1st week of work is over now. What a week. I truly needed that vacation so that I could cope with work. It's just work, a part of my life, I can stand back now and take a deep breath now that I've had that break. Not to say it isn't hard work, but it's nice that I can put it in perspective again. Other news: I applied for another caseworker position. The previous I applied, I did not get although I did get the chance to interview for it!
Adrian is saying more and more each day. New words are spilling out by the mouthful! He mimics words and comes up with new sounds in his jibberish on a daily basis it seems. OieeeOieee seems to be todays rant. Also he mimiced 'table', says 'gen' for again, and is putting 2 word phrases together quite often such as 'get down' and more please'.
Adrian peed in the potty standing up two days in a row!!! So big! He gets raisinettes for treat and can pee on command if he has to go. Yay! He tries every evening and morning.
Tomorrow morning is a big day! He's going to gymnastics for the first time at Mountain Kids. There is a kid's expo event thingy this weekend also that we might attend on Sunday with cousin Cavyn and friends Lexi and Julian! Mom gets a night off to go hang out in Denver with friends from work on Saturday night.
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