So the tuna things didn't quite work out as I hoped. They stayed soft. HHHMMM....Adrian picked at them but mainly mushed them around his tray then threw them on the floor.
Just cleaned up the freezer and consolidated all the frozen baby food I've made into one spot and jarred them up for easy access for meals. Still have quite a lot. I've smooshed fruit and filled jars 1/2 full so they're easy to add yogurt to...just like the store but without the extra sugar. He loves dates and yogurt, bananas and blueberries and yogurt. Also made green beans and swiss chard vegies to freeze for A. This morning we had oj, frozen strawberry, banana yogurt smoothies with a bowl of cheerios. YUM!!
He's a testing toddler. He throws things off his tray and hits when he's tired or over excited. I use timeout-either away from me (also called a natural consequence) such as he can't sit and play piano with me b/c he hit me. He walked ((yes WALKED hehehe) away crying and I said 'no hitting' and ignored him. Then he came back and we tried again. Same thing-just testing me to see if I'll be consistent or if he can get away with whatever he wants. He eventually stopped crying and played with his other toys. Sometimes he gets timeout in his crib when he won't stop hitting and chases you down just to hit you. Then it's 1 minute per year of age in his crib. He cries and has to stop in order for me to pick him up. Of course I reinforce 'be gentle'. I hate the word "NO" especially repeated for everything in unecessary circumstances. I have to remind those around him that 'no' is not a necessary word unless he's hurting himself or others...and then on top of that you can't just sit there and yell 'no'. You have to redirect him-show him the right way or a new thing to do. He's a baby for crying out loud...you have to teach him! Yelling 'no' does not teach!
Has refused an AM nap for the last 2 weeks and it is impossible to get him to sleep unless driving. Oh well...I always wanted a baby who took nice naps and so far he has but.....now he's a toddler and gets to make some of the rules I guess. He sure is whiney and cranky and miserable but there's no reasoning with a toddler!
He must take a little nap before we go to Adeline's 4 year b-day party or he'll fall asleep in the car on the way there. He's still fussing (2nd try)...1/2 hour now. Sounds sleepy and stubborn...moaning 'aaawoooooo' and babbling to himself. I think it only took him 40 min to fall asleep...woohoo...stubborn child takes after his father...both being Tauruses makes sense I guess.
Loves sitting on his potty!!! So cute and just practice...he doesn't get the connection yet and of course doesn't have the physical abilty yet either. He know's it's his though!
Work is super busy these days and I'm a little overwhelmed attempting to juggle the needs and newness of my new caseload! I wish the weekend was longer.
Kitty Cat Sitting....One for you, One for me. Yes that's a bite of cat food!
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