Adrian loves his musical instruments and drumming on everything. He sings too! Daddy shows him how to play the baritone ukelele and the harmonica and drums. The piano is a favorite activity also. He'll have to take lessons in a couple years.
We love to play outside! Still a favorite daily activity and mommy got Adrian a "sliding pond" as those out East might call them, for $2 at a garage sale.
Cousin Cavyn and Adrian Playing with New Toy...Naked...Because it's more fun that way!
Mom's been garage sale-ing a lot lately. Found a potty seat for $1, a folding potty seat for $1, some clothes usually $.25 a piece, and other cool stuff for super cheap...things I would never buy new like the toy vacuum Adrian loves or the toyhouse with a bucket full of peoples and furniture.
On that note: yes I let my son play with babies, with a toy house and little people, with my make up and hair brushes, etc. There is nothing that I won't let him play with b/c all children need to mimic what they see in their lives in order to learn. I want him to someday think it's ok to care for children, to want to be in a helping profession, to not be limited to anything by social boundaries so I let him play with what some might call "girl" toys. And if a kid's going to be gay it's not because they played with one toy or another or ever had a pink sippy cup despite what you might believe.
Adrian tests boundaries sometimes. He understands no and is a great listener. He follows quite a few commands such as 'come here' or 'be gentle' and understands other cues such as 'eat' or 'blankie' etc... He's been signing all done for quite some time now and just started signing 'more' 'eat' 'milk' and 'please.' For 'more' he uses as a sign for 'more' but also for 'want'. He points to something and then signs 'more'. It's great-that's a two word phrase right there. He signs please if you show him. At first he was using more for everything, including all done but now understands the difference. He mimics sounds a lot and you could swear he copies words sometimes. He says 'gog' and 'woof', 'gat' and 'meaooooooow' in a high pitched voice, shakes his head 'no' when he doesn't want something, and the same old other stuff he's been doing. He waves goodbye pretty consistently now and says 'hello' on the phone. We think he's pretty smart!
Reading is pretty important for a kid's success in school. We read but not as much as I'd like. Adrian enjoys reading and will pick out books to read. He'll sit quietly and turn pages and look at books also.
He loves his aunts and uncles and g'parents and cousins! He gets excited to see them! Barry thinks he likes me more than him (it's probably true since we're still breastfeeding in the AM and Nights). I told Barry that's normal and he'll get over that and like him by next year probably. It's a normal trend kids go through-prefering one parent over the other depending on the stages they're going through.
Adrian's been fighting naps these days. He usually will nap 2 hrs around 9am and 2 hrs around 2pm. If you don't lay him down right when he gets sleepy he'll fight it and maybe not nap. Thur and Fri he slept 5 hrs straight for Amber (babysitter). Who knows. Babies still need 2 naps until about 18 months then they usually only take one nap in the afternoon. Depends on the kid though.
Adrian feeds himself with a spoon or fork. He loves yogurt; we sometimes add almond butter and honey! He doesn't love to eat and he takes awhile to start eating so it takes patience to feed him sometimes. He's picky about actually eating but will eat almost anything. He gags pretty easily and will throw everything up if he gags. No fun since it took awhile to get him to actually eat in the first place usually.
We've had a couple pooping on the floor incidents: not wearing a diaper and then mom gets preoccupied doing something like the dishes, next thing you know there's poop on the floor. Not too big a deal-better than pooping in pants during potty training episodes. The floor's easier to clean at least. I'm not looking forward to potty training. I let Adrian play with his little potty and he thinks it's fun to take apart. I showed him how to sit on it and then he pooped on the floor 2 minutes later...he's too quick for me. I need better timing. I do have some supplies for potty training but he probably won't show interest for another few months at least.
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