Happy V Day All!
And now a word from Adrian: ';/.6ggf
Ok and now you know.
Dad is working today, mom is off and feeling semi-motivated but may soon lose that as she realizes how much there is to do on the weekends. Dinner at 6:30 at @ Enzios!
I often realize that A is growing out of his clothes and make a deal with myself: only 1 more time. Really he doesn't get to wear clothes enough before he grows out. If anyone would like to borrow clothes from me (Julie, Christie, Rachel) than call me and we can go through the boxes. I'll label what I want back but I don't mind sharing.
Adrian is feeling much better and is at the tail end of his month+ long sickness. Daddy stayed home with him Wed, Thur, and Fri. He wasn't feeling well, some sort of stomach thing, and 'I' (and by I, I do mean 'we') wasn't paying for child care if he was home.
A is a full time crawling and can book it up the stairs in less than a minute! Right now he's meandered into the hall and it's only days before he decides to go down by himself (hopefully the right way with all the practice we've been doing.) I hate gates. Hopefully we'll never have to use them.
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