Friday, February 15, 2008

Big Belly

So I think I might cancel that glucose tolerance test since I fall within normal range 130-140 depending on your doctor's office (obviously mine has a cutoff at 130 since I scored 135). I'm going to ask the doctor how necessary it is since I am eating healthy and getting off my butt every day even if I don't outright go for walks daily. I consider chasing toddlers/preschoolers and carrying infants light exercise, as well as chasing my dogs around and cleaning my serious mopping, vacuuming, sweeping, and reorganizing...not just dusting and wiping down tables and doing dishes or making dinner. I'm on my feet constantly moving. And sometimes I even take a walk with my cousin and the dogs and cat. I still eat healthy...healthier than most people I know even. I eat tons of fruit, cheese, whole grains, not too much meat, milk, yogurt, and vegies. I know I eat chocolate daily but I only eat an oz or 2 since more is not too healthy and I only buy dark chocolate. I haven't had any coffee in the last week either. Anyways, considering the risk factors, ...I eat healthy and get exercise, I'm younger than 25, not overweight, and the baby wasn't too heavy last ultrasound. The only risk factor I have is that my grandfather has type 2 diabetes. AND the first thing they would do is modify my diet and I should just walk/swim more and eat less chocolate...which I should do anyway.

So I had a yucky cough and sore throat since the past weekend...I think it's practically gone now. A week isn't too bad for a cold so yay!!! Only the 2nd time I've been sick this winter!!! YAY!!

Valentine's Day was Barry and my 4th year engagement anniversary!!! He took me to the Butterfly Pavilion and got down on his knee and asked me!! It was so sweet! This Valentine's I set up a heart treasure hunt...I wrote 50 reasons (I ran out of construction paper) why I love him on red and pink hearts and taped them around the house. He found all but 2. He got me a dozen roses and chocolates and almond roca and wrote me a really sweet card.

<---How Is This Fair? Poor Harley Dog banished to the small bed by a little runt of a pup! I gave Harley and Sasha baths today...Harley was so mad at me that he wouldn't touch his rawhide and just stood there staring at it for about 1/2 an hour. I'm so mean...I wouldn't even let him go outside after he was clean and blow-dried since I knew he would roll in the mud as usual. He was so mad at me....

1 comment:

  1. Neshama,
    your puppy is so cute . what kind is it. how is your belly. does harley like sasha. it is just so adorable. it lookes like mandy. i have a website just go and try to find mine.

    Love you,
