Thursday, November 27, 2008

1st Tooth

Okay so we have a.....TOOTH! Bottom left. It's just poking up it's jagged edge since monday. I'm glad his squawking was at least related to something and not a phase of some sort. He doesn't really get fussy...only loud!

I had fun tonight making new batches of baby food for him: I made some apricots, some potatoes, some green beans, and some more pears. I only have a hand mill (***hint: I need a food processor) so it's a process to cut then boil the food, then in small batches feed it into the hand mill to mash, then spoon it into baby food jars which I luckily kept from my days at the daycare center. Then I label with tape what it is and the date, and finally freeze it. I'm so happy we have a deep freezer in the garage!!!! Lifesaver food saver!

So now he can eat: rice and oatmeal cereal, plain yogurt, avocado, banana, prunes, peaches, pears, apples, sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, peas, and soon: potatoes and apricots
I'm worried about squash b/c Barry is allergic however after reading up on it, I may not have to be too worried or wait as they used to say. I can't wait to try broccoli, spinach, and other fun green leafy vegies, as well as beets. Meat may be included pretty soon also as well as more grains such as barley and quinoa. He has already had chicken broth and loved it!

He weighs 19 lbs now also. And I have lost more than I gained with the pregnancy...I just wish I was in shape. I still don't feel like my old body is back, maybe it never will be...who knows.

Yay for Thanksgiving! Happy Turkey Day to everyone! We are spending AM with B's family and PM with my family. We are also doing xmas pics in PM.

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