'Little man' recieved a package in the mail from his Aunt Ronnie today! He had fun playing with his cow fish and GIANT rubber ducky in the tub! He also tested out G'ma's cows for her.
More news: Uncle Hayride will be out in mid June! He will get to meet Adrian and plans on hiking the Continental Divide Trail starting in CO.
Other news: Adrian now signs 'all done' AND 'MORE'. He is starting to pick up signs faster as well as mimics words. Today he was mimicking 'kiss' and giving me wide open mouth smooches. He can also sniff and bites his lip while he sniffs. He was sniffing flowers on our evening stroll today. He is starting to drink whole milk and of course I buy organic for him! I got the DHA fortified stuff and it is so tasty! We are mixing it in his bottles for now but soon he will just get whole milk. (Why they make formula for up to 24 months now makes me wonder though.) He is starting to eat more and more big boy food. Tonight was stew that simmered in the slow cooker all day. Yum! He had 2nds and 3rds. He loves to stab blueberries and beans with his fork and can eat cereal and yogurt with his spoon (until that gets boring and he decides to throw things on the floor to see what the dogs will do.) At G'ma's they have screaming matches and it is often quite loud when I go over there. I can't handle screaming and encourage singing which also sounds like yelling from Adrian but at least I sing the words until he learns them. Barry was sad today when Adrian LOVES to go to his aunt, uncle, gpa and gma and not to him. I told him it's probably b/c he knows he gets to go home with him but aunts, uncles, gpa and gmas are special (and probably spoil him more). I notice the same thing when I'm there...he'll yell to me that he wants to be held by someone else over me when they're around (unless he's sleepy or hungry.) I don't take it personally though. Adrian's awesome at balance and physical space and waits until he's good and ready before moving to the next milestone which is why he's still waiting to take his first steps or even stand unassisted. I'm not worried although it's a common question we hear. He sure is a climber though...climbs onto couches, fireplace, computer chair and desk, dad, mom, dogs, playtables...you name it and he'll try to climb it....He's got great balance and has only fallen once down the stairs a long time ago and rarely falls off anything unless he sits backwards and doesn't realize he's on the edge (not often-although this evening 3x into the lavender off the front stoop-at least he smells good). Oh yeah, Dr. appt for 1 year well check yesterday went well. He weighs 21.8 lbs(20th %ile) and is 31" long (75th %ile)! Tall skinny boy! He got a Hib booster shot, the 1st MMR shot and the Prevnar booster. I did not get the chicken pox or the HepA which is fairly new. We can wait on those to decide. He did great this time-no fever, just sore legs and crankiness in the evening. All day though with G'ma and G'pa he was laughing and happy and ate well!
Anyways...it's been raining the last couple days and hopefully the weekend will be sunny! We are not feeling ship shape in the household these days. Sore throat, upset tummy and headaches not too mention lack of enough sleep.
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