Wow...What a day! I'm so glad it's coming to an end.
First of all...I found out that my substitute license expired. I got it last May and was under the impression that it lasted a year. Obviously it ended about 3 days ago and was not in fact a year long license. I feel bad since I was intending to sub next Friday and ...for the rest of the school year. You may ask why I don't have my permanant teaching license and that is because I'm a slacker and thought that this one would last for a year...and since getting pregnant I was not intending to take a position immediately. My goal is to get that paperwork together by mid-March.
Second of all...I stress about silly getting plane tickets. I had to find plane tickets to NJ for my brother and myself. We are flying back to see family in March. Friday March 14th until Tuesday March 18th. I found a pretty good deal...every website I checked had the same deal use browsing between travelocity/orbitz/cheaptickets/american airlines/frontier/priceline/etc...I seriously checked them all. The same flight numbers and deals were offered on all sites. Why are there so many if they're all the same? Anyways...Our grandmother died and we have to sign some paperwork and whatnot. My uncle also died shortly after. I am glad that we'll get to see our family. We never flew out for either funeral and haven't seen our family since past summer at the wedding. Both Judah and I are excited to see the family. Also they will get to see me with my big old belly...that'll be fun! Sad but exciting. I don't think I really believe my grandmother and uncle won't be there till I see it though. It's hard to accept being so far away.
**And yes...I'm okay to fly! The only airline that had any limitations (for domestic) was american airlines and you can't fly the week before or after your due date. A note is helpful if flying within a month of the due date. I'll bring a note anyway but Frontier rules said that my doctor and I know best and there are no limitations!
Then on my way to my first job: a couple of sub hours at the daycare, I bumped into someone else's car...with my car. There was no visible damage. I was shooken up though. I can't believe I did that. I thought they had pulled into traffic and I scooted up. They were still there. I had my seatbelt on and the woman wasn't too concerned about a little dent that might have been from my car.
Then I went to my second job. I babysit a little boy named Gavin! We had fun together.
Then on to my third job: babysitting Madison. I had to pick her up from a friend's friend's house and bring her to my house where she'll spend the night tonight. Her mother is going out for her birthday! I'll just drop her at daycare in the morning before I head to my daycare for the entire day. My next door neighbor, Nya (6), and Madison and I took Harley and Sasha to the park for a walk and to play. Then the girls watched PowerPuff Girls and we had tuna sandwiches, broccoli and ranch for dinner. Now Madi is taking a bath and bedtime will be around 8.
I am so ready for bed myself. I was ready for bed this morning at 9 when I woke up as a matter of fact. Hopefully tomorrow will be easier!
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