Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Week 25

We had a 25 Week Prenatal Appt today. We had our Glucose Test done...yummy flat sprite drink and then a blood draw an hour later. Ate some hard boiled egg so I wouldn't throw the test by eating carbs/sugars. Hopefully I pass and don't have to take the 3 hour fasting test like with Adrian. We'll find out in a few days if I've passed.
Baby's heart beat was good, He moved around a lot and Adrian got to squirt the gel and use the little microphone to hear the baby. He had a mask and pretended to be the doctor! When I got my blood drawn, he almost cried. I had to divert his attention. He was a big helper: pushing the "aligator" button (aka elevator).
I'm feeling well these days. Little brother kicks and flips and plays a lot. He has periods of normal activity and sleep. Sometimes if he's really active for a day or two, he'll be really calm for the next day or two. He is most active in the evening and at night.
He seems to be the perfect size. I measured at 25 weeks and weighed 143.8 today at the appointment. That's 7 lbs gained now.
The sciatica has been bothering me lately at night and when I wake up. If I don't eat enough bananas and drink enough water, I get a muscle knots in my legs. I've been waking about one to three times every night to pee. I've been getting numb tingling hands-carpal tunnel. I don't fit into too many of my normal clothes anymore. I feel that I'm carrying very differently than with Adrian....definitely lower. I love being pregnant though.
I'm checking into the childbirth class we took last which was super helpful for us. They offer a refresher course!

Adrian is such a big boy! He's talking, singing, making up stories mostly about monsters and dinosaurs, pretending to read books to me, and has conversations with himself, his imaginary friend "Ee-ee" and with his feet who are brothers to each other. He more consistently says he's having a boy now instead of a sister but thinks we should name him 'girl'. It's confusing knowing what to expect when your cousin Cavyn has a sister who is a girl. He'll figure it out soon enough. He has so much fun in the pool!! He puts on his arm swimmies and waist tube and can splash around for hours upon hours!

Work is long and life sucking. I am in control of how much time I spend there and some days am better at leaving on time. Some days I just want to get the next ten things on my list done. No one really understands the multitude of tasks that are required by one person and therefore excuses for them not being done are just not easy to explain. Sometimes it's easier just to dedicate more time, get them done and not have to explain. My time with my family is precious and each moment is more about quality than quantity these days. I also cram as much in a family day as I do in a work day. And I surprisingly don't feel that tired most of the time. I sure can't wait for my trip to Maui though!!!!!

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