Our last day :( Went to Baby Beach this morning. Finally, Adrian is no longer scared of the water and went into the ocean on his own, as well as swimming with daddy!
Last night Barry and I went on a Pacific Whale Foundation Sunset Cocktail Cruise out of Ma'alea!!! We saw whales up close (28 yards away was the closest). We saw pods of males, a mom, calf and their escort and a single male. Very cool. We each got 3 drink tickets and Barry had some mai tais and I had some local micro brews. They served appetizers as well. We were lucky to have been accompanied by the founder of the Pacific Whale Foundation on the trip as well and he narrated the tour most of the time!
Happy New Years Eve to all! We'll be over the ocean for New Years!
I'm starting this blog as a record about my new family, pregnancy, and baby....for my family and friends!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Maui HI Day 15 Post 4
Kiddo Update:
Adrian has grown an inch since we've come to Maui! I know anything will grow here like it's on steroids but I didn't expect Adrian to grow so much so fast. My nails and hair but not my kid...who knew! He is as tall as some 2 year olds he was playing with on the beach. He made friends everywhere he goes :)
Adrian now says 'moon', asks for a 'spoon', says 'rock' and 'fish' and loves his 'birds'! He calls all liquid 'juice' including water, milk, and even the ocean. His favorite word is 'mama' and he uses it like a little parakeet. He talks a lot more; even though a lot of it is still just babbles he uses more intonation and inflection, eye contact and hand motions. He knows 'yes' and 'no' and will answer questions now.
Adrian is loving all the fresh fruit growing all over the place out here..pineapples, mangoes, bananas (little ones call apple-bananas which are sweeter) and papaya! He can devour an entire mango in about 2 seconds. He's tried poke which is raw fish and enjoyed it!
In the last few days:
Saturday: Barry and I made a trek to Haleakala Crater (10,000 feet in about an hour)!
Sunday: We went to Papalua Beach again but with Deborah and my dad this time.
Monday: Yesterday we went to the Maui Ocean Center/Aquarium with the grandma and grandpa.
Tuesday: Today Barry and I went to Hana (50 miles/52bridges/one lane but 2 way road with recommended speeds of 10-20 mph the whole way and only one way in or out).
Coming up:
Wednesday: Barry and I are going on a Cocktail cruise on a whale watching boat
Thursday: Leaving for the airport at 8pm.
Adrian has grown an inch since we've come to Maui! I know anything will grow here like it's on steroids but I didn't expect Adrian to grow so much so fast. My nails and hair but not my kid...who knew! He is as tall as some 2 year olds he was playing with on the beach. He made friends everywhere he goes :)
Adrian now says 'moon', asks for a 'spoon', says 'rock' and 'fish' and loves his 'birds'! He calls all liquid 'juice' including water, milk, and even the ocean. His favorite word is 'mama' and he uses it like a little parakeet. He talks a lot more; even though a lot of it is still just babbles he uses more intonation and inflection, eye contact and hand motions. He knows 'yes' and 'no' and will answer questions now.
Adrian is loving all the fresh fruit growing all over the place out here..pineapples, mangoes, bananas (little ones call apple-bananas which are sweeter) and papaya! He can devour an entire mango in about 2 seconds. He's tried poke which is raw fish and enjoyed it!
In the last few days:
Saturday: Barry and I made a trek to Haleakala Crater (10,000 feet in about an hour)!
Sunday: We went to Papalua Beach again but with Deborah and my dad this time.
Monday: Yesterday we went to the Maui Ocean Center/Aquarium with the grandma and grandpa.
Tuesday: Today Barry and I went to Hana (50 miles/52bridges/one lane but 2 way road with recommended speeds of 10-20 mph the whole way and only one way in or out).
Coming up:
Wednesday: Barry and I are going on a Cocktail cruise on a whale watching boat
Thursday: Leaving for the airport at 8pm.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Maui Day 12 Post #3
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We had a great day waking up, eating yummy breakfast then going down to see the giant waves at Ho'okipa then over to Jaws. That's right, the waves were breaking at Jaws, which doesn't happen that often and we got to see it. We had to drive through pineapple fields to the cliffs. The surfers can't even get to the beach from the road, they have to be towed in by jet skis from anoher cove. The waves must have been at least 30 feet high and there were some surfers out there riding. The waves were so big that they had to be towed into the waves to surf them. We got some good pictures. Of course I forgot to bring my camera cord so you'll just have to wait till I get home for some pics. After traversing back through the pineapple field, we came home to Deborah who got to sleep in. Then we ate snacks-brie and bread, dates, carmelized nuts; talked to family on the phone, rested a little in the sun, decided to forgo the beach idea because no one wanted to drive. We started opening presents around 3:30 and we dragged it out through the rest of the night till Adrian's bedtime. Adrian got a cool dump truck, eco friendly recycled plastic! He got some books and Organic Cotton People clothes and a music windup box. Deborah has newly installed car speakers since her's were shot. She never even knew that Barry snuck in and did a covert install! Barry got some Maui Harley Davidson clothes and a new belt buckle. We watched some of Deborah's 'Planet Earth' and then 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button'. For dinner we did some chicken and ribs on the barbie and had some potato/mac salad. Barry made a yummy marinade for the chicken with ginger and soy and brown sugar and other stuff. Very good! There was egg nog and beer for libations. We had a nice day together!
Anyways...we're off to the beach so I better go get dressed.
Anyways...we're off to the beach so I better go get dressed.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Day 10 Post 2
We've been here for 10 days now.
We've been to some more beaches including Ho'okipa, Baldwin, Big Beach-where we saw some whales breaching in the evening sunset and met a nice local family with whose children Adrian played, a beach in Kihei and one in Wailea. We did some nice shopping in Maui Mall and Queen Ka'ahumanu in Kahalui as well as walked around the Wailea malls and watched some Christmas Hula dancers in the mall. Adrian got up and started dancing with them; huge audience. Adrian is still scared of the waves and rightly so now with a HUGE swell coming in...estimated at 40-50 ft waves by Christmas evening on the north shore. Deborah's had two days off so far and my dad has taken all of them off :)Barry and I got away to do some shopping and Grandpa got to spend some one on one time with the grandson. Anyways, if you can believe it, tomorrow is Christmas eve! Barry and I might go up to the crater in the AM and Adrian will hang out with Grandpa. Poor Barry got a stomach bug and I got a bit of a sunburn.
7 more days.
We've been to some more beaches including Ho'okipa, Baldwin, Big Beach-where we saw some whales breaching in the evening sunset and met a nice local family with whose children Adrian played, a beach in Kihei and one in Wailea. We did some nice shopping in Maui Mall and Queen Ka'ahumanu in Kahalui as well as walked around the Wailea malls and watched some Christmas Hula dancers in the mall. Adrian got up and started dancing with them; huge audience. Adrian is still scared of the waves and rightly so now with a HUGE swell coming in...estimated at 40-50 ft waves by Christmas evening on the north shore. Deborah's had two days off so far and my dad has taken all of them off :)Barry and I got away to do some shopping and Grandpa got to spend some one on one time with the grandson. Anyways, if you can believe it, tomorrow is Christmas eve! Barry and I might go up to the crater in the AM and Adrian will hang out with Grandpa. Poor Barry got a stomach bug and I got a bit of a sunburn.
7 more days.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Maui Trip Post #1 Day 3
We've been in Maui for 3 days now! Adrian LOVES being here b/c people practically live outside and he can be outside whenever he wants, which is usually always. The weather is beautiful between 60-80 degrees, it's rainy today but probably sunny on the other side of the island. Adrian was dancing in the rain before he tuckered himself out and told me he wanted 'ni-ni'.
The house is awesome and finally I'm able to see it for the first time. It looks bigger than I imagined from the show: TLC's My First Home. There are wild/loose chickens everywhere in Maui and at about 4 in the AM the roosters start crowing and don't stop all day. There are 11 different ecosystems on this little island and it's amazing how diverse the landscape is. The ocean is beautiful and the waves are big. Right now the wind patterns are different from what they usually are so the smells, volcano fog or Vog is present, the weather etc are a little unusual.
As you may know, we left CO at 6am on Tuesday the 15th. Judah drove us to the airport at 3am. Adrian did great on the first flight (2.75 hrs). Slept the last 45 min. He sat on Barry's or my lap and played with his new computer from Aunt Doreen and Uncle Mark, a gift for the plane. He read books and ate gummy lifesavers to keep his ears popped. We stopped in San Fran for about an hour and he ran around, played in the kid's play area, and rode on the moving walkways saying hi to strangers. The second flight was 5.5 hrs long and he slept the last hour. We were lucky to have 2 empty seats in our middle 5 seat row. This flight he had fun walking to the bathroom, flushing an airplane toilet, throwing up probably from eating too much sugar and waking up at 3am and not napping enough-too much excitement, and playing peekaboo with the lady behind him. He probably cried a total of 30 seconds the whole time.
The first day we flew in we were picked up at the airport, rented a car, went to the house, unloaded, went shopping for diapers and stuff, then had a marvelous dinner with sashimi, steak and vegies. We have our own room-a tall tent with a blow up mattress, Adrian's playpen, and a little table. It's so nice out all the time that there's no air conditioning or heating systems set up in the house. The 'lanai' (porch) is like a second living area.
Wed the 16th: Barry, Adrian and I took off to the west side to visit the tourist towns and beaches of Lahaina (Papalua beach park), Kapalua, Napili (D.T. Fleming Beach Park) and kept driving around that way until we hit a one lane two way winding road that was in a native area where the locals live the old way. We turned around and went back home the other way.
Thursday the 17th: Went on a tour to check out the Piihilo Rd zipline (Barry might do it!), and my dad's base water plant, met a coworker of his, then drove through Makawao then went Hookipa Beach where my dad went surfing and Barry felt nauseas and rested on the beach and I watched Adrian play in the baby tidal pools ranging from 6" to a couple feet of water. I met a local woman who told me about a Christmas kid's program at the Makawao library, a Santa at one of the malls, and a pool in Pukalani (where my parents live).
Adrian is having fun getting to know his Grandma and 'BaPa' in Maui!
The house is awesome and finally I'm able to see it for the first time. It looks bigger than I imagined from the show: TLC's My First Home. There are wild/loose chickens everywhere in Maui and at about 4 in the AM the roosters start crowing and don't stop all day. There are 11 different ecosystems on this little island and it's amazing how diverse the landscape is. The ocean is beautiful and the waves are big. Right now the wind patterns are different from what they usually are so the smells, volcano fog or Vog is present, the weather etc are a little unusual.
As you may know, we left CO at 6am on Tuesday the 15th. Judah drove us to the airport at 3am. Adrian did great on the first flight (2.75 hrs). Slept the last 45 min. He sat on Barry's or my lap and played with his new computer from Aunt Doreen and Uncle Mark, a gift for the plane. He read books and ate gummy lifesavers to keep his ears popped. We stopped in San Fran for about an hour and he ran around, played in the kid's play area, and rode on the moving walkways saying hi to strangers. The second flight was 5.5 hrs long and he slept the last hour. We were lucky to have 2 empty seats in our middle 5 seat row. This flight he had fun walking to the bathroom, flushing an airplane toilet, throwing up probably from eating too much sugar and waking up at 3am and not napping enough-too much excitement, and playing peekaboo with the lady behind him. He probably cried a total of 30 seconds the whole time.
The first day we flew in we were picked up at the airport, rented a car, went to the house, unloaded, went shopping for diapers and stuff, then had a marvelous dinner with sashimi, steak and vegies. We have our own room-a tall tent with a blow up mattress, Adrian's playpen, and a little table. It's so nice out all the time that there's no air conditioning or heating systems set up in the house. The 'lanai' (porch) is like a second living area.
Wed the 16th: Barry, Adrian and I took off to the west side to visit the tourist towns and beaches of Lahaina (Papalua beach park), Kapalua, Napili (D.T. Fleming Beach Park) and kept driving around that way until we hit a one lane two way winding road that was in a native area where the locals live the old way. We turned around and went back home the other way.
Thursday the 17th: Went on a tour to check out the Piihilo Rd zipline (Barry might do it!), and my dad's base water plant, met a coworker of his, then drove through Makawao then went Hookipa Beach where my dad went surfing and Barry felt nauseas and rested on the beach and I watched Adrian play in the baby tidal pools ranging from 6" to a couple feet of water. I met a local woman who told me about a Christmas kid's program at the Makawao library, a Santa at one of the malls, and a pool in Pukalani (where my parents live).
Adrian is having fun getting to know his Grandma and 'BaPa' in Maui!
Friday, December 11, 2009
We are in need of packing very soon as we are nearing take-off to paradise.
I left work today all caught up and ready for January, my desk clean and organized! I left everything work related at work, including my computer, save for my key which I will need to get back in the building in January.
My list of to-do's includes cleaning the house, cleaning out the fridge, going to the library to drop off books due mid trip, solidifying plans with the airlines, Judah who graciously agreed to drive us at 3am to the airport, and Linda and Tim who are thankfully caring for the pets/plants/mail/trash/etc.
Adrian Update
Adrian has no concept of anything coming up. He carried his present to the car from the babysitter's and had no concept of that either. I think it's fascinating at this age how much he's learning but how much he has no clue what is going on around him, and especially why. Next year, he'll totally get it. For now he's fun to watch in the moment.
Talking way more these days. Overnight he went from 'RaRa' to 'Rasha' to "Shasha" when he calls Sasha. He can repeat many words that you say. He says 'no' when he means it, he says 'please', he won't stop saying 'mama'. He repeats 'mama mama mama' on car rides or at home when I'm busy and even when I answer him, he continues. Barry thinks he uses it generally as a new word, but I told him that he is just talking about me when I'm not there or to me when I am. He also generalizes and calls his babysitter 'mama' or sometimes my friends 'mama'. He says 'choo choo' when we pass the train. He said 'truck' today. He yells at the dogs to 'go' and 'stay' and tries to ride them. He says 'duntadunta' and rides his stick horse or the pets around the house. He knows 'turtle' 'bear' 'woof-woof' 'roar' 'cat' and 'moo' in labeling animals. "Hi' and 'bye bye' are very clear on the phone or in person. He stills babbles and jabbers away a lot in play or on the phone. At night he wants to go 'ni-ni' and has been calling his blankie 'mimi'.
Climbing on the piano bench and stomping out a song on the keys is his new favorite trick. I had to move the bench away for fear that he would knock over all the plants or fall.
He peed on the potty the other day again (3rd time) but didn't aim and got me instead. Still got a skittle for that one.
He loves to read! Yay!! 'Brown Bear Brown Bear', 'Goodnight Gorilla' and a Hide and Seek flap book are his 3 faves right now.
Cousin Maddox's bday party is Sunday in Longmont. I hear the family is sick though and don't know if we want to catch anything right before we leave though so we are debating the party:(
Sunday, December 6, 2009
8 Days to Maui!
Long week over now comes the countdown to Maui!
I think we're at 8 days a counting right now....scary b/c I haven't even started packing yet.
Went to TX for work on Thursday to Friday. Took the cold and snow with me. Got some sort of illness and was throwing up mid-work. Made it back in one piece at least. Went to San Antonio and Uvalde about an hour from the border. Saw border patrol and reminders of being a kid growing up in TX like 'cat walks' and 'deer corn' and the 'woods' where we used to take walks.
Obviously Barry did great with Adrian. His family was able to come over and help him out with child care so he didn't have to alter Adrian's schedule too much. He is very proud of himself. Adrian is also totally done nursing. We stopped on Nov 30th b/c of the trip and b/c we're ready even though it makes me sad and sometimes he still asks for 'nurse nurse' but I just tell him 'all done.' He easily takes reading a story in it's place though and still likes to snuggle, even more now which makes me feel good. He's 19 months now also!
Adrian's been talking up a storm. He says more words daily. He knows 'bird' and 'roar' for tigers/lions/bears. He mimics more words now. He call Sasha 'Rara'. He is very bossy with the dogs and they have been known to listen to him. He yelled at Harley to 'go' and pointed to his bed and Harley listened when Gpa and Gma were watching him. :)
Anyways it's late and I'm tired...more later!
I think we're at 8 days a counting right now....scary b/c I haven't even started packing yet.
Went to TX for work on Thursday to Friday. Took the cold and snow with me. Got some sort of illness and was throwing up mid-work. Made it back in one piece at least. Went to San Antonio and Uvalde about an hour from the border. Saw border patrol and reminders of being a kid growing up in TX like 'cat walks' and 'deer corn' and the 'woods' where we used to take walks.
Obviously Barry did great with Adrian. His family was able to come over and help him out with child care so he didn't have to alter Adrian's schedule too much. He is very proud of himself. Adrian is also totally done nursing. We stopped on Nov 30th b/c of the trip and b/c we're ready even though it makes me sad and sometimes he still asks for 'nurse nurse' but I just tell him 'all done.' He easily takes reading a story in it's place though and still likes to snuggle, even more now which makes me feel good. He's 19 months now also!
Adrian's been talking up a storm. He says more words daily. He knows 'bird' and 'roar' for tigers/lions/bears. He mimics more words now. He call Sasha 'Rara'. He is very bossy with the dogs and they have been known to listen to him. He yelled at Harley to 'go' and pointed to his bed and Harley listened when Gpa and Gma were watching him. :)
Anyways it's late and I'm tired...more later!
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