We went, as a whole family, to the pumpkin patch at Lee Martinez Farm. Adrian was so excited when we first got there, and the rest of the time too, that he was running in circles and couldn't decide if he wanted to look at the chickens or follow the other children. He ended up picking out 2 gourds and a pumpkin. He calls them 'balls' and throws them all over the house. He also tries to take bites out of them and share them with the dogs.
After the pumpkin patch, we went to the park and Adrian climbed and swung and slid and teetered and tottered! We fed grass to some horses and then 2 horses started fighting which was really scary especially for Adrian. Then mom lost her phone and dad had to call it a bunch so mom could find it amidst the leaves.
Went to visit aunt Laurie and she fed us chicken soup and sloppy joes for dinner. Visited gramma and grampa for a few minutes, then Dad went to a Halloween party and mom opted out and gave pookie a bath, then colored pictures and ate icecream with little pookie, then put him to bed and started reading 'The Bridges of Madison County'.
Adrian can now say shoes, socks, trash, juice, door (with an accent), please, bye-bye or bye-byes, hello, mommy, daddy, gramma, grampa, and moo. He puts together two words like please shoes or byebye daddy. He says 'buckle' too in his carseat. He shakes his head no or yes and says 'uh uh' for no.
He keeps getting taller. He tries to jump and likes to jump on the trampoline at the neighbor's house. He loves to dance! He can open doors no problem. He likes to drive mommy's car and can open the car doors from the inside. When you mention cars or driving he says 'vroom vroom.' He pretend plays with his cars and drives them around saying 'vroom' or 'brbrbrbrbrbrbrbr'.
He peed in the potty again this morning!
He's sympathetic when someone gets hurt and gave me hugs this morning when I hurt my knee. He reacts appropriately but not unecessarily to fear, alarm, happiness, and anger/frustration.
He brings books to you to read, turns pages and points to pictures. We have fun at the library.
He listens to commands like 'sit down' or 'lets go to your room'. He picks up the food he throws on the floor after eating, and always likes to throw his diaper in the trash.
He's explorative and enjoys taking out all his toys as well as all the tupperware and the broom, swiffer mopper, his broom, both dustpans, his vacuum, and the mop and spread them all over the house while 'cleaning' and playing. He's great a playing alone but also likes to play with mom and dad and his friends. He doesn't get upset when they boss him around or take his toys. Sometimes he gets jealous of mom's attention especially when mom holds another baby. He also has to be held.
Anyways that's the update.