So yes...we are proud parents of a 1 year old! I know the days and weeks fly by but the year has been a busy long one and we've enjoyed every moment!
For Barry's bday we had a traditional polish dinner at mom's and then he got to go out with his auntie!! His present from Adrian and me is a tattoo of Adrian's newborn footprints on his forearm...we might get it this weekend! Also set reservation for Rodizios for Thursday which we rescheduled due to party planning...then his sis took us out to eat there on Sunday eve instead! Ronnie spoils us all whenever she's out here!
Barry's sister Ronnie and her awesome boyfriend Romi arrived (suprise to all except B and I) on May 1st in the afternoon! We went out for lunch and shopping at Dandelion Toys/Clothes Pony!! They were having 'Girls Night Out' event and there was face painting and good deals to be had. Adrian got a dino/dragon painted on his forearm which he proceded to lick! Adrian scored some cool things that he even got to pick out. He had a choice of finger puppets and repeatedly picked out the pig puppet so his auntie bought it for him. He also got a cow and new shoes and mom found a cute turtle bday card.
Then Barry and I finished decorating the house and shopping for the big bbq party on Saturday. A total of 27 kids and lots of adults could have shown up but not everyone did...Whew! We were prepared with party favors and cake and ice cream, soda punch and koolaid, a 1/4 barrel keg of Fat Tire beer, potato salad and hotdogs and steak and wings, chips and salsa, and people also brought side dishes like shrimp and cocktail sauce and deviled eggs! It was a feast to say the least! People starting arriving at 2pm and partied on till 9pm. Can you tell that Barry was celebrating his bday too? Even though there weren't banners for him he was part of the reason for the party! It was a huge success!
Adrian had not taken his afternoon nap although he did play in his crib for an hour on his party day so he was tired....BUT he did great! He loved all the attention and showed off for everyone. He let everyone hold him and didn't get scared when balloons popped or anything! He wanted to be held during the end of the day and went to bed at 7pm! People hung out and munched till the steak and wings were done about a couple hours then we ate, then opened presents, then had cake! Adrian sat on the train table and pulled toys and tissue paper out of his gift bags. The other kids at the party and I helped him open all his gifts! He has a great attention span and he was soaking up all the cheers and excitement! He got tons of really cool and useful toys and clothes including a water table, a turtle pool, a bubble machine (like we had at our wedding), a swing, and tons more!!! He is still exploring all his new toys! and I am still trying to figure out where to put everything.
When it was time for cake, I was setting it up and when I looked away Adrian stuck his hand in the frosting and starting eating it before we could even light the candle! So cute! He enjoyed his cake and I loved that we put his picture on it (yes I have no time in my life and ordered a professional cake at King soopers with his picture on it instead of making one). But we also used the same picture and had everyone sign a photo mat with green or blue around the picture for his 1st birthday. It is framed now and so cute! There were yellow smiley face balloons and blue Baby's 1st Birthday balloons filled with helium in the house and tied to the mailbox, as well as blown up 'Feliz Cumpleanos' balloons scattered around the house on the floor for the kids to play with! Adrian also got a helium police car balloon which is about 4 feet wide! He loves balloons!
On Sunday I hosted a mom's group at my house! Auntie Christie and Auntie Julie brought an awesome gift: a little boy chair!

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