We are in need of packing very soon as we are nearing take-off to paradise.
I left work today all caught up and ready for January, my desk clean and organized! I left everything work related at work, including my computer, save for my key which I will need to get back in the building in January.
My list of to-do's includes cleaning the house, cleaning out the fridge, going to the library to drop off books due mid trip, solidifying plans with the airlines, Judah who graciously agreed to drive us at 3am to the airport, and Linda and Tim who are thankfully caring for the pets/plants/mail/trash/etc.
Adrian Update
Adrian has no concept of anything coming up. He carried his present to the car from the babysitter's and had no concept of that either. I think it's fascinating at this age how much he's learning but how much he has no clue what is going on around him, and especially why. Next year, he'll totally get it. For now he's fun to watch in the moment.
Talking way more these days. Overnight he went from 'RaRa' to 'Rasha' to "Shasha" when he calls Sasha. He can repeat many words that you say. He says 'no' when he means it, he says 'please', he won't stop saying 'mama'. He repeats 'mama mama mama' on car rides or at home when I'm busy and even when I answer him, he continues. Barry thinks he uses it generally as a new word, but I told him that he is just talking about me when I'm not there or to me when I am. He also generalizes and calls his babysitter 'mama' or sometimes my friends 'mama'. He says 'choo choo' when we pass the train. He said 'truck' today. He yells at the dogs to 'go' and 'stay' and tries to ride them. He says 'duntadunta' and rides his stick horse or the pets around the house. He knows 'turtle' 'bear' 'woof-woof' 'roar' 'cat' and 'moo' in labeling animals. "Hi' and 'bye bye' are very clear on the phone or in person. He stills babbles and jabbers away a lot in play or on the phone. At night he wants to go 'ni-ni' and has been calling his blankie 'mimi'.
Climbing on the piano bench and stomping out a song on the keys is his new favorite trick. I had to move the bench away for fear that he would knock over all the plants or fall.
He peed on the potty the other day again (3rd time) but didn't aim and got me instead. Still got a skittle for that one.
He loves to read! Yay!! 'Brown Bear Brown Bear', 'Goodnight Gorilla' and a Hide and Seek flap book are his 3 faves right now.
Cousin Maddox's bday party is Sunday in Longmont. I hear the family is sick though and don't know if we want to catch anything right before we leave though so we are debating the party:(
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