Adrian had a happy new year last night. He woke up right before the ball dropped. We went across the street to our friends’ house and we got to also see some friends that we haven’t seen since Adrian was born.
Baby and mommy stayed till the ball dropped but daddy stayed till the wee hours of the morning and is paying for it today…hehehehe. Adrian and I are going to Aunt D’s BBQ and get to FINALLY meet cousin Maddox.
Today Adrian is 8 months old! He tried egg yolks-scrambled with quinoa (an old-world super grain) for lunch. He is eating lots of finger foods and loves it although he’ll still eat when mom feeds him with a spoon. He loves holding his own spoon and practices putting it in his mouth while eating. He loves drinking water, not from his sippy, but from mom’s glass (eewww floaties). Sometimes he gets to try seasoned food from mom’s plate also…today he enjoyed some green chili on his eggs. The other day he tried swiss chard (green tops of beets) cooked in chicken broth. Dad would like to give him hot sauce however mom has to intervene, not until he can protest with words. So far he likes everything he’s tried but especially LOVES yogurt and avocado and cheerios.
Adrian FINALLY slept through the night for two nights in a row, Monday and Tuesday. Our routine is bath and/or just jammies, lotion, cuddling and maybe a story, nurse, fall asleep, put in his bed at 9pm. He sometimes wakes at midnight and again b/n 2-4am and again at 6am and gets up at 8. It varies night to night but on Tuesday I needed some sleep so I put him to bed at 9, closed his door, closed my door, turned off the monitor and woke up at 5:20 surprised and very worried that he hadn’t gotten up yet! He was fine and must have smelled me or heard me and woke up 2 seconds later. Next night I did the same but fed him at 11 while he was half asleep to ensure that he would stay asleep and he did until 5. Also he’s been sleeping later, he used to get up at 7:30 and he’s slept till 8 or 9 lately. Of course traveling threw him off his past schedule a little. Last night I screwed it all up with going to bed late and leaving him in my bed but we’ll get back on track.
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