I'm starting this blog as a record about my new family, pregnancy, and baby....for my family and friends!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Adrian's Christmas List
I've set up a Christmas list for Adrian on the left hand side of the blog...We have tons of toys, no puzzles though-Melissa and Doug make really cool wooden puzzles and some have sounds! Adrian also loves reading!! Just some ideas fo those of you who were planning on getting him something. Also he now weighs 18.6 lbs. That Robeez Shoe site is cute...I love the boots! and some of the shoes are adorable...they keep babies socks on so also very helpful and not just cute!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
1st Thanksgiving Feast and Family!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!! We ate turkey lunch at G'ma Biss' house with Aunt Laurie and Uncle Wally, and Grampop Tim and Uncle Steven! Friends also came. There was turkey, turkey soup with dumplings!, brussel sprouts, stuffing, sweet potatoe casserole, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, ham with pears!, perogis with cheese or cabbage or onion stuffing and cranberry sauce! Tons of pies and desserts! Barry got some double chocolate stout beer! Very delicious! Adrian slept for 2 hours and then got up and was super happy to see all his family!
Then we picked up Uncle Judah went to Aunt Doreen and Uncle Mark's with Julie, Chris, Cavyn, Christie, Ty, Melissa, Tom, G'pa and G'ma Kay! Other friends and family dropped by also. There was deep fried hot sauce turkey, reg turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, salad, berry salad, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, crab legs and butter, cheese cake and pies! Adrian sat at the table in a high-chair like a big boy and ate green beans and sweet potatoes.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Daddy's Horoscope
Patient, Practical, and Purely Indulgent
As a Taurus parent, you provide a wonderfully grounding influence in your children's lives. Practical and patient, you're always ready with a smile and a hug when a child needs one. You have a good sense of what truly matters, so you rarely get worked up about nothing. No, your main fault as a parent has more to do with indulgence! You're a pushover when it comes to your kids' requests for cake, ice cream, trips to the movies or the amusement park... Hey, you just want them to be happy, right? Still, use common sense to make sure they eat good foods and get enough exercise. That shouldn't be much of a problem, though, since you're naturally connected with the earth. You enjoy a variety of healthy, natural foods, and you love sharing meals with your family. Taking a walk together after dinner will benefit your family's physical and emotional health. Your kids are likely to be quite secure in your love. You're affectionate and enjoy cuddling with your little ones. You'll teach your kids all about the essential Taurus values of loyalty, hard work, and endurance. You enjoy being surrounded by the people, pets, and things you value most, so your family home is most likely a cluttered, colorful, and comfortable place. Just make sure to be flexible when your children do and say things you don't expect. Stubbornness is one of your famous flaws, but children need open-mindedness as well as stability.
As a Taurus parent, you provide a wonderfully grounding influence in your children's lives. Practical and patient, you're always ready with a smile and a hug when a child needs one. You have a good sense of what truly matters, so you rarely get worked up about nothing. No, your main fault as a parent has more to do with indulgence! You're a pushover when it comes to your kids' requests for cake, ice cream, trips to the movies or the amusement park... Hey, you just want them to be happy, right? Still, use common sense to make sure they eat good foods and get enough exercise. That shouldn't be much of a problem, though, since you're naturally connected with the earth. You enjoy a variety of healthy, natural foods, and you love sharing meals with your family. Taking a walk together after dinner will benefit your family's physical and emotional health. Your kids are likely to be quite secure in your love. You're affectionate and enjoy cuddling with your little ones. You'll teach your kids all about the essential Taurus values of loyalty, hard work, and endurance. You enjoy being surrounded by the people, pets, and things you value most, so your family home is most likely a cluttered, colorful, and comfortable place. Just make sure to be flexible when your children do and say things you don't expect. Stubbornness is one of your famous flaws, but children need open-mindedness as well as stability.
Baby's Horoscope
Built for Comfort, Not for Speed
Salt of the earth -- that's your Taurus child in a nutshell. Even as infants, these children are sweet, affectionate, and cuddly. They also tend to be strong and hearty. Introduce your baby to the great outdoors as early as possible -- the young Taurus thrives in a natural environment. Older Taurus children often enjoy having a small garden, houseplants, or animals to care for, and they're quite diligent in their duties. Children of the Bull experience the world through their senses: They like the way things taste, feel, sound, and smell. In fact, from the moment they're born, they love to eat -- although they may develop a short list of preferred foods and stubbornly refuse to try anything new. If so, don't worry! Calmly offer them wholesome foods, and they'll eventually branch out. But do avoid sugary snacks, which can interfere with their naturally healthy appetite. Even when young, Taurus children are practical and good with money. A primary need for Taurus folks of all ages is security. Small Taurus babies like to be swaddled and held, which makes them feel safe. Some Taurus children are clingy, while others develop an attachment to a security blanket or hoard their possessions. Let your love be their haven. Taurus children aren't hurried. In fact, they're downright slow -- which you as a parent will need to adjust for in your scheduling. Don't pack too many activities into a day, and don't expect your Taurus child to pick up the pace. It's just not going to happen.
Salt of the earth -- that's your Taurus child in a nutshell. Even as infants, these children are sweet, affectionate, and cuddly. They also tend to be strong and hearty. Introduce your baby to the great outdoors as early as possible -- the young Taurus thrives in a natural environment. Older Taurus children often enjoy having a small garden, houseplants, or animals to care for, and they're quite diligent in their duties. Children of the Bull experience the world through their senses: They like the way things taste, feel, sound, and smell. In fact, from the moment they're born, they love to eat -- although they may develop a short list of preferred foods and stubbornly refuse to try anything new. If so, don't worry! Calmly offer them wholesome foods, and they'll eventually branch out. But do avoid sugary snacks, which can interfere with their naturally healthy appetite. Even when young, Taurus children are practical and good with money. A primary need for Taurus folks of all ages is security. Small Taurus babies like to be swaddled and held, which makes them feel safe. Some Taurus children are clingy, while others develop an attachment to a security blanket or hoard their possessions. Let your love be their haven. Taurus children aren't hurried. In fact, they're downright slow -- which you as a parent will need to adjust for in your scheduling. Don't pack too many activities into a day, and don't expect your Taurus child to pick up the pace. It's just not going to happen.
Mommy's Horoscope...
A Sense of Belonging
As a Cancer parent, you're probably very involved in the childrearing process. You enjoy and learn from every miraculous moment of pregnancy, birth, and your child's growth. You're loving, protective, sensitive, and compassionate. If you're a typical Cancer, you may be a nurturing dynamo, creating a safe and cozy home environment for your loved ones. Caretaking is how you show your love, and this is your seat of power -- but it's not control you want most. You have a primal need to feel safe, secure, and needed. You try to do everything for your family, so that they'll depend upon you. This is perfectly appropriate when you're caring for a baby, but every Cancer parent must remember: If you do everything for your children, they won't learn to take care of themselves. Be sure to teach them the skills you've mastered. Overprotectiveness is another pitfall the Cancer parent should try to avoid. If you constantly hover over your child, letting go could be a challenge as you watch them grow and change. Deep inside, of course, you know it's all part of the cycle of life. Tradition speaks to you; some may even consider you old-fashioned. Holiday customs, family rituals, even ceremonies of religion or faith feed your soul with that strong sense of continuity and community that helps you thrive. The irresistible sensation of your feet on your home turf, surrounded by loved ones and protecting your brood under your generous wing: This is what you live for.
As a Cancer parent, you're probably very involved in the childrearing process. You enjoy and learn from every miraculous moment of pregnancy, birth, and your child's growth. You're loving, protective, sensitive, and compassionate. If you're a typical Cancer, you may be a nurturing dynamo, creating a safe and cozy home environment for your loved ones. Caretaking is how you show your love, and this is your seat of power -- but it's not control you want most. You have a primal need to feel safe, secure, and needed. You try to do everything for your family, so that they'll depend upon you. This is perfectly appropriate when you're caring for a baby, but every Cancer parent must remember: If you do everything for your children, they won't learn to take care of themselves. Be sure to teach them the skills you've mastered. Overprotectiveness is another pitfall the Cancer parent should try to avoid. If you constantly hover over your child, letting go could be a challenge as you watch them grow and change. Deep inside, of course, you know it's all part of the cycle of life. Tradition speaks to you; some may even consider you old-fashioned. Holiday customs, family rituals, even ceremonies of religion or faith feed your soul with that strong sense of continuity and community that helps you thrive. The irresistible sensation of your feet on your home turf, surrounded by loved ones and protecting your brood under your generous wing: This is what you live for.
1st Tooth
Okay so we have a.....TOOTH! Bottom left. It's just poking up it's jagged edge since monday. I'm glad his squawking was at least related to something and not a phase of some sort. He doesn't really get fussy...only loud!
I had fun tonight making new batches of baby food for him: I made some apricots, some potatoes, some green beans, and some more pears. I only have a hand mill (***hint: I need a food processor) so it's a process to cut then boil the food, then in small batches feed it into the hand mill to mash, then spoon it into baby food jars which I luckily kept from my days at the daycare center. Then I label with tape what it is and the date, and finally freeze it. I'm so happy we have a deep freezer in the garage!!!! Lifesaver or...baby food saver!
So now he can eat: rice and oatmeal cereal, plain yogurt, avocado, banana, prunes, peaches, pears, apples, sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, peas, and soon: potatoes and apricots
I'm worried about squash b/c Barry is allergic however after reading up on it, I may not have to be too worried or wait as they used to say. I can't wait to try broccoli, spinach, and other fun green leafy vegies, as well as beets. Meat may be included pretty soon also as well as more grains such as barley and quinoa. He has already had chicken broth and loved it!
He weighs 19 lbs now also. And I have lost more than I gained with the pregnancy...I just wish I was in shape. I still don't feel like my old body is back, maybe it never will be...who knows.
Yay for Thanksgiving! Happy Turkey Day to everyone! We are spending AM with B's family and PM with my family. We are also doing xmas pics in PM.
I had fun tonight making new batches of baby food for him: I made some apricots, some potatoes, some green beans, and some more pears. I only have a hand mill (***hint: I need a food processor) so it's a process to cut then boil the food, then in small batches feed it into the hand mill to mash, then spoon it into baby food jars which I luckily kept from my days at the daycare center. Then I label with tape what it is and the date, and finally freeze it. I'm so happy we have a deep freezer in the garage!!!! Lifesaver or...baby food saver!
So now he can eat: rice and oatmeal cereal, plain yogurt, avocado, banana, prunes, peaches, pears, apples, sweet potatoes, carrots, green beans, peas, and soon: potatoes and apricots
I'm worried about squash b/c Barry is allergic however after reading up on it, I may not have to be too worried or wait as they used to say. I can't wait to try broccoli, spinach, and other fun green leafy vegies, as well as beets. Meat may be included pretty soon also as well as more grains such as barley and quinoa. He has already had chicken broth and loved it!
He weighs 19 lbs now also. And I have lost more than I gained with the pregnancy...I just wish I was in shape. I still don't feel like my old body is back, maybe it never will be...who knows.
Yay for Thanksgiving! Happy Turkey Day to everyone! We are spending AM with B's family and PM with my family. We are also doing xmas pics in PM.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Some Cute 6 Month Pics
6 mon 3 wks old
It's been so long since I posted but I've been super busy at work. Barry and I both agree that our weeks fly by so quickly now.
Adrian is such a funny kid! He loves hanging upside down, playing peek-a-boo, and chewin
g on anything that is nearby especially phones, paper, straws, and glasses. He's tried peaches this weekend and likes them a lot. Lately Adrian's been fussier than usual but I think he's going to get a tooth on the bottom left front.....sooooon. He' doing great at sitting unassisted and he's starting to try to scoot but sometime only goes backwards. It's a start to the whole crawling process. I can't believe he's growing up so fast...where on earth did 6 months go?
I've gotten to see my best friend a lot lately which is very nice. Her son spent the night last night. He LOVES my dogs and begs to sleep with them. He got to take them for a walk today. We went out for dinner on Fri, went shopping for boots yesterday and we got pedicures today. Fun weekend although it's over all too soon! Barry took his family up to Estes Park then we had everyone over and Barry made fajitas! Very delicious!
My housework is caught up. I hate having so much to do on the weekend but I cannot keep up during the week. During the week, I generally battle with keeping the kitchen managable, upstairs bathroom clean, and laundry going. Barry helps out a lot during the week too. I'm actually considering hiring someone to do the floors, windows, and dusting once in awhile. I think my sanity is worth $20.
Adrian is such a funny kid! He loves hanging upside down, playing peek-a-boo, and chewin

I've gotten to see my best friend a lot lately which is very nice. Her son spent the night last night. He LOVES my dogs and begs to sleep with them. He got to take them for a walk today. We went out for dinner on Fri, went shopping for boots yesterday and we got pedicures today. Fun weekend although it's over all too soon! Barry took his family up to Estes Park then we had everyone over and Barry made fajitas! Very delicious!
My housework is caught up. I hate having so much to do on the weekend but I cannot keep up during the week. During the week, I generally battle with keeping the kitchen managable, upstairs bathroom clean, and laundry going. Barry helps out a lot during the week too. I'm actually considering hiring someone to do the floors, windows, and dusting once in awhile. I think my sanity is worth $20.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
6 Months 2 Weeks
Lately my new tricks are gurgling, anything that gurgles in my throat will be gurgled!! It's so fun it makes me laugh out loud!!! I roll onto my tummy really well and sometimes I roll back onto my back but usually I just scream and fuss and someone rolls me back over..heehee! I can sit!!! One day mommy says to Aunt Julie, Baby Adrian can sit up and Aunt Julie says "I know, he did all by himself." Mommy was surprised that I've been practicing without her. I still tumble but usually I can sit for long minutes all by myself.
My aunty noodles is moving out to CO!!! She's teaching me sign language just like mommy and daddy and babysitter Amber! She's teaching me 'Peace'! I already can do it on my own...check it out!

My new babysitter is fun! She took me trick or treating, for walks, she has fun toys and other kids to play with! I still give her trouble about taking my bottle but sometimes I just feel like waiting for my mommy to feed me. I like her though and give her big smiles when I see her!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Adrian's Half Year Birthday
Pumpkin butt is 6 months old today! 

Yay..A real looking office!
The reading corner.
Rearranged the living room.
Rearranged the tv room/den so we can see/use the fireplace.
Added a table to the laundry room so the cat food can't be reached by the dogs...haha. Notice the cat using the 'potty'...perfect timing on the picture.

Halloween was fun! I took our Pumpkin Head' trick or treating with the neighborhood kids and moms and he waved his arms and kicked his legs and loved watching all the excitement. The other children got pieces of candy on his behalf (really for the mommy...hehehee) so we made out like bandits (at least I did)! He fell asleep on the walk home. Then I went and hung out at Molly's in my jammies and we played a game. Barry went out to the bar and won 1st place with his hill-billy costume, playing the banjo and carrying his blow-up sheep doll. 1st place prize was a Jagermeister machine that holds 3 bottles and keeps it cool and has a spout...I don't know the technical name. When Barry's done playing with it, maybe he'll sell it since it's worth about $400 new/$300 used.

Aunt Laurie aka Aunt Noodles is out here until Nov. 4 looking for a place to live. Uncle Wally is also moving out!! Hurray! Soon the whole clan of Schley will be here!
My friend's been watching Adrian on Wed but she will no longer be able to so I'm going to ask my new childcare provider if she can take on Wed also. She was actually looking for full time anyway so this works out nicely.
Barry and I were just looking at my paystub today and realized that at my 6 month review/pay increase, I received a $3.53 raise. Can that be right? Maybe I shouldn't question it!
We've decided that our kid is cute enough to enter into a cute kid contest. haha
Today I accomplished a lot. I got a new big wooden desk and moved my computer, organized the office, reorganized the living room, the tv room and added a table to the laundry room. Barry made yummy cheese fondue! YUM!

Yay..A real looking office!
The reading corner.
Rearranged the living room.
Rearranged the tv room/den so we can see/use the fireplace.
Added a table to the laundry room so the cat food can't be reached by the dogs...haha. Notice the cat using the 'potty'...perfect timing on the picture.
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