I'm starting this blog as a record about my new family, pregnancy, and baby....for my family and friends!
Friday, February 29, 2008
30 Weeks
Mr. Adrian hasn't stopped moving ALL day! He was awake way before me and has been kicking ever since. The water in the shower used to lull him to sleep but not even that worked today...maybe he's learning night from day. HEHE...probably not since that doesn't register until a couple of months. Maybe he's stretching and trying to expand his living space. It feels pretty cramped right now to me. Lets just hope it doesn't happen too fast or I'll get stretch marks and so far so good.
Today I'm off unless I get called in to sub at the daycare. All I have to do is babysit Madi this evening. Julie is bringing Ringo down to FC after work and we're going to take the dogs to the new horsetooth dog park! Sasha can't go in yet since she doesn't have all her shots but she can come with us for the outing.
I have such a long To Do List:
scrapbook (that's a fun one)
reapply for medicaid/update cicp status
clean house...neverending
organize all my papers/office/filing cabinet
pay bills
apply for teaching license
grow wiggly baby
pack unecessary things/find place to store them
organize/pack shed
get barry to clean back yard
clean car/get oil change
get hair cut before nj?
pack for nj
go through bucket of toys
wash all baby stuff
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
What A Day
First of all...I found out that my substitute license expired. I got it last May and was under the impression that it lasted a year. Obviously it ended about 3 days ago and was not in fact a year long license. I feel bad since I was intending to sub next Friday and ...for the rest of the school year. You may ask why I don't have my permanant teaching license and that is because I'm a slacker and thought that this one would last for a year...and since getting pregnant I was not intending to take a position immediately. My goal is to get that paperwork together by mid-March.
Second of all...I stress about silly things...like getting plane tickets. I had to find plane tickets to NJ for my brother and myself. We are flying back to see family in March. Friday March 14th until Tuesday March 18th. I found a pretty good deal...every website I checked had the same deal btw...no use browsing between travelocity/orbitz/cheaptickets/american airlines/frontier/priceline/etc...I seriously checked them all. The same flight numbers and deals were offered on all sites. Why are there so many if they're all the same? Anyways...Our grandmother died and we have to sign some paperwork and whatnot. My uncle also died shortly after. I am glad that we'll get to see our family. We never flew out for either funeral and haven't seen our family since past summer at the wedding. Both Judah and I are excited to see the family. Also they will get to see me with my big old belly...that'll be fun! Sad but exciting. I don't think I really believe my grandmother and uncle won't be there till I see it though. It's hard to accept being so far away.
**And yes...I'm okay to fly! The only airline that had any limitations (for domestic) was american airlines and you can't fly the week before or after your due date. A note is helpful if flying within a month of the due date. I'll bring a note anyway but Frontier rules said that my doctor and I know best and there are no limitations!
Then on my way to my first job: a couple of sub hours at the daycare, I bumped into someone else's car...with my car. There was no visible damage. I was shooken up though. I can't believe I did that. I thought they had pulled into traffic and I scooted up. They were still there. I had my seatbelt on and the woman wasn't too concerned about a little dent that might have been from my car.
Then I went to my second job. I babysit a little boy named Gavin! We had fun together.
Then on to my third job: babysitting Madison. I had to pick her up from a friend's friend's house and bring her to my house where she'll spend the night tonight. Her mother is going out for her birthday! I'll just drop her at daycare in the morning before I head to my daycare for the entire day. My next door neighbor, Nya (6), and Madison and I took Harley and Sasha to the park for a walk and to play. Then the girls watched PowerPuff Girls and we had tuna sandwiches, broccoli and ranch for dinner. Now Madi is taking a bath and bedtime will be around 8.
I am so ready for bed myself. I was ready for bed this morning at 9 when I woke up as a matter of fact. Hopefully tomorrow will be easier!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Yay for the Weekend!
So I guess I haven't updated in awhile....I got a call back from the doc...I do not have gestational diabetes! I knew I didn't but in order to appease my doctor's mind and in the end to be able to use this test as evidence that I do not need a c-section should they attempt that cruel trick, I decided to get it done.
We took the dogs for a walk yesterday to the field and pond by our house. They were so stinky from rolling in the marshland and chewing on dead crayfish. Gross! They got baths when we got home. Yes...7 months pregnant and I'm the one bathing the dogs in the bathtub...go figure. Barry didn't think they were stinky enough to get baths....I think he needs nose surgery to smell better. Sasha is doing great with potty training since we've decided to use the crate to train her. No accidents in 2 days and we only started 2 days and 1 night ago....so yay for Sasha! She and Harley are doing great together...except that Harley still gets a little jealous and will eat the food in 'her' bowl so she can't have it. He'll leave 'his' bowl full tho...duh...Sasha doesn't care which bowl she eats out of. Harley will just have to get over it. He can't get rid of her by starving her.
My cousin Melissa's bday was friday..we're going to my aunt's for dinner tonight. Christie's cutting my hair...and B's maybe?
On friday night, Julie, Christie, Rachel, and I went out to the Eagles hockey game for a girl's night out! Julie ordered pizza and made cookies and salad! The Eagles won 7:3 BUT there were no freakin' fights! How is it a hockey game without a fight? The Ohio team was so out of energy I'm assuming due to the altitude that they pretty much beat themselves bloody on there own...every period at least 2 players had to be carried from the ice. I guess it would have been unfair to fight them. Even though there were no good fights, we were surrounded by babies which totally distracted us all from the game...I seriously missed 3 of the goals because I was watching the babies. Don't laugh at me...they were extremely cute and you would have missed the game too if you saw the itty bitties yawning and blinking and crying because of the noise. Adrian had fun and FINALLY kicked for Christie. He kicked Rachel too.
I've realized just how much Adrian likes music! Whenever it's loud enough he starts dancing! Also when I play back the recordings of me taping him on the computer he always gets moving! I think it's my voice that he hears but not from me...so it sounds different...maybe less muffled.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
4 Days Into the Third Trimester....
In regards to Leanne's question: Sasha puppy is (as far as we know) a black lab and australian cattle dog mix (Harley is only cattle dog), but she has a curly tail and we think she is more muttish than that. She and Harley are getting along great...they play tug of war, chase and wrestle, attack the cats, and even sleep together. Right now they are wrestling under my chair as I type. Sahsa is not afraid of Harley and will steal a bone right from under his nose even if it's too big to carry away. She and Harley can be heard pretend growling while they play keep away with the rope or wrestle. I'm glad our plan to occupy Harley is working out...by the time the baby comes, she should be potty trained and also know more house rules. She is doing great with 'sit', 'down', and 'come'. Also 'NO' and 'UhUh' seem to work....where she runs over to us and sits...knowing full well that eating cat turds is gonna get a 'No' every time and if she sits she might just get a treat. She's a people pleaser. She is also getting some meat on her bones...she was sick and not eating before we got her so we're glad she's healthy and filling out now.
YAY! Thank you Ronnie for the awesome clothes and baby products! I can't believe how cute and stylin' little Adrian is going to be. I hope he grows nice and slow so that he can fit into all of his clothes for a long time. He's such a spoiled and loved little boy and he's not even here yet. It's like christmas around here...every day I come home, there's a package on the doorstep. I love it! It makes waiting for baby much easier and gives me lots to organize. I've already set up a baby station in our room...sorting through everything we have to see what we'll need for the first month before we move. I so wish I had a nursery to set up already.
***FYI: I don't need that many baby clothes (unless they are super cute)! One family passed down 4 boxes of clothes from 0-18 months. Another two families are handing down boxes of clothes to me as well. I know Adrian will go through about 3 outfits a day but still....I have so much stuff. I love looking through it all over and over again too. Also...check out the registries at target.com, amazon.com, and walmart.com for stuff that we don't have yet (if you're wondering).
Baby Adrian has been so active....scaring me into thinking he's going to pop through my belly and waking me with jabs to the hip and side! When he really gets going, like last night, I could feel feet kicking my side and knees jutting at my tummy, while hands were jabbing the other side of my stomach and his head rolled back and forth, all at the same time! Do you think he wants out yet?
Now that we're into the third trimester, it's only a matter of 12 weeks. However if he came in 9 weeks, he still wouldn't be considered premature. I hope he doesn't but then again, he'd be smaller and with everyone taunting me that he's gonna be huge, I'm just a little nervous. I can't wait to meet him!!!! Neither can Barry...I may never tire of feeling him move around...but Barry's at the 'been there done that' stage...He really looks forward to holding his sleeping baby on his chest and just meeting him in general!
Yesterday I had a doctor's appointment to do the glucose tolerance test...the starvation one where I couldn't eat from midnight till noon. I ended up talking to the doctor first about it. I wasn't going to do it but she convinced me when she said that I wouldn't feel any other symptoms since increased thirst and urination are already side effects of pregnancy. The negative effect on the baby could make him grow larger and therefore increase the risk of a c-section...which I absolutely do not want! She said she suspects it will come back normal and not to worry but as a preventive measure she'd like to make sure. So I hung out from nine till noon at the doctor's office...I had my blood drawn 4 times and didn't get to eat till noon. I was starving and dizzy but now it's over and she said she won't make me do that test again. She said she feels bad that I've had the bad end of the stick with testing so far. Seriously....I don't even like doctors or trust my life or health with the current medical field...and this isn't helping. My blood pressure was so high yesterday because I was stressed about the stupid test...usually I have really low bp. Also, I've gained 20lbs so far...can you tell??? Hahaha...Barry says I'm fat....he's so funny. I think I'm two lbs over what 'the chart' says I should be at...my cousins laugh at me and say I'm going to have a textbook baby...since I read so much and refer to the literature so often.
Which reminds me...
I just read this book called "Into the Minds of Babes: How Screen Time Affects Children From Birth to Age Five." Very interesting. It is a summary of a collection of studies and interviews by an interested parent on screen time and what research has been done on TV and other media and children. Very easy read with lots of author input. I thought the research might say that all TV is detrimental but it actually provides some positive findings for TV and children. Of course it depends on what the child is watching. She focuses on Content, Context, and Your Child. There is still lots of research to be done but what is out there is very concisely categorized in this book under chapters labeled as the most common questions that the author and parents she interviewed would ask regarding TV and their child. Lisa Guernsey is the author. I highly recommend it especially since it is so research based but not as though you are reading the actually scientific wording of the studies which can be tedious.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Big Belly
So I think I might cancel that glucose tolerance test since I fall within normal range 130-140 depending on your doctor's office (obviously mine has a cutoff at 130 since I scored 135). I'm going to ask the doctor how necessary it is since I am eating healthy and getting off my butt every day even if I don't outright go for walks daily. I consider chasing toddlers/preschoolers and carrying infants light exercise, as well as chasing my dogs around and cleaning my house...like serious mopping, vacuuming, sweeping, and reorganizing...not just dusting and wiping down tables and doing dishes or making dinner. I'm on my feet constantly moving. And sometimes I even take a walk with my cousin and the dogs and cat. I still eat healthy...healthier than most people I know even. I eat tons of fruit, cheese, whole grains, not too much meat, milk, yogurt, and vegies. I know I eat chocolate daily but I only eat an oz or 2 since more is not too healthy and I only buy dark chocolate. I haven't had any coffee in the last week either. Anyways, considering the risk factors, ...I eat healthy and get exercise, I'm younger than 25, not overweight, and the baby wasn't too heavy last ultrasound. The only risk factor I have is that my grandfather has type 2 diabetes. AND the first thing they would do is modify my diet and exercise...so I should just walk/swim more and eat less chocolate...which I should do anyway.
So I had a yucky cough and sore throat since the past weekend...I think it's practically gone now. A week isn't too bad for a cold so yay!!! Only the 2nd time I've been sick this winter!!! YAY!!
Valentine's Day was Barry and my 4th year engagement anniversary!!! He took me to the Butterfly Pavilion and got down on his knee and asked me!! It was so sweet! This Valentine's I set up a heart treasure hunt...I wrote 50 reasons (I ran out of construction paper) why I love him on red and pink hearts and taped them around the house. He found all but 2. He got me a dozen roses and chocolates and almond roca and wrote me a really sweet card.
<---How Is This Fair? Poor Harley Dog banished to the small bed by a little runt of a pup! I gave Harley and Sasha baths today...Harley was so mad at me that he wouldn't touch his rawhide and just stood there staring at it for about 1/2 an hour. I'm so mean...I wouldn't even let him go outside after he was clean and blow-dried since I knew he would roll in the mud as usual. He was so mad at me....
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
85 Days Left...

I looked back on a video clip I have from a couple months ago and I thought I was huge then...but now I'm even bigger and I guess I'm just going to keep growing....It's a little weird looking back..it changes my perception a little. Doesn't make me feel any smaller though. I feel stretched lately.
Last night Adrian was active the ENTIRE night. I was woken up multiple times and a couple of times when he kicked or elbowed me it surprised me so much I woke up and yelled. I hope I didn't scare him...I guess not since he didn't stop. It's such a weird feeling. Sometimes it feels like a big bug crawling across my skin, sometimes he rubs me with his elbow, sometimes he juts his foot out one side and then his arms out the other side as if stretching, and sometimes he does waves with his entire body... my stomach was jiggling.
Today I subbed in the toddler classroom. The toddlers are so cute...'where is your baby?' they ask. One toddler rubbed my chest and informed me 'this is where you feed your baby.' And always, lifting my shirt, 'i want to see your baby'. The preschoolers informed me that my turtle tattoo on my belly button has no shell....

Friday, February 8, 2008
What On Earth??????

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Better Day
I still miss my puppy...but now that I was so sad...I have a feeling Barry is going to just bring home another one...he said he has somewhere to go today before he comes home. Should I be worried?
I came home and my cousin dropped her beagle Ringo off to play with Harley. The trash was strewn across the kitchen and living room and I found 3 pee puddles. (No...my dog has never peed in the house since I had him potty trained within a couple weeks.) Naughty Ringo doggy! I hope they had fun terrorizing my house...at least someone remembered to close off the bedroom/office/bathroom door. Now they are sleeping by my feet...suggesting to me that maybe this is all they did all day and it was the cats that made the mess. They'd like me to think that....
Here are the Results to the last poll: Thanks everyone for voting...we've taken into consideration your votes and chosen Adrian. Actually we just both really liked it....hahaha.
4 (36%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
2 (18%)
0 (0%)
2 (18%)
0 (0%)
1 (9%)
2 (18%)
So we went to our friends new house (where we got the puppy) and they are going to have a baby in May also. I have 3 girlfriends in CO who are all due in May and are all having boys. Then I know two other girls in CO due before and after May, one who is definitely having a boy. Did you know that in times of war, more boys than girls are born? And in general, about 105 boys to every 100 girls are born?
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Bad Day
I need a job...I have so many jobs but I'm not working enough. You'd think that with four jobs I could at least pull off an easy 40 hr week. But no...
The second ultrasound that we had...I made very clear to my doc that I couldn't afford it unless they accepted my insurance. Of course they DON'T! and I find out afterwards....after talking to five different people in three different offices. No one told me anything beforehand..YES I called and asked. HELLO! No one has a clue what's going on. Just because I'm poor doesn't mean I'm stupid and just because I'm not a doctor doesn't mean you know more about me than I know about myself. BACK OFF! Don't worry I left a message for my doctor and I talked to the nurse. (Like they say...it's easier to ask forgiveness than it is permission...how this is legal I don't know.)
And my day could only get worse when.....the nurse calls me to inform me that I've failed my glucose tolerance test ( supposed to be 130 but I got 135) and now I have to starve myself...drive myself dizzy and delirious (and starved) to the doctor's office...have my blood drawn...drink lots of soda (real healthy)...wait an hour.....and get my blood drawn...wait an hour...get my blood drawn...wait another hour...get blood drawn again if I have any left....and then drive home malnourished and bloodless. I'll be surprised if I don't faint while waiting for my appointment.
Don't call me...I'm not answering my phone...I can't take any more bad news for this day.