All is well and busy. Work is getting more routine now even though I can't totally forget any stress from work and it tends to come out in my dreams and I don't sleep as well. Adrian does ok with the bottle, especially if he's pretty hungry. :( I wish I didn't have to work because he's still so little. I do enjoy my job though.
Grandma LaLa, my mother in law, has moved to Fort Collins. She's so happy to have met Adrian. Of course she's alreading passing on her wisdom to us. Adrian loves her already and just smiles and coos to her. She's a cow collecting fanatic, so of course Adrian's collection of cows has already grown by 2. I'm excited she's here and I'm sure she'll be a great support for us. She only lives about a mile away; although she doesn't drive she does have a bicycle.
Julie took me to get a birthday pedicure today!!! Then we vacuumed out our cars. Went to mom's group today. Brought my friend Molly who has a 6 week old. I think she had fun!
Tomorrow is my cousin Lauren's b-day! Must remember to call her! I totally forgot to babysit for someone the other day (although we hadn't confirmed) and then the next morning I forgot an appointment I had. My mind is a little over run right now. I have to write EVERYTHING down if it's going to get done and even then I forget where I wrote it. I hope this forgetfullness goes away soon.
Little Adrian in his High Chair while we eat dinner! Check out those little ears!!! So Cute!
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