Number one is so smart and such a flatterer...especially when it's bedtime. "Mommy's so pretty.' This morning when I was getting my fluffy white coat on he said 'mommy's fancy.' Where does he learn these things?
What a cuddler these days. Oh And what a sCrEaMeR...I am about to rip my hair out. I've tried time outs, ignoring and spraying water at him when he screams. He loses privaleges and gets timeout for not listening. I count to 3 and if he doesn't listen, he gets timeout. Tonight he lost dessert b/c he wouldn;t listen/get his jammies on by 3. He wasn't even upset about it...he just acknowledged it and moved on. I guess the point of it is that I followed through and not that it affected him. Next time it might affect him more or next time when he really wants dessert he'll know I'm serious.
He knows all his letter's by sight and can sing most of the ABC song!
Still counting 1-2-4-3. it stubbornness or negative attention seeking? Or is he just confused? We'll just keep working on the letters, colors and shapes. He really has most of those down though so hopefully he starts counting in order soon so we can move on to algebra.
He's told his first joke this past week. "Mommy doggies say "meow meow" LOL and "Kitties say "woof woof". He thinks he's hilarious! He kind of is.
I think his calling is in interpretive dance. Just now as he refuses to fall asleep he is doing some odd interpretive dance with his arms, taking breaks to honk my nose. He randomly breaks out in movement in the kitchen also. He sometimes will only eat if his food is fed to him as a treat for being a good puppy and sitting. I guess as long as he eats, I'm fine with it.
He's started naming his stuffed animals, his hands, his froggy boots, etc....He especially likes his made up names Eda, Ida, Oti, and Oki. Maybe he'll get to pick Number 2's name.
Number 2 is a little peanut. Busy developing eye lids, toes, fingers, breathing tubes, and losing it's tail. I had my first OB appt today. Practically missed it b/c time flies when you're working too hard. I have decided on the Women's Clinic...there's a joke that all the caseworkers go there. I will get to meet all four of the midwives and at least one of them will be on call when I deliver. My next appt is May 29. I'll get to hear the heart beat then.
I've had a couple of weeks of nausea. General dizziness. Barely any headaches like last time...or maybe they just start later...hopefully not though. Otherwise, tired...but perhaps not as tired, or not as much time as last time to feel tired. I can't tell. All I know is that it's hard getting up in the morning, but not hard waking up 5 times at night to pee. I'm always hungry but seem to have not gained any weight yet. That's good and it for the 2nd and 3rd trimester.
I was just reading my blog from when I was 8 weeks last time. I started my blog then :) My sciatic nerve had just started bothering me and my nausea started at 8 weeks. This time it was at 6 weeks and I've been going to physical therapy since my sciatic nerve never stopped hurting me since then and most recently in Jan or Feb my lower back started hurting pretty bad. Anyways the physical therapy exercises, massage, stretch machine, ice and heat are working well to decrease the pain. I had been going to massage monthly but am taking a break since I have the physical therapy right now.
On the emotional level of things....maybe this one is a girl...let me just say that I cried listening to NPR this morning and couldn't help it. I don't think it was even sad, so that made me cry some more.
Barry is keeping us good and fed. He's been cooking a lot lately. He made caeser salad tonight with lemon pepper chicken and a homemade eggless caeser dressing. He has been on a asian cooking spree. He loves his wok and his asian cooking utensils. He uses such thinks as oyster sauce, fish sauce, and other smelly things to create lovely food. As long as it tastes good in the end!
We are thinking about getting a new car for me as mine is at 187000+ miles and won't go over 60mph without's just old. I guess '95's have good engines though so maybe we're only 1/2 to the end of this little car's life. I dread having a car payment...I've always been very spoiled and never had a car payment. I guess one of these days I'll have to grow up and have a car payment. I'd like to consider a minivan, gas efficient suv, at least something bigger than my little least a hatchback if I"m going to have the same amount of seating. Well....This little car's lasted me 10 years and is 16 years old so what's another year or two. Maybe we can pass it on to Adrian.
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